Please, It's A Scary World

193. Master The Rhythm, Plan To Start

: What did Brother Ming say to those two corpses? I'm so anxious!

: Scratching my head, all my hair has been scratched off, but Brother Ming seems to be in a bad mood.

: Is it not settled? Brother Ming is deflated?

: Impossible, facing two mere corpses, how could Brother Ming fail!

: Don't be impatient, things should turn around, I don't believe Brother Ming will fall down this time.

: It's not impossible, after all, those two corpses represent the two forbidden places, even if they have a good impression of Brother Ming, but how should I say, the order cannot be disobeyed,

: Indeed, in the gray world, there are countless ways to control people. The lives of these two corpses are 100% controlled by the boss of the forbidden area.

: Let's just wait and see, I believe Brother Ming already has a solution.

: Yes, anyway, I hope Brother Ming is safe.

There was a lot of discussion in the live broadcast room. Although everyone had their own guesses, basically everyone supported Fang Ming.

And pray that Fang Ming can leave safely.

If Huo Liuli hadn't entered the gray world and was still watching the live broadcast, he might have called the research institute again and asked to make an item that could be teleported to Fang Ming immediately.

After all, the situation at this time is indeed a bit serious.

Invitation to the two forbidden places, neither going nor not going.

It is not suitable to go to one of them, and it is even more inappropriate to go to another 06.

The two go together? That's impossible, even if you can do it, they won't be happy.

No matter how you do it, it's wrong.

Therefore, if Fang Ming is really unable to handle this matter, everyone can accept it.

But he was worried that he would not be able to get away.

The area where they are now is too close to the two forbidden areas.

Fang Ming didn't know what everyone was thinking in the live broadcast room, under the astonished gazes of Bai Zhi and Seventh Brother, he walked in front of them, his face still full of helplessness.

To be honest, since time travel, he has never had this expression.

It's pretty hard to maintain.

"If this is on earth, I should take the actor."

Fang Ming complained, brewing a wave of emotions, and then heaved a long sigh.


Sighs spread through the silent streets,

Because the surrounding area is too open, it actually forms a circle of echoes.

There was a commotion among the corpse fireflies hovering in the startled sky.

There was some surprise on his pale white face, he took a step forward and asked in confusion, "What's wrong?"

Fang Ming shook his head and sighed: "The conversation has collapsed, there is no way, the crematorium and the cemetery are both unwilling to retreat, they are very tough, so we have to choose Shifang as a guest.

While speaking, Fang Ming kept paying attention to the movements of the surrounding corpse fireflies from the corner of his eyes.

He said these words to the corpse fireflies, so that those forbidden existences who have been monitoring here can hear them.

No longer doubt what he just whispered to the two ghosts.

Although it is impossible to completely reassure the beings in the forbidden area, at least it can reduce some of their suspicions.

Bai Zhi was a little stunned when he heard the words: "Then what should we do?"

Seventh Brother was also slightly at a loss. According to his observations, he felt that it was impossible for Fang Ming to miss, and it seemed that he and the two ghosts should get along very well just now.

"What's the situation, did Ming Ge really not talk about it?"

Not only was Seventh Brother puzzled, but when Fang Ming was talking about the collapse of the conversation in the live broadcast room, when he had to choose one party to be a guest, it was like hearing the world collapse.

The man who was invincible in their hearts and could create miracles along the way actually made a compromise for the first time in the gray world!

This time made it a little unacceptable for all the players watching the live broadcast of Dongzhou Empire.

Even the official offices of the Nine War Zones fell silent after hearing Fang Ming's words.

But, they are all waiting.

Waiting for Fang Ming to answer the blank paper questions!

They didn't believe that Fang Ming would be terminated just like that.

He... must have a way.

Fang Ming naturally didn't know what kind of sensation his words caused in the outside world.

Seeing that the corpse fireflies in the sky were gradually calming down, he knew that the beings in the forbidden area should have relaxed their vigilance a little.

With a chuckle in his heart, he sighed again: "Hey, there's no other way, we're afraid we're going to end up here this time, brother, let's discuss which forbidden place we should go to, after all we can only choose one."

With that said, Fang Ming turned around and cupped his hands towards the two pussies.

"You two, we need to discuss it. Please give us three minutes, please? After three minutes, we will decide which one of your invitations to accept."

When Fang Ming spoke, he seemed to have completely lost his previous vigor.

Just like a defeated rooster, he withdrew his whole body's vigor.

Although this scene made Bai Zhi and Seventh Brother frown, it also made the corpse fireflies relax their vigilance again.

After all, the existence in these forbidden places is still very proud.

Conghua they have absolute force, compromise is normal.

It would be unwise to resist.

Therefore, seeing Fang Ming's performance, the corpse fireflies flying in the sky became lighter.

The two Yin corpses were immediately instructed by the existence of the forbidden area. Whether it was the existence of the crematorium or the existence of the cemetery, they agreed to allow Fang Ming and the others to discuss for three minutes.

Regarding this, Yin Corpse of the two counties admired Fang Ming even more.

He was able to behave so seamlessly, as if he was really about to compromise.

Moreover, the existence in the two forbidden areas gradually fell into his rhythm.

The two ghost corpses looked at each other and exchanged glances.

The cemetery corpse took a step forward, and said with a straight face on purpose: "Well, my boss said, I can let you think about it.

The fire corpse also nodded: "Hey, our boss also agrees with your request."

Hearing this, Fang Ming nodded with a "serious complexion".

Then turned around again and walked in front of Bai Zhi and Seventh Brother.

He lowered his voice and said: "Brother Seven, Brother Baizhi, pay attention to the bugs around, don't let them get close.

The two nodded solemnly, and the breath immediately radiated from their bodies, pushing all the corpse fireflies around them three meters away from the three of them.

To this, those fireflies didn't respond at all.

After all, it has been constantly being wiped out by blank paper before.

It is normal for them to discuss things at this time.

Fang Ming waved to the two of them, and when they approached, he said in a low voice: "You two old brothers, keep quiet, now the two corpse brothers are already on our side.

As for how to leave here, I already have a definite plan, and I have just informed those two brothers, and now they are just cooperating with me to put on a play for those beings in the crematorium and cemetery. "

When Bai Zhi and Seventh Brother heard this, they were slightly startled, but neither of them showed excessive surprise.

After all, there was Fang Ming's reminder at the beginning, and they felt that the only way things should be reasonable.

Fang Ming was very satisfied with their performance, he continued: "Now is the critical moment, whether we can safely escape from the forbidden area depends on our 873's next performance.

The existence in the forbidden area must think that we are discussing which one to go to, but I can tell the two brothers clearly that we don't need to go to any one.

The next most important part is Brother Baizhi, as long as there is no problem with Brother Baizhi, we will be able to escape smoothly.

Bai Zhi was a little surprised, but nodded in agreement.

Fang Ming: "Brother white paper, wait a moment, I will pretend to break up with you, and then we will have a big fight, and finally do it, you don't need to worry about me, just turn me into a paper man. I will use you to make Qing He Is it possible to do the trick that my brother turns into a paper doll?"

Blank nods.

Fang Ming: "After turning me into a paper doll, you can use an excuse to turn Seventh Brother into a paper doll too. Seventh Brother, don't resist when the time comes, and act like you're caught off guard."

Seventh Brother nodded.

Fang Ming looked at Bai Zhi again: "Brother Bai Zhi, the reason for our conflict is because I am willing to compromise, but you are not willing. When I dissuade you, you start to get angry, and then I just lift the table and curse at people, and you are furious." hands on.

After turning Seventh Brother and I into paper dolls, you directly injured the two corpse brothers and fled. With your speed, if the existence in the forbidden area does not take action personally, it should be difficult for anyone to catch up.

Even if the forbidden area really sends people to chase after them, we can still get news through these two corpse brothers. Brother, when you do it, you can leave two contact paper figures on them by the way

You can hurt them, but don't hit too hard, can you, brother white paper?"

After Bai Zhi slowly digested Fang Ming's words, he nodded slowly again.

And at this time, the time of three minutes just arrived.

The Fang Ming branch glanced at Seventh Brother and Bai Zhi, and said softly: "The action has begun.

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