Please, It's A Scary World

215. Zhao Guanghan, Thank You Sir For Your Kindness

Tomb Seven just finished speaking.

The strong corpse aura wrapped around his body suddenly dissipated.

All the corpse gas was sucked into his mouth and nose.

But the next moment, the reluctant situation stunned everyone.

I saw that the one standing in front of everyone was no longer the rotten and skinny Tomb Qi who shrouded himself in the shadow.

And turned into a middle-aged uncle with rough skin, long hair and unshaven beard.

The middle-aged uncle had neither sadness nor joy in his eyes, and exuded a melancholy and decadent temperament all over his body.

Like a wasteland artist.

He glanced at Tomb Ba with a melancholy face, then turned and walked in front of Fang Ming.


Fang Ming opened his mouth in surprise, but did not continue speaking.

The white paper on the side and Tomb Ba’s jaw almost fell to the ground in shock,

Especially Tomb Eight, at this time his heart has turned into a turbulent sea.

As a species like Tomb Seven, he knows better than anyone what the state of Tomb Seven is at this time.

That is definitely a terrifying breakthrough!

Tomb Seven has not only changed from level eighty-nine to a real level nine thousand!

More importantly, he also completed a transformation from the inside out, reshaped the body, and recovered part of his memory!

In the entire forbidden area of ​​the cemetery, only those who can reach this level are those who are at level 100.

And Tomb Seven has done it now.

It's unimaginable. Tomb 497 suppressed the shock in his heart, gritted his teeth, and then turned his head to look at Fang Ming.

There was a hint of complexity in his eyes.

"It's all because of him, a mere 20-level brat."

"What kind of secret does he have?"

"Now that Tomb Seven benefits from him, he will definitely stand by his side."

"I'm afraid the boss's task is really impossible to complete, alas, I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse."

Because Fang Ming wears a "work certificate of Ping An Hospital", in Tomb Ba's eyes, Fang Ming is not a living person, but an evil spirit. Fortunately, if Fang Ming's breath of a living person emanates, the result may not be the same. Same again.

And beyond the white hell.

After Huo Ba and Huo Jiu saw the changes in Tomb Qi, the thirty eyes on their heads almost protruded.

Although they are not the same species as Tomb Seven, their levels are similar.

So they also know how difficult it is to become Tomb Seven's current state!

It's not something that can be done simply by leveling up.

That requires comprehension, then awakening.

It is a mysterious and strange realm.

It's like a ghost suddenly turned weird.

Just like Tomb Eight, the two of them became very interested in Fang Lu while they were terrified.

But in the astonished eyes of everyone.

In front of Fang Ming, Tomb Seven suddenly raised his hands and folded them in front of his chest.

Then he bent down and bowed deeply to Fang (agae) Ming.

"Zhao Guanghan, thank you sir for your kindness."

After Tomb Seven finished speaking, there was a sudden "Boom!"

A terrifying aura suddenly erupted from him.

The strong corpse aura rapidly expanded directly behind him.

one meter!

Ten meters!

Twenty meters!

The turbulent corpse qi climbed steadily, and in the blink of an eye, it swelled to a height of tens of meters.

When the corpse aura reached a height of ninety meters, the incomparably rich corpse aura rolled over, and a moment later, a humanoid monster with an incomparably hideous face was directly condensed.

The monster's eyes were wide open, its mouth was square and its fangs were protruding, and its muscles protruded.

It was as if a fierce god was alive, exuding a coercive and vicious aura all over his body.

The terrifying sense of oppression directly overwhelmed White Hell.

"Zi la~" There was a tearing sound.

Then I saw terrifying black cracks appeared in the white hell, like white paper being torn, and the whole white world began to collapse at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The expression of the white paper beside Fang Ming changed.

He immediately took a step forward, and when he stood in front of Fang Ming, he shouted nervously at Tomb Seven: "What are you doing!"

At this time, Seventh Brother also turned into a puff of black mist and rushed over from not far away, standing in front of Fang Ming, beside the white paper [confronting the graveman.

This sudden change obviously caught everyone by surprise.

Even Tomb Ba didn't react, and just stood aside stupidly, just like a bystander.

With white hell shattering.

The outside world once again appeared in front of everyone.

At this time they were standing in a deep hole under the road.

Under the full sky, countless strange birds hovered in the air.

And Huo Ba and Huo Jiu of the crematorium were also in the sudden eruption of Tomb Seven, slightly dazed in place.

The thirty eyes on both of their heads were full of doubtful emotions.

But it was only a moment of hesitation.

The two screamed and broke out directly.

They stretched out a black paw each, and then plunged down into the deep pit, aiming at Fang Ming.

If caught by their black claws, Fang Ming's head would explode like a watermelon.


Although they don't know why the tomb seven suddenly erupted, their instincts made them ignore their thinking and directly kill the killer.

Seeing that the black claws of the two were about to grab Fang Ming's head.

The gigantic fierce god behind Tomb Seven suddenly let out a "roar~", and then punched down, with violent force, he went straight to the two people in the crematorium.

"not good!"


Seeing this, Huo Qi and Huo Ba's hearts constricted until they burst.

Almost at the fastest speed in his life, he directly retracted his claws and disappeared in place.


There was a loud bang.

The road that had already broken into a big hole was now directly widened into a big hole with a diameter of more than ten meters.

Billows of smoke and dust shot up into the sky immediately, directly covering Fang Ming and the others in the pit.

The surrounding world has become a world of smoke and dust.

Bai Zhi and Seventh Brother took advantage of this close relationship, immediately pulled Fang Ming up and jumped out of the big pit.

The next moment, Tomb Ba also jumped up from it.

Bai Zhi and Seventh Brother immediately looked at him warily.

At the same time, most of his thoughts fell into the deep pit and the vicious corpse, which was still obviously tall and extremely tall amidst the dust in the sky.




There were footsteps coming from below.

The voice is neither slow nor urgent, very rhythmic, as if every step is stepping on the breath of everyone.

Then, everyone saw Tomb Seven slowly emerge from the dust with a long, sad face.

There was a hint of apology in Tomb Seven's eyes. He walked up to the white paper with a vigilant face, and said embarrassedly: "Sorry, I didn't mean to shatter your world. I just realized that I didn't control my strength well. I just want to show it to Mr. I just realized the ability, by the way, thank him again, let me regain my life."

Before Bai Zhi could reply, he walked up to Fang Ming again and said sincerely: "Sir, can you tell me your name? My name is Zhao Guanghan, you can call me Xiao Zhao directly, this time thanks to your advice Made me think about many things.


Hearing this address again, Fang Ming was a little taken aback.

This kind of address is usually called elders and teachers.

To be honest, Fang Ming didn't expect that he could fool other people's two bodies at will and let them upgrade and evolve. This is too unbelievable. Could it be because of the accompanying indescribable fog?

But no matter what, he was thanking him, so he couldn't say nothing.

So, Fang Ming relaxed his mood, then smiled slightly, and said gently: "It's nothing, I'm just expressing my own understanding. Everyone is a worker, so they are all friends. You must not be oppressed at will." , that’s not the attitude we should have in life.”

Who would have thought that Tomb Seven nodded seriously: "Mr. is right, but unfortunately those two fellows in the crematorium are ignorant, and they want to hurt Mr. after he enlightened you. They are simply stupid! Now that I am here, Mr. You say, What are we going to do with those two idiots?"

As he spoke, he looked at Huo Qi and Huo Ba who were hiding not far away.

And the huge corpse spirit behind him also turned his huge head and looked at Huo Qi Huo Ba.

The two suddenly felt a sense of terrifying oppression descending on them.

It seems to freeze the soul directly!

(PS: One update on the fifteenth day... I am such a genius (thing), I must rise up!).

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