Please, It's A Scary World

253. Chen Pingan, A Good Man

A person who has done good things all his life, and then does one bad thing, becomes a bad person.

This kind of thing is quite common.

If this kind of person is accused and scolded by Wan Fu because of this matter, it is normal to have resentment in his heart.

Fang Ming probably knows what the dark personality is.

However, Wang Qinghe said that this person stopped in time when he was doing bad things, which means that he is completely in the habit of being a good person and can't do bad things at all.

That's why his dark personality is shattered.

The so-called knowing the enemy and the confidant, Fang Ming really needs to understand the neighbors on the eighth floor after hearing this, what is going on, so that he can prescribe the right medicine at that time.

Anyway, every time he enlightens a neighbor, he basically prescribes the right medicine.

The same is true when you unravel outsiders.

When Wang Qinghe heard the words, he didn't hesitate at all.

He thought for a while, and then said slowly:

It turned out that the neighbor on the eighth floor was a teacher.

Oh, a good and respected teacher is a role model for all teachers.

Still an out-and-out good old man.

He is in the school, no matter whether it is a student, other teachers, or parents, he is respected.

Not just because he is a good teacher.

The most important thing about 06 is that he likes to educate people.

This teacher is a high-achieving student from a big city, and he has been doing this for more than ten years.

From an outstanding young man to a middle-aged teacher, on weekdays, he basically takes care of students' daily life, knowledge and morals, and has to do everything by himself.

The students also gave him a nickname, "Old Father".

What he likes to do most on weekdays is to help students and enlighten them. Even the poorest students, he will treat them equally.

There are students from poor families in the class, he will try his best to help, and usually go to the teacher's cafeteria to order cheap meals for the students.

If there are students with poor grades in the class, he will stay at night and help with free tutoring.

There are bad conduct in the class, who like to cause trouble, fight, and petty theft, he will also be tireless, persuasive, and teach carefully, and will not beat, scold, or corporal punishment.

It is said that if there is a conflict in the student's family and the student is absent-minded, he will also mediate it, saying that everything is for the child.

He is such a good teacher with noble character.

It's as if it's written in a novel.

Prompt, diligent and conscientious.

It's unbelievable.

At least, Fang Ming felt that he had never seen such a good teacher.

It seems to have been seen on TV.

When Wang Qinghe was talking, Fang Ming could clearly hear the admiration in his tone.

Good people always have sympathy with good people.

Wang Qinghe said that the teacher's name was "Chen Ping'an".

He is not the protagonist in the novel, and he does not know how to draw swords.

Chen Ping himself said that every time he saw a new batch of students entering the school, he would introduce his name.

He said that his father got the name, and it didn't have any profound meaning, but his father wanted him to be safe.

Well, a lifetime of peace and security.

For ordinary people, peace is already the most simple wish.

But it's okay, I don't know if it's because of the name, Chen Ping'an has been really safe since he was a child.

Although there are a few bumps and bumps, it can be regarded as a thriving growth.

When he grew up, he went to a normal school, studied hard in the school, made progress every day, finally graduated, and came to Ping'an Street, he felt that this place was quite suitable for his name.

So, he settled down in Ping An Middle School.

This has been done for so many years, and batches of students have been sent away.

Most of the students like him.

The other teachers also respected him, but they couldn't say they liked him.

After all, with a good teacher like him, other teachers are under a lot of pressure.

Students and parents always like to compare other teachers with Chen Pingan. This comparison reveals the gap.

So, in fact, most of the teachers still complain a little bit about him.

This kind of thing is normal.

For example, if you are a student, the good student in your class likes to use three methods to solve the exercises every time. The teacher will praise him every time, and then criticize other students by the way, hoping that everyone can learn from that good student.

For example, if you are a migrant worker, and your sales crown takes the initiative to 996,007 every time, the work is done impeccably, and the salary is still the same as yours, the boss will naturally feel that other migrant workers are not good enough.

Therefore, although Chen Pingan is kind to everyone, he is not very popular in school.

But so what.

Does not affect his reputation among the students.

Chen Pingan is also very satisfied.

He thinks it is good to be a man and do things with a clear conscience.

He is not money, and he cannot be liked by everyone.

In this way, after one year after another, he himself forgot how many students he had taught.

How many pennants have been obtained, and how many gifts have been declined.

Then, at the age of forty, he welcomed a new batch of students.

He felt that this group of students would spend three years in peace and graduate perfectly.

However, an accident happened.

That day, a girl in the class was accused of stealing money from her classmates.

He called the girl into his office after class.

The girls are very beautiful, even though they are wearing school uniforms, they still look very avant-garde, like a curvaceous young lady.

The girl admitted her mistake as soon as she came in, and her attitude seemed very sincere.

Chen Pingan didn't know what to say, he just asked the girl if there was any difficulty, why did she steal money?

The girl nodded immediately, saying that her mother was seriously ill in bed, a single-parent family, and her father had died a long time ago.

Now the family and Ben have no money to treat my mother.

The girl cried so much that the pear blossoms were raining, she was very pitiful.

When Chen Ping heard this, the 650 Office immediately asked the girl how much her mother needed for medical treatment.

The girl stretched out five fingers and said it was five thousand yuan.

Regarding this, Chen Pingan did not doubt it. Five thousand yuan was neither too much nor too little. After asking some more details, he lent the money to the girl.

After that, he also asked the students in the class, and the girl was indeed a single-parent family with only one mother.

My mother's health is indeed not good, and I often take medicine.

It's just that the evaluation of this girl is not good among the students. Everyone said that she likes to hang out with bad boys outside, and she often has a little extra expensive consumer goods on her body.

Anyway, none of the students liked her.

Listen to Wang Qinghe talk about this.

Fang Ming seemed to have guessed what was going to happen next.

He interrupted softly: "Brother Qinghe, is it true that Chen Ping'an wanted to save this girl, but after saving her, she didn't know good from bad, and didn't appreciate it at all, which made Chen Ping'an feel sad?"


Wang Qinghe's face was a little dark, he shook his head: "No."

Fang Ming was suspicious: "That's why this girl bit back and said that Chen Pingan didn't lend her any money at all? She just wanted to cheat money? It ruined Chen Pingan's morality as a teacher? That's why Chen Pingan got angry and wanted to seek justice. Said he bullied students, left a bad name, and then he committed suicide because he couldn't bear it?"

Wang Qinghe shook his head again.

Then he said in a very long tone: "Before Chen Ping'an died, everyone scolded him as a beast in clothes and rape."

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