Please, It's A Scary World

277. Where Is Chen Pingan

"What's that sound?"

Fang Ming and the others stood on the last step on the eighth floor, feeling somewhat puzzled.

Everyone looked at each other, and then, under Fang Ming's signal, began to listen.

"Die, die, die!"

"This world is deformed!"

"Everyone deserves to die! Hahaha, yes, everyone deserves to die, so everyone dies!"

"This is the real reason for the end of the world, Chen Pingan, don't you understand after so many years?"

"You are so childish, so childish!"

"It's just the tears of some students, you forget the nature of the world, and you abandon the "seven eight seven" of the way of heaven that you have comprehended?"

"I'm dying of laughter, hahahaha, is this something that a smart person can do?"

"You really deserved your death, you deserved it! It's just that it was too easy to die, you should die a little bit harder, so give it another shot!"

"I told you, I saw your brains, which were thrown all over the ground, I saw your bones, which were smashed to pieces, and I saw your blood, which stained the soil under the teaching building red."

"Hahaha, I don't know what it is like now, maybe your blood is especially useful for planting flowers and plants."

"Chen Pingan, Chen Pingan, what the hell are you listening to me!"

"You said it's useless to read so much!"

"I can't listen to a word!"

"I act according to the way of heaven, what kind of darkness am I?"

"Even if it is darkness, it is darkness under the Dao of Heaven!"

"Wait, it looks like someone is coming!"

The ear-piercing screams coming from the black juice stopped abruptly.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw a figure slowly condensing from the ground.

The figure was completely dark, its face could not be seen clearly, but it was covered with human faces. These human faces were all different, but the same thing was that they were all howling and screaming.

The pitch-black figure tilted his head and glanced at everyone, then slowly walked in front of them.

Wherever he walked, the pitch-black mucus on the ground seemed to be boiling.

The gurgling black bubbles explode more frequently and violently.

"Puff puff!"

The weird voice kept ringing on the eighth floor, causing everyone's expressions to change slightly.

"It's really interesting. I don't know how many years have passed, but there are still people coming up."

"Let me count, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven!"

"Hiss, there are actually seven people~"

"Wait, why is there a level 35, how did you get there?"

"Wait! This is... the breath of the living!"

The pitch-black figure seemed to have discovered something interesting, and all the faces on his body screamed crazily.

The roaring sound was harsh and disturbing, as if there was some strange power contained in the sound.

Tomb Seven and the others seemed to dislike this voice, and they all frowned, then looked at Fang Ming, waiting for his instructions.

Fang Ming looked at the pitch-black figure in front of him, and breath flowed in his pupils.

Under the system function, the information of the pitch-black figure suddenly appeared in his eyes.

[The broken body of the dark personality: ever-changing, can be in any shape, has no life characteristics, no level, similar to the microphone released by the dark personality to speak, it is useless to kill him, and he cannot cure the hundred-level death on your body curse】

"So that's how it is."

"In that case, then ignore him."

Fang Ming thought to himself, stretched out his hand and waved it: "Don't worry about it, it's not him, we..."

Speaking of this, Fang Ming's tone suddenly paused.

He was going to say let's go up...

But he suddenly rolled his eyes and saw the dark figure of the teacher looking at them eagerly.

There was longing and hope in the eyes of the pitch-black figure, as if he really hoped that Fang Ming and the others would hurry up to the eighth floor.

Seeing this, Fang Ming suddenly felt something was wrong.

Seeing this, Tomb Seven turned around and asked, "Sir, what's the matter?"

Fang Ming shook his head: "Wait a minute, don't go up, this black juice is weird."

Hearing Fang Ming's words, everyone immediately stopped and took a step back.

Seeing this, the pitch-black figure was stunned for a moment, and said anxiously: "Why don't you guys come up? Come up quickly."

Fang Ming took a step back and said with great interest: "I can't go up, the ground is too dirty, this black mucus won't get on my clothes, it's disgusting.

The pitch-black figure was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly smiled: "What's the matter, living people, don't you dare to come up, and these smell like outsiders, and the level is still so high, you won't be afraid too. "

Hearing this, Fang Ming suddenly became excited.

This thing is very intelligent, and it can also be aggressive?

That would be a good time to chat with him. 3.7

Fang Ming's eyes flashed slightly: "Actually, you can let us go up, but can you answer my two questions?"

The pitch-black figure hurriedly said, "What's the problem?"

Fang Ming pointed to the black slime on the ground: "First, what is this thing on the ground, and second, where is Chen Pingan?"

Hearing the words, the pitch-black figure laughed sinisterly.

"Of course the juice is poisonous. Chen Pingan, of course it's inside. Why, do you want to see him?"

And at this moment, the little black avatar who had been in Fang Ming's shadow suddenly and quietly transmitted voice to Fang Ming: "Brother Ming, you are lying.

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