Please, It's A Scary World

60. A Family Must Be Tidy

rest for a bit?

Now, everyone was a little confused.

Obviously Chen Xiaoxue was still in danger, but he asked everyone to go to his house to rest for a while?

This is too outrageous.

Zhang Mang has a bad temper, but he can't speak, so he can only stare at the bull's eye and hum.

Qian Cheng's pale face also showed a look of confusion, and he spat out a few words from his mouth with difficulty: "Xue...the fourth floor..."

This means that Xiaoxue is still on the fourth floor.

Only Hong Doudou expressed the meaning completely. She stood on tiptoe and reached out to touch Fang Ming's forehead.

Puzzled: "Hey, I don't have a fever. Brother Ming, what are you talking about? Xiaoxue is still trapped in the strange place on the fourth floor. Why are we in the mood to rest?"

Fang Ming gave her a blank look without explaining.

On the contrary, Wang Jiaojiao seemed to understand something, she twisted her waist and walked towards 103: "Hey, what are you in a hurry for, my brother said it's okay, then it must be okay, I'm really tired for a while, it's all my brother's fault, I'm alone I ran into Xiao Hei's house and made my sister worry about it.

"This..." Hong Doudou didn't know what to say.

Fang Ming gave her a reassuring look: "Go back and take everyone to sit for a while."

"Okay..." After Fang Ming said so, Hong Doudou could only follow suit.

Qian Cheng and Zhang Mang looked at each other and followed behind Hong Doudou.

Fang Ming patted Hei on the shoulder: "703 Xiao Hei, you should go too and chat with everyone [Your sister Zhong Chong and Sister Jiao Jiao are both very good people.


Hei was a little hesitant, but seeing Fang Ming's encouraging eyes, he clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and followed.

"Well, this is a good boy."

Fang Ming praised, and went back to 103 with Hei.

In the room, everyone has already found a place to sit down.

But no one spoke, and the atmosphere was slightly awkward.

Seeing Fang Ming coming in, Wang Jiaojiao complained: "Brother, the environment in your house is too bad, Xiaoxue and Doudou live with you, don't wrong them.

Fang Ming chuckled: "Xiaoxue is a hair ghost. When I first came here, the room was much messier than it is now. There are hairs everywhere."

Wang Jiaojiao was slightly taken aback, then covered her mouth and giggled: "I forgot, but brother, how are you going to save Xiaoxue?"

Speaking of this, the eyes of the others all turned around.

Especially Hong Doudou, she couldn't figure out how Fang Ming could rescue Hong Doudou from the strange hands on the fourth floor.

Fang Ming thought for a while and said, "Well, it's actually not that difficult. I have experience in this matter."

"Huh? How should I say it?" Wang Jiaojiao was a little puzzled.

Fang Ming smiled slightly, walked to Hei's side, and put his hands on his shoulders: "I just came out of the weird world of consciousness, haven't you guys forgotten that Xiao Hei is also weird.

Seeing everyone's eyes shot over, Hei collapsed nervously.

He was still not used to being watched by so many people.

In particular, none of these gazes were malicious, some were just curiosity.

This made him even more unaccustomed.

Wang Jiaojiao's eyes lit up: "Yes! Xiao Hei is just weird."

With such a reminder, all the embarrassing people became a little excited.

No one knows the weird better than the weird.

Fang Ming: "Yes, I can safely come out of Xiao Hei's conscious world, and I will definitely be able to bring Xiao Xue back safely from the fourth floor. Everyone just needs to wait for me at home.

Although he said it easily, Fang Ming actually knew it very well.

He was able to come out of Hei's conscious world, except for the fact that Hei was not a complete body, he was also considered lucky, and he accidentally released Hei's obsession and fear.

However, the weirdness on the fourth floor has obviously become a climate.

Just now he thought about it carefully, if Chen Xiaoxue's sister is unconscious now, maybe smiling is contagious, friendly greetings and other methods will be useless.

If you want to rescue Chen Xiaoxue, you can only use other means.

Find out the weird obsessions and fears and crack them forcibly while ensuring that you don't get lost!

At this point, Fang Ming already had a vague plan in mind.

He came back just to find something and to be fully prepared.

Hong Doudou obviously knew that Fang Ming's words were flawed.

She frowned, and said: "But Brother Ming, all weird abilities are random and indeterminable. If you haven't been personally entered into the weird realm, you can't judge the weird abilities. How can you know the world from Xiaohei?" Coming out of the (agbc) world does not mean that you can come out of any weird range.

Before Fang Ming could speak, Hei also said weakly suddenly: "Yes... Sister Doudou is right... I once sensed the breath of the fourth floor, it was scary, she was crazy." 1

When he said this, everyone became nervous again.

Wang Jiaojiao seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly looked at Fang Ming worriedly, and said, "Brother, you don't mean you want to go up there by yourself?"

As she spoke, Fang Ming saw the status information on her head refreshed.

"Is he worried that something will happen to us? Friendly +1, maliciousness reduced by 1%."

"He's so stupid, hey. Friendly +2, maliciousness reduced by 1%."

"No, he must not be allowed to take risks alone. Friendly +2, maliciousness reduced by 1%."

Fang Ming was a little stunned. He glanced around and found that not only Wang Jiaojiao, but also several of his neighbors, including Hei, were all trying to make up their own brains and start to attack by themselves.

The friendliness is increasing, and the malicious value is decreasing.

After a while, his physique and spirit each increased by five or six points.

Feeling the warm current rising in his body, Fang Ming scratched his head in confusion: "Sister Jiao, I don't.

Wang Jiaojiao's eyes were slightly distressed: "Don't say it, I know it all, but I won't let you go to the fourth floor alone, even if I risk my life, I will definitely bring Xiaoxue back with you.

When she said this, Qian Cheng and Zhang Mang immediately stood up excitedly.

Qian Cheng: " the fourth floor..."

Zhang Mang: "Aww!"

Even Hong Doudou was a little excited and walked up to Fang Ming and hugged his arm: "Brother Ming, so you wanted to go up there alone, which is absolutely impossible. You and I are both new players, and we all have ten chances to revive. I must go up with you."

Seeing the intense atmosphere, Hei also weakly raised his hand: "I...I can go too..."

Fang Ming: ""

It always feels like something is suddenly wrong.

Inexplicably, the cohesion suddenly increased dramatically.

But seeing everyone's burning eyes, he didn't want to break this strong feeling.

He didn't continue to explain, just sighed slightly: "Well, since everyone is willing to go to rescue Xiaoxue together, then go together, and the whole family will be tidy.

As he spoke, he walked into the bedroom and found the black that Xiaoxue had found before.

There is no such weird aura on Hei Hei Zi now.

It looks just like a normal box.

Fang Ming opened the box, and sure enough, the skirt inside was no longer there, but the book that recorded the little secrets of Xiaoxue and her sister was still lying quietly inside.

Fang Ming looked happy, he picked up the notebook and glanced at everyone.

Seeing that everyone's eyes were focused on him, he took the notebook in his hand and said, "Actually, I already had a plan just now, and now we're going to assign tasks!"

(PS: At least four changes a day, normally five to seven changes, how could it be possible to change once, brothers, don't frame me...).

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