Please Kill the Demon

Chapter 408 Bless You [Ask for a Monthly Ticket! 】

When Chu Liang found Lin Bei and Shang Ziliang, they were sitting and drinking together.

In a gazebo in Yunyao Peak, two people sat side by side, each carrying a jug of wine, and some peanuts and dried fruits were placed on the table as appetizers.

"Why are you here drinking so much?" Chu Liangfei asked after falling down.

He searched for the two of them in Shushan, but there was no reply when he sent Feixin, so it turned out to be here.

"Alas!" Lin Bei let out a long sigh.

"Ask what love is in the world..." Shang Ziliang looked up to the sky and said sadly.

"Passionate since ancient times, there is no room for hatred..." Lin Bei hooked his shoulders with him.

"What's the matter?" Chu Liang's face was black.

"I asked Junior Sister Ziqing to go out to play in the mountains, and she said that she only regarded me as an older brother, and asked me not to disturb her in the future." Shang Ziliang sighed.

If he didn't mention this Chu Liang, he almost forgot that the reason why the two of them became enemies in the first place was because of Xu Ziqing's evil intentions... Of course, it was his unilateral hatred.

I can't believe I'm still alive now.

In fact, Shang Ziliang once gave up, but during this time he followed Chu Liang and gradually got on the right track. Both her net worth and her cultivation have grown rapidly, and she feels that she has changed her appearance and is very different from before, so she wants to try to get close to Xu Ziqing again.

But still received a straightforward rejection.

Chu Liang was not very persuasive either. After thinking about it, he could only say: "Thinking of the good, according to her brother's standards, this is a compliment to you..."

Shang Ziliang's face was full of tears.

Chu Liang looked at Lin Bei again: "Then why are you joining in the fun?"

Lin Bei also said with a sad face: "I went to Nanyinfang to find Sister Suqiu, and she said that I am a good person..."

Chu Liang was puzzled for a long time before he remembered who this younger sister Suqiu was.

During the Shushan Summit, the girl named He Suqiu was sent by Nanyinfang to Shushan to observe the ceremony. When the Zhuxianmen were fighting, she was still there playing Canglang to help cheer up... If it weren't for her, the fight wouldn't have been so miserable that day.

At that time, Lin Bei used his identity as a disciple of the Foreign Affairs Hall to get close to him a lot, and unexpectedly he still kept in touch.

Just wanting to chase after the disciples of Nanyinfang... It's a bit too whimsical.

They are planning to be famous all over the world in the future.

After a pause, Chu Liang comforted, "This is a kind of affirmation anyway."

"Alas!" Lin Bei and Shang Ziliang both took another sip of wine and lamented in unison.

Chu Liang comforted him patiently for a while, and then the two of them were relieved from their sadness. Shang Ziliang raised his eyes and asked, "Brother, is there something wrong with you looking for us in such a hurry?"

"It's true." Chu Liang said, "I have to go out again, but the construction of Hongmian Peak is very tight these two days. I want to find someone to help me keep an eye on it. You are the only ones I can trust. need to cheer up."

Apart from the two of them in the small gang, there are Slaves A and Slave B, but Slave A has also gone out to do missions these days and has not been on Shushan.

As for follower B...

No matter where he stares, he will always see a place to eat, which is still a little hard to believe.

"What are you going to do?" Lin Bei asked curiously.

"Oh." Chu Liangyun said lightly, "Senior Sister Jiang asked me to go out and do a mission together."

"Senior sister Jiang asks you out?"

"Just the two of you?"


Although rumors were spreading all over the city, those who were close to Chu Liang knew that the two of them hadn't established a substantial relationship yet. At this moment, when they heard that Senior Sister Jiang had already asked Chu Liang to go out alone to do a mission, both of them froze.

Both Shang Ziliang's and Lin Bei's cheeks tightened visibly to the naked eye. It is conceivable that the rear molars should have been under considerable pressure at that moment.

"That's great, bless you..." The two gritted their teeth with tears in their eyes.

My own failure is sad, but the success of my good brother is even more worrying.

As they spoke, the two of them hugged and wailed again.

"Brother Ziliang, I want to cry!"

"Brother Lin, me too!"


"..." Seeing that these two people were hopeless, Chu Liang began to search for other relatives in his mind.

If the outside of Yinjianfeng are not good, inside of Yinjianfeng... the master and Xiaoyu must be ruled out first, and things over there still need to use some brains.

Can't let the golden retriever go?


Jiangnan and Wu'an City.

Most of the cities in the Eastern Region are prosperous, and Wu'an City is no exception. The long street is full of traffic and pedestrians.

Chu Liang and Jiang Yuebai walked here side by side, and this pair of beautiful young men and women naturally attracted a lot of attention from both sides.

It's just that compared to the last time they went to Shaonan Town, both of them seemed a little more reserved. This should be the first time for the two of them to travel alone with each other, and only then did they realize that it is actually quite useful to follow two pendants that are not noisy, at least to keep the atmosphere from being too stiff.

Along the way, Jiang Yuebai seemed to have something on his mind and kept looking thoughtful. Chu Liang didn't want to be too active, so he came to the destination in half-silence.

In Wu'an City, there is a painter named Tang Song, who is not well-known, but his family is quite rich. He also practiced for a period of time back then, but he only reached the second level and it was difficult to move forward, so he gave up. At that time, the master he worshiped was a disciple who came out of Shushan, so he has always been close to Shushan School.

At this time, something happened at home, and Shushan was contacted immediately.

"Oh, the two of you are Jiang Yuebai and Chu Liang, the two geniuses?" Tang Song personally took a group of family members out to greet him. He is about forty years old this year, and looks younger than his actual age. His appearance is thin and elegant. Temperament, very enthusiastic: "My small family has attracted the chief of Shushan and Chu Shaoxia, who is sword-slashing, to be dispatched together. It is really radiant and frightening."

Chu Liang just smiled when he heard this.

With the chief disciple around, he naturally didn't have the opportunity to speak first.

But to be honest, he didn't expect it either.

It stands to reason that some evil troubles in this kind of big city would not be too serious. It is only the disciples of the Divine Artistic Realm who come to check, and it is considered important to have a Golden Core Realm. This time, Senior Sister Jiang suddenly asked her to come to Wu'an City to do a mission, which was also beyond Chu Liang's expectations.

I don't know what she wants to do.

"Tang Yuanwai has been concerned about Shushan for many years, and now there is something at home, we should pay attention to it." Jiang Yuebai replied decently.

Rich households like this who are close to Shushan usually donate a lot of money.

Of course, this is not the standard for Xianmen to make a move. No matter how poor the family is, as long as there is an evil spirit and they find Shushan, they will definitely take care of it.

"I can be regarded as a half-Shu Mountain disciple, and I should be concerned about the mountain gate." Tang Song said repeatedly.

After walking all the way to the hall, he also began to talk about the mysterious case that occurred in his home.

In short, his son was missing.

"My son Tang Yu'an has always been good-natured and won't provoke any enemies. When he disappeared, the door of my room where the paintings were collected was wide open, and an oil lamp fell from the ground. Besides, something weird happened afterwards..."

He asked his servants to fetch a tightly locked box with a few talismans pasted on it. It seems that he dared to open the box in front of Jiang Yuebai and Chu Liang.

There was a snap.

Unlocking the lock, he took out a scroll and slowly rolled it out.

I saw it was an ink painting of a lady traveling, with exquisite brushstrokes and vivid characters, and there seemed to be a faint sense of spirituality flowing in the scroll. It seems that the painter back then was also a practitioner, and his morals were not low.

"This is the "Picture of Ladies in the Eastern Suburbs" I collected the day before yesterday, but..." His eyes flickered, pointing to a place in the scroll, "There was no such person in the painting, after my son disappeared, There is more of this in the painting..."

Where he pointed was under a weeping willow by the river, a thin young man was painted there, his face was somewhat similar to Tang Song's.

The strange thing is that all the people around in the painting are wearing the clothes of the previous dynasty, and only he is wearing the clothes of today. After all, there is still a big gap between hundreds of years. While everyone else is enjoying themselves and enjoying the scenery in twos and threes, he is the only one who looks out of the scroll, and the delicate brushwork shows that the expression of the character is terrified!

Immediately, Tang Song said: "This is my son Tang Yu'an!"

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