Do you think we believe what you say?

Let’s switch our attention to Zhu Guangzhi again.

He sat in the middle of the row of conference tables facing the door, looked at everyone, “Let’s report on the progress. Let’s start with the data department.”

“By the time of work this afternoon, the data department had collected 68.75% of the user information. Among these users, 82.91% of the users’ computers had [Jingxun] company’s software. After further investigation and analysis, it has been updated in the past year [ Jingxun] The proportion of users of the company’s software is only 12.5%. After comparative analysis, our data department has come to the conclusion that although [Jingxun] has a large user base, most of the users are from the previous [Jingxun] ], since the Song family handed over the company to his son, the word-of-mouth of [Jingxun] has declined sharply, and they are just used to [Jingxun] and can’t find a substitute.”

After the person sitting opposite Zhu Guangzhi finished speaking, he put down the report in his hand and looked at Zhu Guangzhi, “So, Mr. Zhu, we preliminarily believe that the plan you proposed before is feasible. But we suggest that it is better to take this opportunity to capture [Jingxun]’s user market.”

“What does the software department say? How long will it take to produce software with similar functions?” Zhu Guangzhi looked at another person.

“About half a month to a month.” A person whose hairline almost reached his forehead said, “[Jingxun]’s software code has been backed up before, and the art department only needs to redesign the pictures. ”

“Well, let’s do it like this. The stock department…”

The door of the conference room was suddenly opened roughly.

Two middle-aged policemen pushed the door open, then stood on both sides of the door without saying a word.

Zhu Guangzhi raised his head and saw that it was the police who entered the door. Just as he was about to get angry, his words were held back in his stomach.

He could clearly see the badges on the shoulders of the two police officers.

One flower, one star.

Moreover, he knew those two people.

Deputy Director Liu and Deputy Director Lin of the Chaoyang Regional Administration.

If the deputy director was on guard…he didn’t dare to think about what level the team would lead.

More importantly, thatThe two people, at this moment, glared at him, the anger in their eyes wished to kill him.

His mind was spinning rapidly, thinking about whether he had committed any illegal acts.

No, no.

The only thing that wanted to kidnap Song Wenying, but isn’t that thing going on now? ? ?



Probably a routine inspection by the superior?

Zhu Guangzhi stood up, with no displeasure on his face at being forced into, “I don’t know that the two leaders are here, but Zhu didn’t go down to greet him. It’s really my fault…”

After a girl in a suit and white tie walked into the meeting room, she happened to see Zhu Guangzhi standing up.

She said to Zhu Guangzhi, “You are Zhu Guangzhi?”

“Yes, I am. I don’t know what your name is?” Zhu Guangzhi looked at the woman.

Although the woman was very young and she was not wearing a police uniform, he was still extremely respectful.

Even more respectful than before.

It seems that there is a high probability that this is the leader who came to check…

“The leader of the second action team of Huaxia Special Security Investigation Bureau, Mu Zhe. This is my ID.” The girl held up a photo of her ID, “You are suspected of participating in illegal money laundering, suspected of participating in overseas drug smuggling, and suspected of endangering Huaxia. National security has been arrested. Please go back with us immediately for investigation.”

Zhu Guangzhi’s words stopped abruptly, and the expression on his face completely broke free from the control of his brain at this moment.

A pot exploded in the conference room.

“Quiet.” Mu Zhe yelled at the conference room in a cold voice, “Zhang Bing, you assist the comrades in the city bureau to bring everyone in this room back to the city bureau for investigation. Li Si, you and I push Zhu Guangzhi back. Bureau Liu , look at your side…”

“I’ll go back with Xiao Zhang. Bureau Chen is with you, so I won’t go.” A person standing by the door said to Mu Zhe.

“Okay.” Mu Zhe nodded, then raised his hand and waved, “Take it away.”

Zhu Guangzhi looked at the few people walking towards him, his pupils gradually narrowed.

And it was this scene that brought his brain back to a moment of sobriety.

He picked up his mobile phone and was going to tell those who kidnapped Song Wenying to stop immediately, otherwise it would really become evidence.

“Put down your cell phone for me!” Mu Zhe scolded, her body suddenly rushed forward, and then, with a sudden force, she jumped onto the conference table, rushed in front of Zhu Guangzhi at an extremely fast speed, raised her right foot and gave a volley.

The mobile phone in Zhu Guangzhi’s hand flew out, and then smashed on the tempered glass of the meeting room, leaving a few white marks, and the parts scattered in all directions.

“Take it away!” Mu Zhe scolded with a cold face.

“Yes!” Two people also wearing suits rushed to Zhu Guangzhi’s side, grabbed his arms from left to right, handcuffed his hands behind his back, and escorted him to the meeting room.

“Remember, it’s fine for the remaining people if they cooperate, but if they don’t…” Mu Zhe’s eyes turned cold, “They don’t want to be decent themselves, so there’s no need for you to help them be decent!”

“Understood! Everyone! Stand up with your head in your hands! Don’t you understand!!”

After a while, Mu Zhe took out his mobile phone, “Hello? Director? I’m Mu Zhe. He’s already been caught. Okay, I understand, I’ll hurry back right away. Don’t worry.”

After she finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

The woman sitting across from Li Zhiyuan hung up the phone and nodded to Li Zhiyuan, “The Special Operations Department has already taken action. Just now, I heard the news of Zhu Guangzhi’s arrest from his cell phone.”

Li Zhiyuan nodded, “Your bank is really efficient. But, I don’t understand one thing, why do you want to go with me?”

“I can’t help it.” The woman put down the phone and sighed, “Your daughter must not be involved in this matter, but our old…old customer also asked that no one else be involved, so we can only Sacrifice me. Hey, I was doing well here fishing… Now it’s all right, and I have to go out to work again. I’m so tired.”

She sighed again, then took off the necklace around her neck, tore it off, took off the ring and put it on the ring finger of her right hand, then took out a stack of documents from her bag, “Please memorize one more You have memorized Zhu Guangzhi’s investigation materials. After all, I will be the permanent contact person of [Qingye Bank] in your place from now on. Hey… I will stay for at least a year. Think about it. happy…”

Li Zhiyuan nodded and took the information, “What’s the name?”

“Qian Xiaowu. You can call me Xiaowu. Or, if you want, you can also call me [Yaoguang].” Qian Xiaowu said indifferently, “But it’s better not to call me [Yaoguang] 】Well, I always feel that this name is too secondary. And I don’t know why, since I became [Yaoguang], I always dream of a group of people calling me my wife every day, which makes me almost ptsd, So as soon as I came to Huaxia, I made up a boyfriend in Magic City… Hey… I am really miserable… When will the bank send me a boyfriend… balabalabalabalala…”

Li Zhiyuan nodded, and automatically ignored what Qian Xiaowu said. After all, he has experienced even noisier environments.

Compared with the time when he was studying the math papers for his daughter’s final exam under the hail of bullets on the battlefield, and then struggled to change his daughter’s math teacher, now it is really a small scene.

He read the document word by word, then raised his head to look at Qian Xiaowu, “So, you have been my deputy before? Because my daughter disappeared, and I picked you up on the street, so I raised you as my daughter? ”

“Yes.” Qian Xiaowu nodded.

“That’s right!” Mu Zhe slapped the table fiercely, “Zhu Guangzhi, you still refuse to explain, right?”

In a secret interrogation room somewhere in Shangjing, Zhu Guangzhi looked aggrieved, “What I said is really true. Leader, trust me…”

Mu Zhe laughed back angrily, “According to what you said, the actual leader of FARdC flew thousands of miles from Glenbia to Shangjing, bypassing layers of procedures and supervision, and you told me he came to miss his hometown?? And then you happened to meet me??? You chatted quite speculatively, so you just had lunch by the way?? Do we believe you when you say this???”

“It’s really like this…” Zhu Guangzhi nodded, “If you don’t believe me, go check the monitoring…”

“You’re confident, right???” Mu Zhe looked at Zhu Guangzhi, “You deliberately chose a blind spot for surveillance, and even chose [Kangding Hotel], which has the least surveillance nearby, for lunch. Now you tell me to let me check the surveillance??? ”

“No…it’s not…” Zhu Guangzhi tried to defend himself, “I really just met him by chance, and he happened to be a student of Shangjing No. 32 Middle School and my old senior. I had a good chat with him. Speculative, so…”

“You continue to make up!!” Mu Zhe slapped the table, “Do you really think you can do whatever you want if you falsify the information?? You treat us all as fools, don’t you??? When did he, Li Zhiyuan, become a native of Shangjing??? Don’t want me to look for the student paper files of No. 32 Middle School to see if you can find Li Zhiyuan???”

“He…isn’t he really a student of No. 32 Middle School?” Zhu Guangzhi looked at Mu Zhe, his tone gradually wavering.

“you ask me?”

“No…Impossible…Why did he lie to me…” Zhu Guangzhi shook his head, “He didn’t discuss cooperation with me, nor did he talk about other things…”

“You said you didn’t talk about cooperation????” Mu Zhe slapped the table hard again, “Then can you explain that during the short hour and a half when you and Li Zhiyuan had dinner, the flow of funds in your card exceeded 2.7 billion?? And in the end you got an extra 80 million in your card??? You said that you didn’t talk about cooperation??? What else are you going to do???”

“What… what???” Zhu Guangzhi suddenly widened his eyes.

“Pretend to be stupid, right? Okay.” Mu Zhe nodded, “You heard me clearly! Li Zhiyuan seized more than five billion illegal funds through crackdown on drug trafficking groups. However, twenty of them The 700 million is the funds trafficked by the Cali Group to the beautiful country, and behind the Cali group is the special intelligence department of the beautiful country. Therefore, the beautiful country has been putting pressure on Li Zhiyuan to return the funds, but Li Zhiyuan refused. Don’t admit it. It’s all right now, through your transfer, the 2.7 billion yuan has become legal.”

“Ah??” Zhu Guangzhi said in a daze, and then said again in disbelief, “Ah???”

“Still pretending to be stupid, right??? Shall I show you the bank statement??”

“It’s not…I…” Zhu Guangzhi looked at Mu Zhe, his brain had been shocked by the news just now, and he blurted out subconsciously, “Why am I so awesome…”

“Hurry up and give me…”

The door of the interrogation room was opened, and the visitor whispered something in Mu Zhe’s ear.

Mu Zhe’s expression changed, “I see. Li Si, you continue the interrogation, and I’ll go out for a while.”

“Understood.” Li Si nodded.

A moment later, in the conference room.

Mu Zhe pushed the door open, and the people in the room did not express any dissatisfaction with her actions.

In extraordinary times, there is no need to talk about those etiquettes. Time is the most precious thing.

“There are two new pieces of information. One of my captains who came back from an undercover agent at the border just investigated them.” Bureau Chen handed the two pieces of information to Mu Zhe, “Did Zhu Guangzhi explain it?”

“I still refuse to explain.” Mu Zhe took the materials while talking, and she lowered her head to look at the first material.

As soon as she glanced at it, she asked, “Chen Bureau, this kind of criminal case falls under your jurisdiction, not the Special Investigation Division… What’s the matter? Zhu Guangzhi’s son was rear-ended while driving a car.” And then the person who rear-ended him kidnapped another person in the car?”

“It’s fine if it’s an ordinary criminal case.” Chen Ju looked at Mu Zhe, “The point is, the person who was kidnapped, Song Wenying.”

“Is there anything wrong with her?” Upon hearing this, Mu Zhe put down the first set of materials and picked up the second.

“She’s fine. The problem is that one of her subordinates named Qian Xiaowu. My captain checked and found that Qian Xiaowu is nowhere to be found. Moreover, her so-called boyfriend in Shanghai is nowhere to be found. Does not exist. The most important thing is that Qian Xiaowu had a secret meeting with Zhu Guangzhi and his son at a certain jade shop at noon today. The reason given at that time was that the jade shop had a lucky draw. All of them were broken. Moreover, in the morning, the mall was notified to temporarily suspend business for half the morning, and someone doubled their compensation for all the losses. We found several merchants, and they said that it was Qian Xiaowu who talked to them at that time. And.. Someone was thinking about cleaning up the shop in the morning, and saw Qian Xiaowu and Li Zhiyuan leaving together.”

Mu Zhe’s eyes suddenly turned cold, “You mean…”

“The captain under me thinks,It may be so. Chen Ju looked at Mu Zhe, and spoke very quickly.

“First of all, Qian Xiaowu is most likely a nail buried in China by Li Zhiyuan, and this time he used Qian Xiaowu to ensure the safety of this transaction.”

“They first went to see Zhu Ruibin, Zhu Guangzhi’s son, and conveyed a message to Zhu Guangzhi through Zhu Ruibin, that is, they have arrived in Huaxia.”

“Afterwards, Zhu Ruibin met with his father.”

“Then, Zhu Guangzhi went to the park to wait for Li Zhiyuan according to the procedure he had prepared long ago. Because there happened to be a blind spot for monitoring near the park.”

“Then, Zhu Guangzhi and Li Zhiyuan reached a preliminary consensus. Because someone had seen it at the time, and the two of them had a very happy conversation.”

“Then, they went to Kangding Hotel and negotiated terms.”

“Subsequently, Li Zhiyuan and Qian Xiaowu left Huaxia, and Zhu Guangzhi planned to kidnap Song Wenying, who had the most contact with Qian Xiaowu, in order to be safe, silence her, and forge signs of Song Wenying’s disappearance. He did not explain this to Zhu Ruibin. It can be verified through the recording of the call between Zhu Ruibin and Zhu Guangzhi today.”

“Because, according to the investigation, Zhu Guangzhi paid a sudden visit to Song Wenying not long ago without any prior notice.”

“But fortunately, Song Wenying’s car and Zhu Ruibin’s car were kidnapped, and a series of car accidents occurred, and Zhu Ruibin’s car was rear-ended.”

“That should be all.” Chen Ju looked at Mu Zhe, “This is the opinion of my captain, and it’s also my opinion.”

“Where is Song Wenying? What did she say?” Mu Zhe looked at Ju Chen.

“Zhu Guangzhi was trying to acquire her company. According to Song Wenying, Zhu Guangzhi was extremely arrogant. And, most importantly, we checked. Zhu Guangzhi asked Song Wenying for 200 million yuan, and we investigated Zhu Guangzhi’s Habit, he has never personally acquired companies, all through his obvious investment institutions…”

“He’s preparing to wash off his proceeds.” Mu Zhe looked at Bureau Chen.

“Yes. We suspect that Zhu Guangzhi has already contacted Qian Xiaowu before, and the two parties have initially negotiated a transaction intention. Therefore, Zhu Guangzhi is eager to clear the funds.” Chen Bureau nodded.

“I understand.” Mu Zhe nodded and got up to leave.

“Wait a minute.” Chen Ju called to stop Mu Zhe, he was silent, and said, “Sent from! Group, stay!” Stay*9:8#02!0;5&8/5\6 for a while, “There is one more person…”

He seemed very unwilling to speak.

His tone seemed to be full of struggle.

“Who?” Mu Zhe sat down.

“Land from.”

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