Please, let me play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 56: At this place, Aite is really silent! He is so silent that he is almost moved

You Chen still has three cards in his hand at this time.

So the attack power of the True Silent Magician is 2500!

And because [Dark Red Magician] has two magic counters, it has 2300 attack power. As long as he attacks, this duel can be easily won.

But seeing that the opponent has not given up yet, it is obviously not that simple.

"Not only that."

"I will also activate the quick attack magic card [Whirlwind] to destroy the [DNA Transformation Surgery] on your field. In fact, I have two solutions to your so-called perfect chain."

"Advance to the battle stage, [True Silent Magician] attacks directly!!"

You Chen pointed his hand and locked his eyes on Han Feng.

The look in Han Feng's eyes jumped at this moment. The opponent did not destroy his cover card. Instead, he breathed a sigh of relief and sneered: "You destroyed my [Dragon Destroyer Swordsman-Destruction Swordsman]!"

"Do you think you can easily beat me like this?"

"Not that simple!"

"I will make all the monsters on your field be buried with my trump card!"

"Open the ambush card!! Trap card [Holy Shield-Mirror Force-]!!"

"It can only be activated when the opponent's monster declares an attack. All attack-pointing monsters on the opponent's field are destroyed."

Han Feng's opening undoubtedly amazed everyone!

"Fuck, it's a rare card worth tens of millions!"

"Wow, so rich, I can only say, this is really rich!"

"A single card worth tens of millions! So terrifying."

The duel venue has already heard deafening exclamations.

You Chen also raised his eyebrows. He really didn't expect that there was even the Sublime Power of Hanno?

This card is really strong in the early environment!

It is even more expensive than the Pot of Greed, because the precautions are too strict.

But in fact, as the environment gets deeper, the price of the Pot of Greed will only appreciate, and the value is far more than just tens of millions.


Principal Liu of the Fifth High School couldn't help but applaud excitedly at this moment.

If Han Feng loses again, then no one can really beat You Chen!

And this turn of events gave him hope.

At this critical moment.

Under Han Feng's sneer, You Chen slowly raised his big hand, looked at Han Feng, and smiled lightly.

"Sorry, it's already a checkmate!"

"I almost thought it wouldn't be used."

"Right, really silent?"

You Chen said with a smile.

The really silent magician didn't understand what it meant and blinked his eyes.

Han Feng didn't understand what it meant either.

Why is it a checkmate?

"Then open the Ambush Card!! Quick-attack Magic Card [Spellbook of Law]!"

"You can target 1 Magician-Type monster on the field and select 1 of the following effects to activate.

●This turn, that face-up monster is not affected by the effects of Magic Cards other than this card.

●This turn, that face-up monster is not affected by the effects of Trap Cards."

As soon as this card was played.

Han Feng immediately understood, gritted his teeth, and actually saved one!

And the True Silent Magician also understood it all at once.


Perhaps this is the sense of security that You Chen, as a duelist, gives to these elves! He even specially tagged her, which is really thoughtful.

While she was touched.

You Chen's voice had already fallen.

"This turn, I choose [Dark Crimson Magician] to be unaffected by Trap Cards!"

A sacred Law Shield completely wrapped [Dark Crimson Magician].

True Silent Magician: "?"

Only then did she realize that You Chen was not going to protect her?

After being touched for a long time, he misunderstood?

Then why did he deliberately tag her?

At this moment, the fluctuation of the sacred reflector had also destroyed You Chen's monster area!


The dazzling light blasted away, and [Dark Red Mage] stood intact on the field.

The True Silent Magician naturally went to the grave.

Mei Ka went to the grave, and this moment made many viewers unacceptable.

"Fuck, Wuqing, why didn't you keep the True Silent Magician?"

"The True Silent Magician can still continue to fight magic, isn't this a big choice?"

"My Mei Ka!"

You Chen ignored the wailing of these viewers.

Instead, the big hand that was raised just now slowly fell down.

Han Feng said in a deep voice: "After all, you saved one."

When You Chen heard this, he shook his head and said with a smile: "You may not have heard clearly what I just said!"

"I said checkmate!"

"Dead chess, brother."

"【True Silent Magician】This card on the field can only be activated when it is destroyed by battle or the opponent's effect. Special summon 1 "Silent Magician" monster other than "True Silent Magician" from your hand or deck, ignoring the summoning conditions. "

"Come out!"

"【Silent Magician LV8】!"

The voice fell.

Han Feng's expression was moved, and his pupils shrank.

"Could it be that! ! You can special summon another silent card from the deck after death?"

"You can't even remove the card after death, but you can still special summon it and counter magic! How can there be such a perverted card?"

Hearing this, Han Feng could no longer accept this fact.

The whole audience exclaimed, so this is the reason?

At the same time, a sacred white light rose from the graveyard.

And the magic barrier of the True Silent Magician formed in the sky.

A tall figure descended under the attention of the crowd.

She was taller and slender, wearing a large white magician hat, with long silver-white hair, and the magic wand in her hand became more advanced.

The white magic robe covered the tight dark blue clothes.

She exuded a more mature magic charm all over her body.

There was an endless magic storm around her!

[Silent Magician LV8]

Light attribute/eight stars/magician family

Attack: 3500/Defense: 1000

"It's still a 3500 monster?!"

Han Feng's eyes widened at this moment, and it was a little hard to accept.

This True Silent deck was too strong. The suffocating suppression force one after another made him unable to move.

"[Dark Red Mage] Directly attack the opponent!"

You Chen finally dropped a finger like judgment!

[Dark Red Magician] Because of the activation of another magic card just now, the attack power has risen to 2900!

Raised the dark red magic scepter, triggered, and the dark red magic wave smashed towards Han Feng's head!

As if to return the noble power of Du Hanno just now, double!





Han Feng trembled all over, and his life was left with 1100LP!

"[Silent Magician LV8] Attack!"

[Silent Magician LV8] shouted, and the magic wave triggered was even more like destroying the world. Above his head, it was like using the world's energy bomb to smash towards Han Feng.

You Chen was frightened, letting you attack, but not killing you.





Han Feng's life value was directly reduced to zero!

This duel was easily won again.

To be honest, the level of the college is just like this, which is why You Chen was not motivated.

I can only place high hopes on the four universities. I hope that the students of the universities can enjoy it.

Please recommend! Please vote monthly! I will update more if you are satisfied.

Because many of them are old cards that have not been used for a long time, it is easy to forget to self-respect. Thank you for pointing it out. Please be more tolerant. I will check it more carefully. Now no one uses these cards, and I have forgotten about them long ago.

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