Please, let me play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 82 I am not only a dark demon, I am also a congenital card-playing saint?

The concentration of holy light displayed by You Chen actually illuminated the entire room like a flash bomb. The answer to the concentration reflected by this dazzling light is self-evident.

At this moment, everyone present was shocked and could not open their eyes because of this.

You Chen's wave directly blinded the titanium alloy dog ​​eyes of the two principals.

He also slapped them all hard on the face just now.

After all, they all agreed just now that You Chen was one of the Dark Demons.

Xiao Shan also smiled with satisfaction when he saw this scene, and his eyes were shining.

The girl next to me didn't seem surprised by this result, and even clapped and smiled.

"Okay, okay, you have nothing to say now, right? Two principals?"

When Principal Hua saw this scene, he immediately let out a deep breath and felt happy in his heart.

Damn, this You Chen is so up to date!

So cool!

It is not an exaggeration to say that You Chen is really his lucky star.


Before this college league, the Ninth High School had always been unable to stand up between the First High School and the Fifth High School.

After You Chen participated in the competition, various reversals continued to occur. Despite all kinds of doubts, it became the shining point of You Chen's reversal, which made Principal Hua a celebrity. Let me ask, what is this if not a lucky star?

If not, the college entrance examination is coming soon.

After You Chen goes back, at least he can worship him like a Buddha!

Principal Liu and Principal Chen looked at each other, coughed dryly, looked embarrassed, and were speechless.

"It seems that I am not only a Dark Demon, but I am also an innate card-playing holy body?"

You Chen raised his eyes, looked at the two principals, and started making fun of them.


The girl who looked like the god of Hades couldn't help laughing.

"Now it's clarified."

"So I hope that there will be no comments about You Chen being a Dark Demon in the future, especially in your university. Do the two principals understand?"

At this moment, Xiao Shan looked at the two principals.


What else can the two principals say?

Damn, this is outrageous!

Is it possible that all the information obtained before was false?

The information about the Dark Demon is that there is a deck about darkness, which can only be used by the Dark Demon because of its extreme negative emotions. This has also been analyzed through extensive statistics.

That's why they are so confident.

But as everyone knows, there are exceptions.

You Chen can actually use the dark cards used by the Dark Demon, and he can also have such dazzling power of holy light. This is already a contradictory combination.

It’s puzzling!

I am puzzled!

"Well, can you give me back my trump card?"

"Ahem, it was just a joke, haha."

Principal Liu licked his face and said with an awkward smile.

"It's not impossible. I'm easy to talk to. Just give me money."

You Chen wouldn't want that X Swordsman, it would have no effect on him.

Principal Liu also understood that in the situation just now, it would be great to be able to buy it back with money.

"How many?"

Principal Liu asked.

"One million!"

You Chen has learned about the price, and this card is only at this price.

To be honest, for one million, You Chen felt that this card was really unworthy.

It's better to collect another million and buy the resurrection of the dead. The prices of these cards are really inexplicable sometimes.

"Are you saying it's easy to talk? I might as well buy another one." When Principal Liu heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched in anger.

"Tsk, tsk, it turns out that the card that has been with you for many years is not worth a new card?"

"As expected, no wonder there is prejudice against cards."

"A word of advice to you, looking at cards with a biased eye is just a childish idea that only a group of third-rate duelists have."

"The duelist is the one who controls the deck!"

"For example, someone like you, principal."

"You're even bargaining for your own cards, and you still expect to get a bond from your cards?"

"Ridiculous, pathetic!"

You Chen had already made Principal Liu speechless with these few words.

The most important thing is, you are so damn right, the bond is in shambles!

Could this be the reason?

For this reason, Principal Liu stopped talking nonsense and immediately took out a card and gave it to You Chen.

"One million! Bring me the card!"

You Chen: "Deal!"

You Chen successfully got the card and tried it with the card machine. The balance was correct.

Then the card was returned to Principal Liu.

Principal Liu was holding the card, but something didn't feel right. Was he deceived just now?

"You Chen!"

"Wait a minute, this is Thunder Academy, admission notice!"

"You can report to Thunder Academy for these three days!"

Xiao Shan has already taken out the prepared admission notice.

"Direct admission?"

Principal Liu and Principal Chen were both a little surprised.

There have been precedents for this in the past, but only very outstanding students can receive such treatment.

Not only the college league champions will be treated like this.

Therefore, there are only a handful of people who can be directly admitted to the four major universities!

"Thank you very much!"

After You Chen got the admission notice, he turned around and left without showing any particular joy. It seemed that these were not worth causing his emotional fluctuations.

Xiao Shan couldn't help but smile when he saw this: "This kid is getting more and more interesting!"

It seems that he has never seen any mood swings.

Then when you come to the Thunder Academy, you must see how powerful the academy is!

This piece of jade still needs to be polished before it can play a greater role.

Just when everyone thought that the matter was over.

The phone in Xiaoshan's office rang.

Xiaoshan looked at the number and frowned.

Why is it the central call?

Xiaoshan's expression became solemn. Even he was like this, let alone the other principals?

Their faces changed drastically!

What happened, and it alarmed the central government?


"It turned out to be the duel leader! I'm sorry."

"Oh, yes, there is indeed a student named Youchen."

"It's okay, the inspection has been completed, there is no problem, and he has left."

Xiaoshan's voice seemed much more humble in front of this phone.

After hanging up the phone, I found that I was sweating on my back.

This is the majesty from the duel leader.

"Why did you alarm the duel leader?"

"Who is it?"

"Could it be You Chen?"

"It doesn't look like it."

Xiao Shan was shocked, but he also knew that it wasn't You Chen. When You Chen came here, he didn't know what happened. He could tell.

Who was it then?

You Chen walked out of the sports duel venue.

"Real Silent, you must have intervened in my situation just now, right?" You Chen.

"No, I can't intervene." The Real Silent Magician shook his head and nodded gently.

You Chen: "?"

"You can't intervene, tell me, okay?"

The Real Silent Magician: "The main thing is that I also want to take a look."

You Chen: "."

And at this moment, a beautiful figure came in front of You Chen.

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