"Annan! Are you okay?!"

Annan, who was lying on the hospital bed, was staring at the window in a daze when he suddenly heard someone calling his unfamiliar yet familiar name. He couldn't help but startled, and the round necklace he was rubbing in his hand almost fell to the ground.

Annan turned his head suddenly and saw a young woman with hazy eyes standing at the door of the ward, panting.


Annan instinctively spat out the young woman's name.

Catherine. Glenn, my cousin, is 23 years old and a stage actor.

Relevant memories naturally emerged in Annan's mind.

"Are you okay!? I heard you were shot!?"

When Catherine saw that her cousin seemed to be safe and sound, she finally felt relieved.

Although Annan's face was a little pale, at least he was not in a bad state of being unconscious, and there were no injuries on his body.

"What's wrong with you!? Just after I got home, the police called and said you were injured..."

Catherine looked up and down at her cousin's appearance with concern.

"It's okay, it's just a scratch, nothing serious."

Annan was indeed only a scratch - a graze from a bullet grazing his thigh.

In many dramas or movies, the character's body was only slightly injured when a bullet grazed him, and he seemed not to feel any strenuous activities afterward.

However, when Annan experienced the feeling of being scratched by a bullet, he understood that those movies and TV series were a lie.

When a bullet grazes your skin, it really hurts like hell and hinders movement.

"Is it really okay? What did the doctor say?"

Catherine pulled up a nearby chair and sat beside her cousin's bed.

She looked around at the multi-person ward where only her cousin was now.

"It seems like there are no police here? Are they gone? What happened to you? Is there really no danger?"

"Don't worry, it's okay."

Annan tried his best to smile.

"The police have left. After all, I don't need protection. As for why I encountered an accident... I guess it was just unlucky. I accidentally got involved in a storm, but I'm fine."

"Annan, tell me what happened in detail."

Catherine looked at her cousin's somewhat pale face seriously.

Annan nodded and explained what he knew.

After school today, Annan went to a friend's house to play and planned to stay at his friend's house for dinner. Then at dusk, an accident happened.

Several gangsters broke into the friend's home, and they opened fire without saying a word. The friend's family of three were killed on the spot, and Annan almost lost the money.

Fortunately, a neighbor showed up in time and fought off the gangsters with a gun, and Annan survived.

"So that's it, then you really have to thank the person who saved you, uh, that..."

Catherine looked at her cousin's calm expression with a little worry.

Catherine also knew the friend of the dead cousin.

If she remembered correctly, that kid was indeed Annan's best friend, whom she had known since junior high school and now in high school.

"Are you really okay?"

"Don't worry, it's really okay."

Annan was not forcing a smile. He really had no problems, either physically or mentally.

After all, Annan is no longer the Annan he used to be.

"Unexpectedly, after the accident, I didn't die completely. My soul traveled to this world... Should this be considered a parallel world? It also follows the path of technological development, but there seems to be magic here... The technology here It’s not as advanced as I was in my previous life…”

Annan was quite pleasantly surprised when he regained consciousness. He successfully received most of the memories of his original body. With the knowledge and common sense of this world, he would not make mistakes when dealing with it. Even the relatives around him would not be able to spot him. Inner differences.

"Speaking of which, my body is really unlucky. My left thigh was clearly scratched by a bullet, but who knew I was so frightened that I died of cardiac paralysis. But because of this, I have completely become the master of this body... …”

While Annan's thoughts were racing, his cousin Catherine continued to ask many questions.

For example, what Catherine is most concerned about is whether those gangsters will attack Annan again.

"Probably not. The whole thing actually has nothing to do with me. I was just unlucky to be involved. Well, that's what the police said."

Annan heard from the police that the reason seemed to be some disputes that were very common in this place.

"A gang dispute?"

Catherine's expression became a little complicated.

However, after hearing that this was the reason, she did feel relieved.

Their family has nothing to do with the arrogant and domineering gangs. She is an ordinary stage actress, and her father is a truck driver who travels around the country. As for the unlucky victim's brother this time, he is only a sophomore in high school. s student.

Their whole family is just ordinary people, and they would never have anything to do with those troublesome things.

"Annan, dad just went out to work not long ago, and he won't be back for about half a month. Do you want me to help you ask for leave from the school?"

"No, I'll tell the school, don't worry."

Annan's leg injury actually doesn't matter. He can definitely go to school, but he plans to take a few days off and go to school next week.

After coming to this world, there are some things that he hasn't figured out yet, and he needs time to figure them out.

"Okay, then I'll leave first."

After a long while of inquiring, Catherine decided to leave.

"You seem to be discharged from the hospital tomorrow. Do you want me to pick you up?"

"No, I can be alone. It's not a serious injury. Let's see you next time."

Annan declined the sister's kindness. He remembered that Catherine would also have to go to work tomorrow, so there was no point in asking for leave for her own trivial matters.

After Catherine left, the ward became quiet again.

Annan changed back to his original posture, looking sideways out of the window, one hand constantly caressing the round necklace.

"So, what's going on? The golden finger you got after traveling to this world?"

Annan put down the necklace in his hand.

The whisper that had been echoing in his ears just disappeared.

But when he took the necklace in his hand again, the voice appeared again.

"I seem to be able to hear the residual sounds of certain items. No, it's not right to say it's sounds. It should be said that it's knowledge, and the knowledge of black magic is limited to the sounds of black magic."

Annan's facial features were slightly distorted as he thought of something.

He understood it, he understood it instinctively, and he could really learn and use the sounds he heard in his ears.

The problem is, even if he can use it, he doesn't dare to use it.

Since this is the knowledge of black magic, this is the biggest problem.

"In this world where magic exists, black magic is quite taboo. Once you learn black magic, it is a crime and you will be arrested... Ha, this golden finger of mine should be a golden finger, right? This cannot be used at all. ah……"

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