Please listen to the voice of black magic

Chapter 15 Occupational Diseases

Duran had already roughly told what happened to him last night, but Antonio probably suffered from an occupational disease and always wanted to ask for details.

"That's right, Mr. Detective, when you found out that someone was really following me secretly and determined the location of the suspect, which was the abandoned factory, I started to prepare for a proactive counterattack."

Duran, who was more energetic than yesterday, didn't mind explaining in detail how he fell into the golden witch's trap.

Duran recognized the golden witch, but he had no intention of escaping or waiting for death. He chose to attack proactively after being well prepared.

He drove his car to the abandoned factory at night, intending to attack the golden witch.

However, in the end, he fell into a trap. He had not taken a few steps into the area of ​​the abandoned factory when the golden witch suddenly appeared. After a brief fight, she easily knocked him out.

The pistol Annan picked up in the cabin was accidentally dropped by Duran. The Golden Witch did not recover the pistol and just left it alone.

When Duran woke up, he found that he was tied to the experimental table unable to move, and he was taken to an unknown place.

Now he knows the answer. He was taken by the golden witch to an undisturbed other world.

The golden witch did not kill him immediately. The black witch did some experiments on him. Although they were not fatal, they were quite painful.

Dulan, who had no power to resist, knew that he would definitely be killed if he continued. His magic power had been sealed by the golden witch and he could not find any chance. However, he succeeded with his talent of magic that had never been exposed before. He faked his death and hid it from the witch of gold.

Dulan's innate magic is very special. It is a unique spell that only he can use and cannot be taught to others. He named it "suspended death".

"My natural spells are usually not used at all. I thought there would be no chance of using them. Who knew that they would be used at this time... Sure enough, there are no useless spells, only stupid magic that you don't know how to use. division."

Annan, who had read the introductory book on magic last night, certainly knew the difference between talent magic and ordinary magic.

The so-called innate magic is not a kind of magic that can be learned through learning. It is a special magic that requires a certain degree of dangerous magic ritual to imprint the magic into the body or soul.

Annan simply calls it "natal magic", but it's also okay to call it "superpower". The feeling is very similar.

The use of talent magic does not require magic power, nor does it require any magic materials to be used in conjunction with spell casting, but there is a limit to the number of times it can be used every day. Once the number of times is used up, it can only be recovered slowly after a good rest.

The same is naturally true for Duran's suspended animation technique. This magic that he could not use at all could only be used once a day, and then he performed a miraculous feat when facing the dangerous golden witch.

The golden witch really thought that Duran was dead, otherwise when she fought Antonio later, she would not have been successfully attacked by Duran who had revived from suspended animation.

Fortunately, the golden witch did not immediately deal with Duran in the state of suspended animation, otherwise this suspended animation would definitely turn into real death.

"Mr. Detective, this should be thanks to your existence, because you couldn't control the breath of dark creatures in yourself, which led to you being discovered when you were following the Golden Witch, so she became interested in you and thought I was dead. After that, she attacked you right away, so it was really just pure luck that I survived.”

Antonio didn't want this kind of thanks at all, and even wanted to curse.

"Okay, I understand the whole story... So, what's the matter with you?"

Antonio suddenly turned his head and looked at Annan, who was sitting quietly aside.

"We were all unlucky enough to be spotted by the golden witch, but she has nothing to do with you. It should be said that you have absolutely no contact with our affairs. Annan, why did you go to that abandoned factory? "

"Because I felt it, something was over there."

Annan originally wanted to fool him, but the detective was still keenly aware of this suspicion.

Obviously you can say nothing about this issue, but it seems that this Mr. Detective’s occupational disease is really serious.

Therefore, Annan, who still didn't want to expose his secret, could only open his mouth to pretend to be false but to say it was true.

"Feel it? Where did you first feel it?" Antonio frowned and asked.

"It was probably more than an hour after I was separated from you that day. I was going home at that time, and then I suddenly felt it." Annan responded truthfully.

"You felt it and you went there? How dare you..."

Antonio initially wanted to curse a few words, because this young man didn't know what danger was, and what he did was just looking for death.

However, considering that he seemed to have been saved in a critical moment, if this young man full of unnecessary curiosity had not appeared in time, Antonio, whose body and head were completely separated at that time, would probably have died. Lose.

Therefore, Antonio stopped talking mid-sentence and swallowed the curse words back in his stomach.

"You feel the golden door of an abandoned factory while you are still in the city? Your ability to open the door is too strong... is it because you have a strong inspiration?"

Dulan looked at Anan with worried eyes, who seemed not to be aware of the problem.

"Annan, I may not have time today, but let's take time to do a magic check in the future. If you really have strong inspiration, it is not a good thing in many cases... As far as I know, if the inspiration is too strong, you will be very It is very dangerous to be frequently attracted and pulled by the other world."

Annan naturally nodded obediently at this time.

It is impossible to expose one's lies on the spot.

"Dulan, although I still have many things I want to ask, let's do this for now. I have to go see if there is anything left where I was attacked before. I will come back later."

Antonio really has a lot of questions about his identity as a werewolf.

The magic professor in front of him should know the answer and can answer his questions, but if he doesn't go back to the golden witch's house to investigate clearly now, Antonio will always feel uneasy.

Anyway, this magic professor shouldn't disappear suddenly. He can just ask questions after finishing his business.

"Dulan, please lend me your car first. And, Annan, do you want me to take you home by the way?"

"No need for now, I still have some questions to ask Professor Duran. I will take the bus back later."

Antonio just asked casually. Since this young man wanted to stay, he didn't need to worry about it.

The detective then drove the car lent by Duran and left in a hurry.

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