
"Is this one shot at a kid?"

Annan's shooting hand was very steady.

He had no shooting training and it was his first time shooting, but he still successfully hit his target accurately and continuously, without a single bullet missing.


There is no mercy, no hesitation.

In Annan's eyes, the children he shot down were corpses covered in body spots one after another. They were weird and terrifying things that made people uncomfortable just to look at them.

He shoots these things without any burden in his heart.

In less than ten seconds, Annan had used up all six bullets in the revolver in his hand.

The six children who were laughing and playing in this church not long ago have all fallen down.

In this small church, there were only three people alive.

Annan, Roderick, and a little boy about ten years old who was slumped on the ground.

"You are not a corpse, but are you really a living person?"

Annan did not shoot the little boy who seemed to be stupid, not only because there were no bullets in his body, but also because he saw that the boy was not a corpse.

Being completely shrouded in the aura of death, with the aura of death constantly emerging from his heart, does not mean that the boy is dead. These are two different things.

"So, what exactly are you?"

Annan put away his unloaded revolver and was about to approach the little boy who was in a strange state when he suddenly raised his head and looked towards the passage behind the church.


The next second he shouted, a strange figure appeared in the passage of the church.

The strange black nun who disappeared once appeared again!

The black nun, with a large number of tentacles sprouting from her face, let out a sharp and piercing howl as soon as she appeared.

When Annan heard this indescribable sharp cry, his whole body movements stopped.

He originally wanted to launch a soul arrow attack against the Tentacle Sister, but was completely unable to make any next move.

His mind is still clear, but he can't control his body or use magic!

"Damn it!"

Roderick, who could barely move, raised his pistol and shot at the tentacled nun floating in the air.

However, as expected, physical attacks were completely ineffective against the nun, and all the efforts were in vain.

The bullet penetrated the nun's body without causing any damage, leaving only a few empty bullet marks on the walls of the dilapidated church.

Roderick knew very well that it was impossible to continue, they would die here, and would be brutally killed by that terrifying nun.

Now is not the time to hold back.

He pointed the muzzle of the pistol at the palm of his left hand and fired.

Roderick's left palm was penetrated by a bullet, and his wound was bleeding profusely. However, the blood flowing out of his hand did not drop to the ground. Instead, it solidified like some kind of sticky object.

Immediately afterwards, he waved his injured palm vigorously towards the Tentacle Sister and shook out his sticky blood.

Bright red blood was flying in the air, and then, the blood spontaneously ignited without fire, turning into a bright blood-red flame.

Dots of blood-red flames fell on the body of the nun who continued to howl.

The black body of the Tentacle Sister was wrapped in flames in an instant and turned into a blood-red torch.

The weird howl turned into a shrill scream, as if the tentacled nun was screaming.

Annan's body, which had been completely frozen, regained its ability to move at this moment.

Without saying any nonsense or making any unnecessary moves, he immediately launched an attack on the nun who was being burned by blood-red flames in mid-air.

He was indeed unable to move just now, but his eyes still took everything in, and his thinking was still clear and functioning. Naturally, he would not miss this precious attack opportunity created by Roderick.

Soul arrows emitting clear blue light formed instantly and shot towards the nun who was struggling painfully in mid-air.

Annan's spell-casting movements did not stop at all. He fired three soul arrows in one breath, hitting the nun's head, chest and navel respectively.

At this critical moment, it is no longer time to worry about how much of one's own soul is consumed. If you lose part of your soul, you can find a way to recover it in the future. If you die today, you are really dead, and there will be no chance of turning back.

Anyway, Annan didn't feel anything when he consumed his soul, so he just used it.

The Tentacle Sister, who continued to scream in pain, was no longer a target. She struggled and rolled in mid-air, dodging two soul arrows. The last soul arrow barely missed her and took away the left side of her body. a small part of.

"Failed? The tracking effect is gone? Because this is reality?"

Annan didn't expect that his attack would fail. After all, he had only used this black magic not long ago. He thought it would have the same effect.

But the facts before him told him that his understanding of the black magic of soul arrows was correct. Soul arrows did not have any tracking effect. The specialness of soul arrows before was probably related to the other world.

"In that case..."

Annan naturally would not be merciful at this time. He continued to fire soul arrows at the tentacled nun who looked very miserable.

Roderick on the side also continued to throw out his own blood, and continued to burn the tentacle nuns with blood all the time.

Roderick couldn't tell how long his blood could burn. He usually wouldn't use this method, but now he didn't care so much, even if he had to use up half of his blood.

From the corner of his eye, Annan saw that the young man's complexion was getting paler and paler. For some reason, the other person's originally dark eyes turned into a faint blood red color.

"Could this person be..."

Annan quickly shook his head. Now was not the time to think about these things.

No matter what, we must first eliminate this weird black nun!


The boy who had been motionless seemed to have come to his senses, and suddenly shouted in terror.

He looked up at the black nun floating in the air, lit by blood-red flames, with an expression of sudden realization on his face.


The next second, the black nun let out a terrifying cry that was different from before.

Annan was so uncomfortable that he stopped attacking. He couldn't help but cover his ears with his hands, but even so, the sound that seemed to penetrate his brain could still be heard clearly and unstoppably.

Roderick, who was able to withstand the howl of the Tentacle Sister before, now half-crouched down with pain on his face, unable to continue shaking out the blood of fire in his hand.

Without the continuous attacks, the flames on the black nun's body slowly faded away, but she did not attack Annan and the two at this time. She threw herself at the little boy on the ground in the air.

The weird nun who was not very tall tightly wrapped the tearful boy, and then the two people disappeared out of thin air.

After the Tentacle Sister disappeared, the extremely uncomfortable scream also disappeared. Annan and Roderick finally got rid of the interference and returned to normal activities.

"What the hell is going on..."

Before Roderick, who looked as pale as a dead man, could take a few breaths, he heard the rapid footsteps coming from beside him.

"How could I just watch you run away!"

Annan quickly rushed to the place where the strange nun and little boy disappeared.

He stretched out his hands and pulled hard in the empty space.

"Get back here!"

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