Please listen to the voice of black magic

Chapter 28 The authorities are obsessed with it

Roderick's reaction was so understandable.

Annan rolled his eyes calmly in his mind.

Is this what is called a fan of authorities?

Although he wanted to commit suicide and find fault, considering that if he continued to stimulate this vampire, something might really happen, Annan could only endure it with great perseverance.

"Rodrick, I probably understand what's going on with you. Just as we promised, if you need help in the future, just come to me for help, although I may not be able to help you."

Annan actually still wanted to continue gossiping. For example, he still didn't know why this vampire left the family, but now didn't seem to be the right time, so he would ask later.

"Well, now let's focus on the previous experience. I think the matter about that church and that nun is far from over. The question is, will there be any related troubles in the future? us."

"The Abyss Order?"

Roderick's attention was suddenly drawn away, and he immediately calmed down a lot.

"If there is no one monitoring that church, then the Abyss Cult, which may be the mastermind behind it, is unlikely to find us, right? Unless we are cursed... probably not, right?"

Roderick looked at Annan, who claimed to be a black magician, as if seeking advice.

"What about the curse? Anyway, I don't feel anything right now."

Annan quietly turned on the vision of death.

As expected, he and the vampires around him were wrapped in a faint aura of death, but that was all.

This level of death aura should dissipate as time goes by.

"Neither you nor I know what is going on in that church and that nun. The only clue is the words of the child with a woman's face on his chest. The Abyss Order, the key word."

Annan, who had just come to this world not long ago, naturally could not understand everything all at once.

However, he has someone to refer to.

"Rodrick, I know a senior magic researcher. He also knows a lot about black magic. If it is him, he may know about the existence of the Abyss Order. I plan to ask him later. You What do you think?"

"It seems that's all there is to it..."

Roderick's interpersonal relationships after leaving the family were very simple. Although he became a vampire inexplicably, he did not actively try to contact the unknown world of black magic. There was no way to deal with this kind of thing.

With no clue, I could only believe the young man in front of me.

"Rodrick, you said you don't know how you became a vampire, right? Are you going to check with the magic researcher I know? Maybe he can provide some valuable advice."

Roderick was a little moved when he heard this suggestion.

However, he could not make up his mind so quickly.

Since becoming a vampire, he has been hiding this identity. If the accident that happened today was not too outrageous, he would have continued to hide it. It would be best not to let others know.

Now that someone he didn't know was suddenly asked to examine his body, he was still a little resistant.

"Let me think about it again... Annan, come back tomorrow and I will tell you the answer then."

Roderick needed time to think it over.

Perhaps, he really has to take a step forward and accept his identity as a vampire that cannot be changed.

It's just that he hasn't thought clearly yet. He needs to take a moment to collect his thoughts.

"Then let's keep in touch and let's exchange phone numbers."

Annan wrote down his home phone number and gave Roderick his address.

Roderick also told Annan his contact information.

This boy...does he really believe me? Or is he confident? His courage is too great...

Roderick looked at the piece of paper with long numbers written on it and suddenly became suspicious.

The two of them had just met for the first time today, and they were not completely familiar with each other, but they chose to cooperate so naturally without even having too many in-depth conversations.

Now that I think about it carefully, Roderick feels like Annan has taken away the rhythm of things.

Forget it, what choice do I have now?

Roderick couldn't help but sigh for the unknown number of times today.

"Then let's see you tomorrow. I'll come over in the morning."

Although Annan was very interested in the vampire's background and life experience, he was not in a hurry to learn about it because he would have plenty of time in the future.

Besides, half of his mind was not here.

Although he had been talking to Roderick just now, he was actually thinking about his newly acquired black magic.

The black magic that the soul refines is really very profound.

The most important thing is that this black magic has many possibilities and is very interesting.

Annan wanted to go home as soon as possible and study the large amount of complex knowledge in his mind alone.

"Do you know how to drive a motorcycle? Do you want to lend you the car? I probably won't go out again today."

Annan shook his head and declined Rodrick's kindness.

Annan doesn't know how to drive a motorcycle.

It's a pity that Roderick only has one motorcycle at home, otherwise he wouldn't mind driving it without a license.

It shouldn't be too far to go back home in this high-end residential area. We are still in the same city, but we don't know how long we will have to wait for the bus.

"The answer is, it took almost forty-five minutes."

It didn't take Annan much effort to find the bus stop where he could go home, but the waiting time for the bus was a bit long.

He finally returned home safely without any danger.

The time now is actually just after noon, which is still very early. This is a good thing. It means that he has more time to explore the latest black magic in his mind.

Annan turned on the TV to see if there was any coverage of the slum fire on the news.

"It really does exist..."

On the black and white TV, Annan saw the burning slums.

"Didn't the source of the fire be put out in time? It's really a big deal now... I'm afraid half of the slum was burned down."

Fires in ghettos are really serious.

The news on TV is not live broadcast, this is the scene from before, and the fire may be more intense now.

"The fire that broke out in the church was probably because the nun and the boy died, which triggered the mechanism in the church. I want to destroy the bodies and eliminate the traces. I just don't know if the person who arranged the mechanism thought that it would implicate the whole party. It’s a slum, or is this miserable situation actually the purpose of setting fire to it?”

Annan watched the news for a while, and soon turned off the TV.

Anyway, it was too late to say anything now, and he couldn't help there. He could only hope that the residents of the slum were safe and that the heroic firefighters would put out the fire as soon as possible.

"Okay, after taking a short rest, let's start studying the magic of soul refining!"

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