Annan returned home happily before dusk.

He gained a lot from the magic professor's home today, and he also brought back several necessary magic books that would allow him to understand the knowledge of magic in more detail.

"But I haven't finished reading the previous books. Take your time. There's no rush anyway."

Dulan, the magic professor, said that Annan, a newbie in magic, lacks a lot of basic magic knowledge. What he needs to do now is not to practice and learn new magic, but to lay a solid foundation first.

"Annan, I have something to remind you. You need to know that the magic in our world is quite idealistic in many places. The so-called theory may not be useful to everyone, so you must not have preconceived ideas. Of course , it is still necessary to understand some basics. Anyway, you should read all these books first."

Dulan asked Annan to go to his home if he had time. He would teach Annan about magic knowledge and common sense every day, so that he could take the exam for the officially recognized magician license.

Annan is very interested in the knowledge of new magicians and would not mind reading these potentially boring magic books.

"Well, this is a book that explains the soul in more detail. The content of the book seems to be quite different from my actual experience?"

In the middle of reading, Annan would sometimes switch to different books to read instead of just reading one book from beginning to end.

What he is looking at now is the book on the soul that he borrowed from the magic professor.

"This book says that the so-called soul is similar to a 'spiritual organ', a closely related organ that cannot be touched but does exist in the human body. If the soul is injured, the human body will not appear. It's an actual wound, but you still feel a sharp pain in your soul..."

Controversies about the soul have never stopped in this world.

After all, in this world, it is possible to prove that the soul does exist through magic, but not everyone has a soul, and even if there is no soul, it will not affect the normal life of human beings.

This has led to a lot of opinions and arguments, and probably will continue to do so.

However, no matter what spiritual standpoint one stands on, there are still some cognitions that both parties agree on.

That is, if the soul is hurt, then the person will feel the pain in the soul. If it is serious, it is more likely to die from the pain.

The hurt felt by the spiritual soul will vary from person to person. Some people's souls are hurt, and they may only feel pain for a while, and then they will be fine.

But if the connection with the soul is too close, then once the soul is hurt, it will feel pain that exceeds the limit of physical pain.

"But when I hurt my own soul, I didn't feel anything at all?"

Annan didn't know if his soul was special because he was a time traveler, or if there were other reasons.

When using Soul Arrow, a black magic that consumes the soul, his soul is also harmed, not to mention the soul-refining magic that he just learned not long ago.

According to the book in hand that talks about the soul in detail, the soul is refined into such a black magic that plays with the soul. Just peeling off the soul is enough to make people feel hellish pain.

"This book does not say that there are people in the world who can ignore the pain of the soul. Instead, it says that no one with a soul in the world can resist or be immune to the pain of the soul. So, am I really special?"

Annan didn't know what was going on, and had no intention of studying it too deeply.

Anyway, since there is no harm and no pain, there is no need to be polite and continue to use your soul.

Before Annan went to bed, he used all the magic power in his body to practice soul refining.

On the one hand, it is to become proficient in this interesting black magic as soon as possible, and on the other hand, it is also to test the limits of one's own soul.

It is possible to recover something like the soul, but not everyone can do it. Annan wants to see if he belongs to the type of person who can recover naturally.

It seems that there is no normal way to restore the soul in this world, and those who can recover can rest for a while, and the soul will return to its original state, but it will be very slow no matter what.

Annan slept peacefully that night, and he was not awakened by the sudden whisper in his ears.

He woke up in the morning full of energy, finally making up for his lack of sleep yesterday.

"Let me see the degree of recovery of magic power. Well, after a sleep, it is probably about half recovered?"

Annan woke up and lay on the bed, closing his eyes and feeling the flow of magic in his body.

Magic power is a very mysterious thing, and he can't explain why, but it does exist in his body and he can feel it.

Magic power is different from the soul. Magic power will be recovered slowly by everyone.

Magicians in this world have developed methods to speed up the recovery of magic power, but Annan has not learned this method yet. He will learn it from the magic professor in the future.

"Is my magic power recovery speed fast? Is my magic power capacity huge? I don't know what the results of subsequent tests will be."

Dulan promised Annan yesterday that he would carefully check Annan's magic qualifications today.

Annan now wants to meet up with the magic professor, and then go to the magic academy with him to conduct tests in a more professional environment.

Dulan has a small magic workshop at home, but that place is used by him to do some magic experiments. It lacks many props for testing magic qualifications, so it is better to borrow the venue from the magic academy.

In order to deal with the golden witch, Dulan took a month's leave from the magic academy. After all, he didn't know whether he would live or die after facing the golden witch.

If he is dead, then there is nothing to say. If he is still alive, he may be seriously injured. If he wants to continue to maintain his social identity, of course he must prepare time for recovery in advance.

There is no problem for Dulan to go back to the Magic Academy now. He asked for a special leave that he has never used before. He does not need to fill in any reasons for the leave. He can just treat it as if he suddenly wants to take a good rest. Others do not would be too suspicious.

Dulan has gone to a familiar underground doctor to treat his injuries before, but it will probably take some time to fully recover. In order to prevent his injuries from being discovered by his colleagues, he will continue to rest and use up his vacation.

However, in order to better test Annan's magic qualifications, Duran still chose to go to the Magic Academy.

Today is Sunday, and there are probably not many students or colleagues at the Magic Academy. Even if you do meet someone familiar, just tell the truth that you are here to conduct a test for Annan. Being secretive will only make people suspicious.

"I wonder what my magical qualifications are?"

Annan brought all the personal information that the magic professor said he would prepare, and then went to meet the other party with some excitement.

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