Please listen to the voice of black magic

Chapter 41 Inspiration and Vision

Regarding how to explain to relatives in this body that he has become a magician, Annan's idea is very simple and direct.

That means there is no need to tell them anything to hide.

"Just say that I awakened my magic power. Then, when I was taking the magic qualification test, I met you, the professor, by chance. You, the warm-hearted magic professor, thought I was very pleasing to the eye, so you enthusiastically continued to help me a lot. , and also said that he could sponsor me to enter the Magic Academy."

Annan is not an adult yet. Although he will be an adult next month, it is basically impossible to hide the matter of entering the magic academy from the relatives around him.

Since you don't plan to completely sever ties with your relatives in this body, and you don't want to cause unnecessary trouble, then just come up with a bunch of excuses.

As it happens, Duran, the magic professor, is a good excuse.

At least for ordinary people who don't know much about the basics of magic, it's difficult to find flaws in even superficial excuses.

"Of course, it's not okay to just say that you are kind and enthusiastic. Even if you reach an exchange condition with me, if you sponsor me to enter the magic academy, the condition is that I will follow your studies and assist you for several years after graduation. What do you think of continuing to study life-based magic during the remaining time?"

There are actually many problems with the excuse Annan came up with, but as long as Dulan is willing to cooperate and don't let anyone except Annan's relatives know about this so-called exchange condition, then even if it is full of flaws, it is likely that no one will discover it. .

Although Du Lan feels that something is not appropriate, he should be able to adjust it slightly in the future depending on the situation. At least this approach will not worry Annan's relatives too much.

"Okay, then I'll do as you say. If necessary, I will meet your relatives and act."

"Sorry to trouble you." Annan thanked him happily.

Annan's magic qualification tests have all ended, but Duran did not let Annan leave just like that. There are some additional tests to be done today.

"Annan, let's test how high your inspiration and vision are."

Duran took out the test props he had prepared before.

It was a blank picture frame and a slightly damp conch the size of a fist.

"This painting is beautiful."

Annan looked down at the pictures on the table.

"A starry night sky? It's like it's really glowing."


Du Lan, who was about to take out other props to assist the test, paused unnaturally after hearing Annan's words of appreciation.

"A picture of stars?"

Duran licked his lips that suddenly became dry.

"Yes, there are stars, and they really look like the starry sky at night. Is this the visual effect brought about by magic props?"

Hearing Annan's response, Duran exhaled slowly.

"Annan, pick up this conch and put it to your ear and see if you can hear any sound."


Annan did not doubt that he was there. He picked up the fist-sized conch on the table, then put it to his ear and listened.

"Well, how should I put it, it's a bit noisy, like the rustling noise when the radio can't find a signal."


Duran silently put down what he was holding.

These things are no longer needed.

Under normal circumstances, the two main props used to test inspiration and spiritual vision require these supporting small things to be used, otherwise they will have no effect and cannot be tested.

However, Annan has no use for it.

"Annan, your inspiration and vision..."

Dulan's mouth was a little dry.

He had expected that the young man's inspiration might be very high, but he did not expect it to be this high.

"Let's put it this way, if you use numbers to distinguish degrees, the average person's inspiration may be zero, and the highest level is only about ten. This painting and this conch can theoretically be measured to a level of up to a hundred. Then, if based on Judging by what you see and hear..."

"Very high?" Annan blinked.

"It is indeed high...your inspiration and spiritual vision are too high, so high that these two things cannot be measured."

Dulan was really unbelievable, even if he saw it with his own eyes, it would still be unbelievable.

"In this painting, the tester will see different numbers of stars due to different levels of spiritual vision. One star is one point, and what you see is a sky full of stars. Besides, you should use it if you haven't used it yet. The auxiliary test props on..."

Duran pointed to the glasses and gray-black oil that he put aside casually.

"The normal test procedure is for the tester to put on these safety glasses, then apply these magic oils on the picture, and then observe it in a lightless space, but you... you don't even need to go through any formal procedures. Step by step, you can see the stars hidden in the picture simply with your naked eyes... This proves that your spiritual vision is ridiculously high, so high that even this kind of test tool cannot detect it."

Duran then picked up the conch he used to test his inspiration.

"This thing is used to test inspiration. Under normal circumstances, you will hear different sounds based on the tester's inspiration. If I remember correctly, the sounds in this magic prop are pre-entered. Some sentences, some famous poems, you can tell the height of your inspiration based on the different sentences you hear. However, you say you heard sounds, but you heard noises..."

"Is this thing broken?" Annan touched his chin and guessed.

"It would be great if this was the case. This thing is not broken. It's just that your inspiration is incredibly strong. You heard all the sounds in this conch at one breath. These sounds mixed together and turned into rustling in your ears. noise."

Dulan suddenly felt a headache.

People whose inspiration and vision are so high that they exceed the range of conventional test items should only appear in magic theories.

"Inspiration and spiritual vision do not necessarily affect each other. If the level of one is high, there is only a small chance that it will affect the other. But in your case, it is very likely that because both are so high that they are beyond common sense, they will interact with each other. The increase..."

Dulan plans to prepare some more professional inspiration and spiritual vision test props in the future, but this will have to wait at least for a while, because usually these things are not needed at all.

And if you want to prepare it without others noticing, it will definitely take more time.

Dulan didn't want anyone else to discover that Annan's spiritual vision had reached an outrageous level, which might cause unnecessary trouble.

"Anyway, let me first tell you about the problems that may arise if inspiration and spiritual vision are too high... Remember it carefully, this is related to your life."

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