Today is the first day Annan goes to school in this world.

After the accident last week, Annan had taken several days off. The minor injury to his leg had recovered, and he really had to fulfill his obligations as a student and return to school.

Moreover, he still had a commission from Mr. Detective, and he had already collected half of the deposit, so he had to cheer up and go to school no matter what.

"It's time to go to school again, and it's high school..."

Annan's mood was a bit subtle while he was waiting for the school bus.

Before he traveled to this world, he was also a student who had not yet left campus.

"There's something wrong with saying that. On the day of the accident, I did indeed step out of the campus..."

Annan remembered very clearly how he died. He was unlucky enough to die in front of the school on the day he graduated from college.

Having already traveled through time, he doesn't know what accident happened. Anyway, it was an unexpected accident that implicated him, and then he died and traveled back to this world.

"I don't know if the laptop in my backpack is completely broken. It must be broken for me."

Annan's mind wandered and he waited for about five minutes before the somewhat old school bus arrived.

He took out the school bus pass in his arms and showed it to the school bus driver, then he found a seat and sat down.

"Speaking of which, what I originally bought was a monthly school bus pass. I took a few days off last week. Wouldn't this be a loss?"

More than half an hour later, Annan arrived at the school.

The school Annan attends is a public school with a system of junior high and high schools. It has more than 1,000 students and is the largest middle school in the neighborhood.

Having said that, the area of ​​​​this school is not large. The school only has a seven-story teaching building. The teaching building surrounds a small playground, and then there is no more.

There are residential buildings to the left and right of the school, and a vegetable market is across the street. The surrounding environment is quite lively, to put it harshly, noisy.

Annan easily found the location of the class based on the memory in his head, then sat in his seat and waited for the class to start.

"Well, nothing corny happened?"

Annan found with some regret that no one paid attention to the arrival of him, a student who had taken a few days off. When he entered the class room, at most a few familiar classmates took the initiative to say hello to him, but there was no other greeting.

Considering that the person I am most familiar with in this class is my dead friend, it is normal for this to be the case.

"I guess the school didn't tell my classmates about my dead old friend, so what's the point of telling it? It's better not to say anything."

Annan was actually a little suspicious. The school might not know that his friend and his family were all gone.

When he asked for leave before, he only said that he was injured, but didn't say anything else.

However, Annan had no intention of reminding the school. This was just fine and there was no need to cause trouble for himself.

After a while, the school bell rang, and the class teacher came immediately, followed by the usual class meeting and roll call.

The head teacher didn't pay too much attention to Annan who had taken a few days off, and he didn't ask Annan for the leave request form issued by the doctor, as if Annan had never taken leave because of his injury.

After the ordinary class meeting ended and the head teacher left, it was the first class of the day.

Annan integrated into the class naturally. He listened to the lectures when he should listen and took notes when he should take notes. He did not do anything unique.

As a student, you just have to be obedient in class, so that there will be no problems.

Annan didn't have much interest in attending classes, so he was spared from math, Chinese and other subjects.

However, in some classes he really listened carefully and took notes.

What he is interested in is the history of this world.

Annan has always felt that the world he is in now may be a parallel world to the world he lived in his previous life. Many of the world's historical developments are very similar.

However, because of the relationship between magic and magic in this world, there are also many places with completely different developments.

This is quite interesting for Annan, a time traveler.

Just like looking at the settings of a game, those who like setting-related things will read it with gusto.

Annan is such a set party.

The class time passed slowly, and then came the lunch break at noon.

Annan had just walked out of the classroom and was about to go to the school canteen to see what he could have for lunch, when he was stopped by a strange male student.

"Who are you?"

This short male student does not exist in Annan's memory. He must be an unknown classmate.

"...Can I take a step to talk?"

The short male student's voice was a little nervous, and he looked left and right at the nearby classmates from time to time.

"Okay, then find a quiet place."

Annan looked at this classmate who looked a bit unhappy and remembered the matter entrusted by Mr. Detective.

Maybe the information comes to your door automatically.

The male student quickly led Annan away from the crowded and chaotic school corridor and came to the corner of the classroom at the end of the corridor. Although it was not a quiet place, it was a blind spot that blocked the outside view.

" you have any medicine?"

The short male classmate asked in a dry voice.

His voice was so low that Annan might not have been able to hear him if he wasn't close.

"I know something happened to the person who was originally responsible for selling medicine... I remember you were his friend. You and him should be friends, right?"

"Yes, of course he and I are friends."

Annan didn't know what kind of expression to put on now.

In his previous life, he was a real social terror. He didn't know how to communicate with strangers.

He could only let nature take its course, after all, this was a commission from Mr. Detective.

"But I'm sorry, I don't have any medicine either. I also want to find a new source of medicine."

Annan winked at the nervous boy.

"Is there just one drug seller in our school? Do you know of other sources?"

"I, I don't know either..."

The boy shook his head in frustration.

"I've only heard that other schools seem to be selling it, but it's impossible for me to go to any schools..."

"Do you know which schools there are? Maybe I can contact them secretly and help you sell them."

Annan tried his best to talk.

"I don't know, it's just a nearby school..."

After a few minutes, the boy left dejectedly.

Annan stood there, thinking about the information he had just learned.

"What about the other schools nearby? Is this kind of information useful to Mr. Detective? After all, Mr. Detective has long known that there is a problem in the school. Oh, no, I forgot just now..."

Annan quickly walked out of the blind corner, looking left and right for the boy just now.

Unfortunately, the other party has disappeared now.

"I forgot to ask the other person's name and class. Forget it. Since we are in the same school, we will see each other sooner or later. Let's ask next time."

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