
The Fire Witch faced Annan silently.

"Did you fall short of success... The so-called infinite possibilities brought about failure..."

She understood that even if the young man in front of her did not have murderous intent, as long as she showed a slight flaw, the other party would definitely kill him without mercy.

"No, I haven't failed yet, it's not over yet, I still have a chance, and there's more..."

The Fire Witch closed her eyes and began the final operation.


Annan raised his head suddenly, and then saw the complete disappearance of the three moons in the night sky of the other world.

In the other world, where a strangely colored moon always hangs, it may be the first and last time that there is no moon at all.

"Originally used as a sacrifice to ignite the world, part of the effect was slightly reversed at the last moment..."

It is true that Annan can no longer hear the sounds of the other world, but what he has heard and remembered will not just disappear in the memory of his brain.

Therefore, he immediately understood what the Fire Witch was doing.

"Looking for every possible meaning?"


A heavy and harsh roar was emitted from the twisted dragon that was originally motionless.

The huge twisted dragon forcefully pulled out the spiral spear inserted in its chest, and then completely shattered it.

At the same time, the black snake that bound the body of a twisted dragon was also torn into pieces.


At the moment when the snake of his soul was torn apart, Annan felt unprecedented internal pain, which almost made him lose consciousness.

Through the necromancy skills of an unknown old world that he learned on the spot, he successfully separated his soul snake and his performance was greatly improved. There was no restriction that it had to be connected to move, but this was also equivalent to the soul snake. Snakes have always been associated with him.

If the big snake of the soul is destroyed, of course he will also be directly harmed.

This hurt from his soul even further hurt his body.

However, he managed to hold on and did not pass out at the last moment.

Although he was completely weak now, and the vomiting of blood that he had finally stopped just now had another attack, he did not miss the last chance.

Of course he has the trump card.

Just like the Fire Witch, Annan didn't really give up everything completely.


Annan vomited blood while using his true final strength.


At this time, the twisted dragon, freed from all restraints, had already passed through the cracks in the other world with its countless arms, and reached out to grab Annan, who was unable to move at all.

"You want to use me as a sacrifice...do you mean this as a last ditch effort?"

Of course Annan understood what the Fire Witch was thinking.

The Fire Witch did not fully use the power gained from all the sacrifices, but even if she only extracted a little, it was enough to make the prepared ritual fail.

Therefore, she needs to find a substitute sacrifice as soon as possible to make up for the lost power of the ritual.

Annan is undoubtedly an excellent sacrifice.

Even if he voluntarily gave up his identity as a tyrant and had little strength left, everything he had done had left records and traces in this world, and they had a certain depth.

Even if it may not be enough to completely replace the original sacrifice, it is still close.

"Really, I obviously have no way to start a fire, but I still haven't given up..."

Annan stood motionless facing the twisted dragon that looked like a giant god.


The countless arms that were about to submerge Annan's twisted dragon suddenly all bounced back.

A giant-like figure appeared behind Annan and protected him.

"This is... your preparation... the last..."

The dreamlike fire witch suddenly became choppy when speaking.

Her figure became quite illusory, as if she was going to disappear from this world at any time.

"This is the gatekeeper of the academy..."

"That's right. This is the gatekeeper of the academy. In theory, he is the only otherworldly being in the world. The so-called strongest in the world...that's what I remember."

Annan made some preparations before completely giving up his tyrant power.

Just as he recreated the White Knight's relic weapon, he also recreated the Gatekeeper who was no longer in this world through his own memories.

However, although he was prepared, he theoretically did not have enough power to activate this trump card.

It was impossible for him to do such a thing without hearing Gao Tian's voice.

"The gatekeeper is indeed an otherworldly existence. Even if he absorbs the energy of two nuclear bomb explosions, he cannot completely reappear in the world..."

The reason why Annan had enough power to do this at this time was because he converted and absorbed the energy of the nuclear bomb explosion through the black magic of the abyss of the Akon Fall.

Originally, the magic of the abyss, which the Abyss Order had worked so hard to complete, was not a magic used directly for destruction.

The purpose of this magic is to swallow reality, then transform the material of reality into pure power and magic, and then use this power to achieve their purpose of calling the abyss, which can also be said to mean turning pure power into a sacrifice.

Annan's previous transfer of nuclear bombs not only prevented the Fire Witch's ignition plan, but also absorbed the energy of the nuclear explosion to prevent accidents.

"Ha... Now that the moon of the abyss in the inner world has disappeared, although the magic of the abyss has not lost its effectiveness, its power has been reduced a lot. It is obviously such a large-scale nuclear explosion, and the magic power converted is too little. But that’s enough.”

The gatekeeper that Annan recreated through his own memory immediately took action on his own initiative after repelling the twisted dragon's arm.

The old shadow of the gatekeeper fearlessly rushed towards the twisted dragon, forcing the indescribable dragon back and dragging it into the depths of the other world.

At this point, the two Shadow Sutras of the past began a fight that seemed inextricable.

"We can only do this. I originally heard that the gatekeepers have considerable power to suppress the dark moon and the tentacles emerging from it. Now they can only do it 50-50, but it is enough."

Annan looked away from the two shadows of the past who were fighting endlessly, and looked at the Fire Witch standing in front of the crack in the other world.

After the shadow of the gatekeeper passed through, this crack has begun to become unstable, gradually shrinking visible to the naked eye, and should be completely closed soon.

"Now, I really have no other means... Fire Witch, what about you? What happened to you?"

Laughing to death, I’m too lazy and can’t finish the ending before the end of the month.

But there are only a few chapters left and it’s almost over.

I will work hard to overcome the cancer of laziness and finish writing it.

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