On the second day after returning to Kedakes City, Annan still did not go to school. He continued to give himself a holiday, and then went to find Monk. Wright the stargazer.

Or should I say, a former stargazer.

"It seems that you already know what's going on over there?"

Annan came to Munch's house and saw the depressed face of the former stargazer.

"Director, he gave us his last words at the end..."

Although Monk has never moved in this city, he still accurately received the rumors from the leader of the organization.

"Director... He actually betrayed the White Knight like this... Annan, Director, did he succeed?"

"In conclusion, it is indeed very successful. The green moon of the abyss and the witch of the abyss are no longer there."

Annan explained what happened at Eureka as succinctly as possible.

Things here can be said to be very complicated. In short, let’s reduce the space related to the Fire Witch and mainly explain what the observatory has done.

"……what is this?"

Munch felt a little headache.

"It was obviously successful, but was it being used? Moreover, in the end, our organization, the Observatory, was forced to disband..."

Munch's maid accidentally saw her master's expression, and came over with concern and rubbed her temples.

Annan glanced at this human-like automatic puppet intentionally or unintentionally.

Now that his knowledge has expanded a lot, he vaguely understands how extraordinary this automatic doll is.

It's not that he is greedy for this doll. This doll will only have one owner forever, and even if he wants to seize it and use it, he can't.

The main problem is the danger of this existence.

"So far, no problems."

Annan didn't say much.

As long as Munch maintains his current personality, the impact on the automatons will be limited and will not develop to a dangerous stage.

"Anyway, it's still the same. If something really happens, let's clean up the mess."

The reason why Annan came to visit today was not to observe the automaton. He came to remind Munch of something.

"Munch, if you and your companions want to rebuild the observatory in the future, I will not stop it, but I will advise you to change your name, otherwise the White Knight will definitely use all his troops to trouble you as soon as possible. .”

Although the Observatory caused some trouble at the end, this organization had helped him at least, and it didn't really have any grudges against him. He still had to mention it because of emotions and reasons.

"Furthermore, even if you want to rebuild the organization, you should think carefully about the purpose and goals of the organization. There is a high probability that the observatory will not be able to observe stars again in the future, and the abyss no longer exists. The purpose of the observatory's existence is It’s like gone.”

The otherworld is about to merge into reality, and it will no longer be possible to observe the old starry sky from the observatory.

In addition, the Abyss Order, one of the biggest goals of the observatory, has also been destroyed, and it is impossible to revive again after the Abyss is gone.

Even if the observatory is really rebuilt, it cannot go back to the old path and needs to open up a new path.


Munch was also quite confused.

He didn't know what to do next, or he might completely abandon his identity as a former member of the observatory and never set foot in it again.

"Let's not talk about this for now, I need to think about it slowly... Annan, what is the situation over there in Eureka? Will the war really break out? Some time ago, I heard that missiles seemed to be launched over there... …”

Monk's family is still in Eureka, and even though his family should have been prepared, he is still worried.

"Who knows? I don't know."

Annan wasn't pretending, he really didn't know.

Although he prevented the explosion of two nuclear bombs without anyone knowing, the senior members of Eureka who were affected by the Fire Witch should have woken up by now, and then there will inevitably be the intervention and action of the White Knight. Intervene and things shouldn't get too bad.

However, it will take time to confirm what will actually happen.

Annan did not stay at Munch's house for long, and soon he returned to his own home.

Today, he has one last contact, but he doesn't know if it will work.

"Hey, Professor Jiuxiao."

Annan was lucky enough to actually get through to him.

"...Is it okay for you to contact me now?"

Professor Jiuxiao seemed to be smiling bitterly.

"Weren't you caught by the White Knight? They might be listening in, so you're not worried?"

"It's okay. Now that I have become the White Knight's dark magic consultant, there should be no problem, probably."

Annan actually did not expect that his casual suggestions would be accepted by Director White Knight.

He didn't think too much about it at that time. The approach was a bit exciting, but who knew that in the end, he actually became the consultant of the White Knight.

"Well, now that I think about it carefully, I have become a consultant for a country and a large international organization at the same time. Although the relationship between both parties is a bit delicate, it may be self-defeating in the end, but there should be no problem."

"I hope...then, why would you contact me at this time?"

"No, I just want to care about you, Professor. You probably want to rebuild the college, right?"

"I seem to understand what you want to say..."

"Yes, as long as you guessed it right, hehe, professor, when you really rebuild the college, let me be a professor. You also know my abilities, at least the knowledge related to black magic. I don’t lack anything.”

Annan is no longer a tyrant, but the knowledge and power he gained before have not been lost.

Rather, just because he is no longer a tyrant, he feels freer and wants to try something he has never done before.

Of course, it must be something you are interested in.

Annan is a little tired of Professor Dulan's life-related magic research, and after he can no longer hear the sound of black magic, he probably won't have another flash of inspiration. He can't be of much help, so he might as well just let it go. .

It’s definitely not because if you continue to participate, you will have to write a lot of papers.

"Professor Jiuxiao, if you need help when rebuilding the college, you can come to me for help."

"...Okay, I'll remember that."

Professor Jiuxiao seemed to sigh vaguely.

This phone call ended just like that.

"So, what should we do next?"

Annan wanted to find a goal for himself.

It's not that there must be a goal in life. He doesn't mind going with the flow, but after going through so many messy things, he wants to find an interest.

"Anyway, let's meet for the time being. Anyway, there shouldn't be any trouble in the future."

The sun and the moon fly like a shuttle, and time flies like an arrow.

Annan soon ushered in the day of graduation from the Magic Academy.

"Time flies so fast."

Since solving the problem of the Fire Witch, Annan has been living a very stable life, and there has been no trouble coming to him.

The only thing worth mentioning is probably the big news that the United States of Eureka is about to be divided into North and South.

After more than half a year of stalemate and discussion, Eureka finally decided to break up peacefully.

This time, they are really going to separate.

Annan didn't know whether the White Knight was secretly active in a national event of this level. Anyway, it was best that no dangerous wars or battles broke out and he would not be implicated.

As for the various complicated details inside, that was not his business, as a humble citizen, to worry about.

"What should I do after graduation?"

Annan now has a large savings.

Not to mention the various consulting fees Roderick gave him, the fixed monthly benefits brought by Matatek's dual status as presidential adviser and white knight adviser were enough for him to completely sleep.

However, he had no intention of showing off. He had already done enough before graduation.

"Is there anything interesting that is safe enough and not dangerous? Sure enough, there isn't?"

Annan quickly prepared the things needed for the graduation ceremony.

That is, there is nothing needed.

"The world is still very peaceful now. It will probably take some time before the other world disappears completely. Theoretically, the magic tide that should come, well, it's hard to say what impact it will have. So, can anything be done here? ……Huh?"

The leisurely and contented smile on Annan's face froze.

He touched his ears in disbelief.


Annan took a deep breath and jogged to the door of his house.

Without hesitation, he opened the door to his home and looked at the figures outside under the dim moonlight.

A child in ragged clothes, looking like a beggar, was standing in front.


Annan was a little hesitant to give this girl a shot now.

Although this little beggar looked indistinguishable from male to female, he knew that he was female.

After all, a witch cannot be male, and a miko cannot be of another gender.

The impression that has been engraved in the chaos will not simply change, it will only appear truthfully.

"So, let's talk nonsense, who are you?"

"I'm here to find you, I'm..."

The little beggar's voice was hoarse.

However, her black eyes were extremely bright.

"I am the witch of chaos, I am your witch..."

"Is there another one..."

Annan was certain that the little beggar in front of him was not the resurrected witch of chaos, nor the reappearance of the dead Beatrice.

This is a brand new witch of chaos.

Just like Beatrice suddenly appeared one day.

"As long as I am here, no matter how many people die, will there be a new one again?"

Annan should have gotten rid of his status as a tyrant.

In order to deal with the Fire Witch, he offered his identity as a sacrifice to Chaos.

For more than half a year, he indeed could no longer hear the sound of black magic, and no longer had any of the special abilities he had in the past.

However, just now, he heard it again.

I heard the familiar sound of dark magic.

Although it only passed by for a fleeting moment, there was no doubt that it was the voice coming from high heaven.

"Okay, that's good. I finally have something to do next."

Annan wasn't downcast, but he wasn't happy or excited either. He just felt a little troubled.

"May I have your name?"

The little beggar shook his head.

"I don't have a name..."


Annan hesitated for a moment, and finally gave up and took out the pistol he carried.

Although he wanted to experiment, no matter what, the so-called witches and shrine maidens of chaos would appear around him, but it would be better not to take action against a strange child.

He really couldn't say he liked Beatrice before, but he couldn't say he disliked her either. At least that girl was a very qualified tool person.

Obviously, he forced the girl to do so many things, but the girl didn't complain. In the end, she felt a little guilty.

He must be feeling guilty, probably.

Annan was not too sad about Beatrice's death, nor did he regret that he had lost a useful tool, but he was not cold-blooded and had no feelings at all.

To put it bluntly, it's somewhere between caring and not caring.


Annan quickly put aside the complicated emotions in his heart.

Now that everyone is dead, it doesn't matter anymore.

Now, let's think about how to deal with this newly arrived witch of chaos.

Annan stepped aside and waved to the ragged girl.

"Let's talk after we come in first."

Complete book

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