Kedax City, Central District, Regional Branch of the Dark Arts Investigation and Treatment Bureau.

This plain-looking five-story office building only three blocks away from the city's police headquarters is actually where the famous White Knight's department is located.

This building is usually not used by anyone, and is usually taken care of by less than ten grassroots members of the Dark Arts Processing Bureau.

However, since a group of white knight troops arrived in the capital not long ago, this place has been used 24 hours a day.

"Captain, did you see anything?"

David, the captain of the White Knights, who started working early in the morning, did not raise his head when he heard the newcomer's question next to him. His eyes were always focused on the city map on the table.

"Here, in a slum area where a fire broke out before, according to our investigation, we can determine that the source of the fire was an abandoned church."

David's thick finger traced a circle on the map where it had been blacked out to indicate the fire area.

"This Christian church has no official personnel stationed there for a long time, but since then, this church has housed many homeless orphans, and there is a woman dressed as a nun who is responsible for taking care of these children. "

"What's wrong with this?"

The young newcomer poked his head over.

"The slums are full of poor people, and some people can't even afford to have roofs over their heads. Now that the church is empty, of course we will make good use of it."

"Soldiers, our reliable support personnel, they worked all night and found some very suspicious things in the area where this church is located."

David handed a new report he had at hand to the newly appointed White Knight point guard.

"Take a close look at this report."

The young man codenamed "Jianbing" took the thin report, which contained only a few pieces of paper, and read it carefully.

After a while, his expression became more and more exciting.

"A large number of skeletons? Too many skeletons were found at the location of this slum church?"

A fire broke out in a slum area, killing and injuring many people. Naturally, corpses were left behind.

However, according to detailed investigation and inspection by the excellent White Knight support team, it was discovered that the skeletons found in the location of the church had a history.

"It is initially estimated that the number of skeletons is probably more than thirty, and there are people of all ages, men, women, and children... This is..."

"The fire in the ghetto was man-made. Someone wanted to completely destroy the evidence left behind in this church. If we hadn't come, they should have been able to hide the matter easily."

Considering the quality of the police here, David's assessment is not wrong.

The police here simply regarded the fire in the slums as an accident and sealed the deal.

If the White Knights hadn't arrived and dug deep into the fire area to search, this clue might have been covered up forever.

"I just don't know why this fire was caused. Even if we have to destroy the evidence and eliminate all the clues, there is no need to do it so big. There must be some factors that we don't know yet."

The evidence David currently has cannot clearly show that there was really human influence when the fire broke out, but considering the dangers lurking in the city, his reasoning should not be too wrong.

"Maybe it's related to the Abyss Cult. Unfortunately, this place has been completely ravaged by flames, and no valuable clues can be found... The two unknown figures who appeared during the fire are the most suspected, and it is difficult to find them now. "

"Captain, do you want to continue to conduct in-depth investigations in the slums? Maybe we can find some residents who know the original situation of that church."

The vanguard who had just gotten out of bed was now full of energy.

Since arriving in this city, they have been unable to find any valuable clues or information. This discovery may allow them to find something useful.

"Of course the investigation will continue, but this aspect will be left to our colleagues. In order to cope with any accidents and dangers that may occur in the future, we need to recharge our batteries."

David didn't plan to let them, the official white knights, come forward in subsequent investigations. He planned to let the logistics support personnel take charge.

This can be regarded as the consistent style of the White Knight.

After discovering something that may be related to black magic, as an official white knight, he must maintain his best condition.

This is different from when their unit first came to this city. Since their blatant actions on the first day were not obstructed by anyone and the target of the investigation did not appear, then there is no need to fish for law enforcement. It went on.

"Well, it's our job to get enough rest and then fight with all our strength."

The vanguard was not disappointed with the captain's arrangement. After all, he had stood out from the training of the White Knights in a serious manner. He naturally knew what kind of combat style the White Knights troops had.

"Captain, does the discovery in the slums mean that the power of the Abyss Order staying here may be stronger than we expected?"

"We can't say for sure. It seems that many of the clues our informants provided us are incomplete. Originally we thought we only needed to deal with a golden witch and a few members of the Abyss Order, but now it seems that we This three-person team is still too small and not safe enough.”

Regarding the discovery in this city, the White Knight actually only received relevant news not long ago, and then in order to deal with the black magic problem here, a three-person official White Knight team was hurriedly dispatched.

Originally, the White Knights had other main tasks to perform, and a large number of manpower had gone to the north of the country. Only three official White Knights could be sent to deal with the problems that occurred on the eastern coast.

Although there should be enough support manpower following the three-person team, if they have to face the real dangers of black magic, they can only be dealt with by the three official white knights.

"Then ask the local police for support..."

The soldier subconsciously spoke halfway, and then shook his head, feeling that he was being stupid.

"No, no matter how you think about it, it won't work. If this is the United States of Eureka in the north, then it will definitely work, but this is the United States of Matatek..."

When he thought of the local police who had no responsibilities at all, the vanguard's teeth itched with hatred.

"Don't worry about other people, we just need to do our own thing..."

David stopped before he finished speaking because he noticed the rapid footsteps coming from outside.

I saw a support staff member of their unit running in in a hurry.

"Captain! Something happened!"

"What's going on?" David asked calmly.

"That's right. According to the news we just received, the two local gangs had a full-scale conflict not long ago! Now a large number of their troops are fighting everywhere in the South District and Southwest District! What should we do?"

David glanced down at the map on the table and tapped it twice with his fingers.

"Get our guys ready."

David thought about it quietly and finally made a plan.

"We need to observe the further situation. If it is just a local gang fight, we white knights have no reason or qualification to intervene, but if it is related to black magic, that is a different matter."

After all, the White Knight is an international organization with a special nature. Any large-scale operation must have a reasonable reason, otherwise it will be difficult to explain to the local officials. .

"In short, observe the situation carefully and report any changes immediately. Go ahead."

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