"This is it."

Annan did not go far. He came to a place only one street away from the street where the fierce gun battle broke out.

"...butcher shop?"

Roderick looked up at the sign hanging on the building in front of him.

This is a small two-story building that looks like it doubles as a meat processing plant.

At this time, the door of this roadside shop was naturally closed, and no one could be seen inside.

"Is this the place you care about?"

"Yes, very much."

Annan nodded.

From this distance, he was absolutely certain that the place where he heard the sound of black magic was inside the butcher shop.

He picked up the shotgun hanging on his waist and fired a shot at the closed door of the store.


The gate, which was probably made of iron, still stood firm despite being hit by shotguns.

Annan didn't pay attention to such a trivial matter. He took a step forward and fired continuously at the handle of the door.


The handle of the door was violently smashed, and the lock also failed. Annan immediately kicked it hard, and the solid door fell back.


Roderick was speechless, but now he could only follow Annan who had walked into the butcher shop.

The air in the butcher shop is a bit cold. The air conditioner inside seems to have not been turned off, and the sound of the machine can be vaguely heard.

However, there should be no one here. If there was someone, they should have appeared when Annan violently broke the door.

It was Annan's first time coming to this place, but he seemed to be very familiar with it. He opened the door to the back half of the building and continued to go deep inside.

"This is it."

Annan came to a room filled with various meat processing machines, and then quickly stood in front of the door leading to the freezer.


Roderick couldn't figure out what was there at first, but he soon remembered what kind of special abilities Annan had.

Annan is indeed the doorkeeper, a special individual who can open the door to the other world.

"Could it be that……"

"Well, this door should be able to be opened. Once it is opened, it will be the other world."

Annan put his hand on the freezer door.

Through physical contact, the noisy sounds in his ears became several times louder.

"Are you ready? Or do you want to stay in reality?"

Annan has not forgotten Roderick's physical condition. The remaining poison in this vampire's body has not been cleared away, and his physical strength has not been fully restored. If a battle really breaks out, he may not be able to help.


Roderick nodded slightly, took out the rifle hanging from his waist and held it tightly in his hand, indicating that he was ready.

Without much hesitation, he decided to move on.

He didn't think there was a passage to the other world here, it was just a coincidence.

There might be something wrong here so close to where the gunfight took place.

Maybe, like Annan's intuition, he will find his grandfather.

"Then I'll open the door."

Annan held the shotgun in his right hand and pushed open the freezer door with his left hand.

Behind the door is not the cold storage room that you should see.

Annan indeed opened the door to the other world and came to another space.

The turquoise light shines on this place, and the air seems to have turned green, filling it with a dreamy and weird atmosphere.

Annan looked up at the source of the green light, which was the green moon in the sky.

The size of the green moon is similar to that of the real moon. The light it emits is bright and transparent, but it has a cool feeling.

Compared with the huge red moon I had seen before, this green moon looked more eerie, giving people a vague illusion of coldness.

"This is……"

Rodrick walked out of the door and looked at the scene in front of him in astonishment.

Compared to the strange green moon in the sky, the situation in front of him attracted his attention more.


Trinidad. Nares is close at hand.

"It's actually here..."

Roderick subconsciously wanted to stride forward, but he soon stopped.

Because the situation in front of me is obviously too abnormal.


Trinidad. Nares was surrounded by a dark green three-dimensional magic circle. His eyes were closed tightly and he seemed to be floating in mid-air without any awareness.

Then, under the magic circle, there were two strange figures that Roderick had seen not long ago.

Alexis. Nares stood directly under the green magic circle with a gloomy expression. He had already noticed the arrival of the intruder and was looking at Roderick with cold eyes.

Another unknown figure, the middle-aged man wearing a black robe and holding a black book in his hand, was concentrating on actions that Roderick couldn't understand.

The man's mouth kept moving silently, and his eyes were fixed on the green three-dimensional magic array in mid-air.

"What are you doing!? Stop it!"

Seeing his grandfather's condition clearly, Roderick instinctively rushed forward, raised his gun and was about to shoot.

"Rodrick, you are actually able to come here..."

Alexis. Nares frowned unhappily.

Roderick froze in astonishment and looked at the feminine young man in front of him in disbelief.

"You...your voice..."

"What's wrong? Have you forgotten my voice so quickly? In just two years, have you forgotten me as your grandfather?"

Alexis. Nares's voice was old and deep, quite powerful.

However, his voice didn't sound like that of a young man at all, but instead sounded like that of an old man.

"you you……"

Roderick was trembling all over, his brain refusing to recognize the facts in front of him.

However, there was a feeling in his heart that the young man he was facing now was his grandfather.

"Rodrick, I just changed my body. There's nothing to be surprised about. Black magic can do this kind of thing."

Alexis. Nares smiled darkly.

"So, my good grandson, why did you come here after all the hard work?"

Roderick's mind was turned into mush and he didn't know what to do now.

He instinctively wanted to seek help from his companions, but when he turned his head, he found that Annan was facing away from the others and groping for the wall behind him.

"The gate is closed, and it can't be opened now. No, it's been lifted. The passage to reality should be here."

When Annan and Roderick stepped out of the door to the other world, the door behind them automatically disappeared.

Annan saw that Roderick was talking to his grandfather, so he stopped disturbing their relatives' exchange and went to study why the door was missing.

"Okay, it seems like I can't go back to reality now."

Annan turned around and came to Roderick's side, who looked confused.

"Rodrick, why are you looking like this? Have you made it clear to your grandfather?"

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