"Magic noble?"

Annan, who had been eavesdropping from behind, noticed a certain keyword and jumped out immediately.

Roderick had been shooting, so Annan couldn't hear what the two people in front of him were saying at all, but he could hear clearly what Alexis said just now.

"Are you a magical noble? The Nares family is actually a bloodline of warlocks? The longest and biggest lie of that century?"

"Lies...ha! Lies!"

Alexis. Nares was instantly offended.

He glared at Annan with a ferocious expression.

If he hadn't been part of the magic ritual that was going on now - although he was protected by the ritual, he couldn't move at will - he might have pounced on Annan long ago.

"The blood of the great magical nobles flows in my body! Without our ancestors protecting you common people in ancient times, how could you live in peace!"

"It's true."

Annan nodded twice in an extremely perfunctory manner, then turned to look at Roderick beside him.

"Rodrick, I know why you suddenly became a vampire. It's because you have the blood of a warlock. If the blood of this kind of black magic is not properly adjusted in future generations, there will indeed be a high chance of it becoming a vampire." Becoming a creature of darkness.”

"……What's the meaning?"

Roderick's rhythm was completely disrupted now. Whether it was his grandfather who had changed his body or his companions traveling with him, the attitudes and reactions of these two people were obviously different from normal people.

Roderick, who was a little ignited by the anger in his body, was soon doused with cold water and regained his composure in the blink of an eye.

"Have you forgotten? When I was in school, wasn't there a black magic lecture every year? At that time, those people took the trouble to explain it every year."

As Annan spoke, he waved his hand very naturally and threw a soul arrow at Alexis in front of him.

However, even this sudden attack without warning still cannot shake the invisible barrier in front.

Annan never thought it would succeed. Even modern firearms could not break this layer of protection, let alone less powerful magic.

He just wanted to give it a try first and see how effective the magic was for this protection.

Although the actual result was a little better than expected, the soul arrow slightly shook the invisible protection, but it was still far from being able to break it.

"Magic aristocrats are the collective name for those aristocrats who can have magicians in each generation in ancient times. They claim that they have noble blood and are innate magicians and leaders. But in fact, that is the biggest lie in the world, which has been maintained for several years. Thousands of years, a masterpiece of black magic that was finally revealed by the White Knight."

"I seem to remember..."

Roderick shook his head violently, and his mind felt much clearer.

"The magic nobles with the blood of warlocks don't even know that their blood is actually created by black magic. The so-called 'demon warlocks'... The White Knight organization was indeed initially established by many magic nobles, but In the end, they were overthrown by the white knight they personally trained..."

"Very good, you seem to be awake a lot."

Annan patted Rodrick on the shoulder, and then pulled the young man back, slightly away from the scope of the ongoing magic ritual.

"Yes, in addition to being the longest and biggest lie in the world, the Magical Nobility is also dubbed as the biggest joke. After all, the White Knight, who specializes in dealing with black magic, was actually established and promoted by people with the blood of black magic. Yes, do you think it’s funny?”

Annan's last words were spoken with a smile on his face to Alexis who seemed to want to eat him.

"Don't be so angry. Look, we can't do anything to you, but you can't touch us for the time being, so let's have a good communication."

Annan pointed at Trinidad suspended in mid-air. Nares.

"I just heard you say, are you the godfather? You have changed yourself into another body. This is really amazing, but is this true? Are you sure the person next to you is not lying to you?"

Alexis. Nares didn't speak, he just stared at Annan closely with eyes burning with anger.

"Alexis Nares, are you familiar with black magic? So let me ask you, what do you think of the so-called body transformation? What do you think is 'self'?

Is it our memory? Is it our ego? Is it our spirit? Is it our soul? what is it? "

While Annan was speaking, he had already reloaded the shotgun and rifle.

"In our world, there are many disputes about the soul, so the soul cannot represent a person. So, now that your subjective consciousness has become Trinidad Nares, what has changed?"

"Young man, it's useless. No matter how much you say, it's useless. I won't be provoked by you."

Alexis, who looked young in appearance, finally spoke in his old voice.

"No, no, no, I'm not trying to sow discord. I'm just here to do a thought experiment with you. That's what I think. What you are doing now is actually just overwriting the memory. Yes, the memory that originally belonged to you After being erased, and then transferring the memory of the old man above, you will have the illusion that you have changed your body, what do you think?"

Alexis looked gloomy, but never responded to Annan.

"Hey, why don't you waver a little bit? Doesn't that make me look like a fool?"

Annan looked up and down at the distance between himself and the magic ceremony.

He felt that it was not safe enough, so he pulled Roderick again and went to the wall of the building behind.

On the cliffs of this mountain, he had no retreat now, unless they found an entrance and exit and hid directly in the building behind.

"However, thank you for being willing to listen to my nonsense, and thank you for that gentleman over there. I know that you have been looking at us, but you just don't have time to pay attention to us. However, you are indeed distracted, so Slowing down your magical ritual a little."

Annan kept blinking and winking at Roderick.

Roderick was a little confused. He didn't quite understand what his companion wanted to express.

Annan sighed helplessly in his heart. Their tacit understanding was still not enough, and the time they had known each other was a bit short.

"Then, it's none of my business from now on, that's what I hope... Roderick! Watch out!"


The next second, shadows fell from the sky.

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