Annan did not show up rashly, he still hid and watched the fight between the two in front.

Detective Antonio. Canon continued to dodge the magic bullets falling from the sky on the ground, and took advantage of the opportunity to dodge the attacks to counterattack.

However, the blonde woman floating in the air very calmly avoided all the bullets fired by the detective.

A woman wearing a gorgeous and heavy costume, her flying movements are much more agile than she looks on the outside, and she can even be called fast when dodging bullets.

Detective Antonio is holding a revolver in his hand. His six bullets are expected to be fired soon. After that, he will have to change bullets in front of the enemies who are constantly attacking - if his enemies give him a chance. if.

It was obvious that the blonde woman who was supposed to be a magician was gradually gaining the upper hand.

There is no need to reload the magic bullet of the magician. As long as the magician's magic bullet is still sufficient, it can continue to be fired.

"Do you want to shoot me now? This detective is my savior no matter what, and he just invited me to lunch. He can't just die without saving me, right?"

Annan lowered his head and glanced at the pistol in his hand.

He had absolutely no experience in shooting firearms. Even if he successfully fired his first shot, he would definitely not be able to hit the target accurately.

"Wait a little longer and have to wait for a better opportunity."

While Annan was still thinking, the battle situation in the hall suddenly changed dramatically.

The pistol in Antonio's hand was out of bullets, but he did not reload or put away the pistol. He directly used the pistol as a flying prop and threw it hard towards the woman in the air.

A female magician who could dodge bullets would naturally not be hit by such a self-defeating attack. She dodged and easily avoided the pistol that might have hit her toes.

Antonio's real offensive started at this time.

At the same time as the detective threw the pistol, he squatted down, and the next second his body swelled, and the bulging muscles held up the originally loose coat.


Antonio, whose face became ferocious, stepped hard with his enlarged legs, cracking the stone bricks under his feet. He quickly jumped into the air and pounced on the blond female magician who was flying at the same height.

The female magician's expression remained unchanged, and she didn't even make any evasion, just watching the enemy pounce on her.

Antonio's hands grew sharp nails and grabbed the blonde woman mercilessly.

However, the moment his claws touched the enemy's body, the blonde woman exploded and turned into a group of golden butterflies flying in the sky.

Antonio, who looked as ferocious as a beast, opened his eyes in shock.

After the failed attack, Antonio fell heavily to the ground. He quickly stood up and resumed his fighting posture, looking around for the enemy's location.

However, his enemy was gone and could not be found anywhere.

There were just huge swarms of golden butterflies flying everywhere.

Antonio raised his head suddenly and looked at the scattered golden butterflies that were approaching him unknowingly.

He was not careless and did not let these butterflies get close to him. He deliberately retreated towards the exit of the hall.

However, even if he had been paying attention to the movements of these butterflies, it was difficult to grasp the whereabouts of all the butterflies. When he was about to leave the hall, a golden butterfly quietly approached him from behind.

Antonio found out it was already too late.

The golden butterfly was like a fragile glass product. When it touched his body, it completely shattered.

The next second, the upper half of Antonio's left arm, which was touched by the broken golden fragments of the butterfly, turned into gold along with his clothes.

Antonio's expression changed drastically, and he had lost the feeling in his left arm.

He made a prompt decision, without any hesitation, and immediately used his right hand, which had grown a layer of black hair, to pull the left forearm that had not yet been turned into gold, and tore it with all his strength.


After an uncomfortable sound of flesh tearing, Antonio's entire left hand was torn off by him!

Antonio quickly threw away his arm. When the left hand fell to the ground, the whole thing had been completely turned into gold, and it even made a crisp sound on the ground.

If the detective had hesitated for even a moment, his whole body might have been turned into gold.

Antonio, who had lost an arm, unexpectedly did not shed much blood from the tragic wound, but even so, he was now seriously injured and had lost most of his mobility and combat effectiveness.


An elegant female voice suddenly sounded.

At some point, the blonde female magician appeared again.

The golden butterflies that were originally scattered in the hall all disappeared at some point.

The female magician looked at Antonio, who was pale and shaky, with a calm smile.

"It's a pretty good power, werewolf, but it's useless to me."

Antonio, who was breathing heavily, had no energy left to respond, nor did he want to respond.

He gritted his increasingly sharp teeth, thinking about how to break through this difficulty under the influence of increasingly strong animality.

"Give up and become my experimental material. I will make your death more comfortable."

The blond female magician raised her golden wand.

Annan, who was watching this scene, raised the revolver in his hand and was ready to rush out and shoot the target at any time.

"Completely golden!"

The accident happened again.

A hoarse male voice roared out from the back of the hall, followed by a bright golden ray.

The target of this golden ray is the female magician who is completely defenseless behind her!

When the female magician heard the voice coming from behind her, she immediately wanted to turn around and take precautions, but at this moment, Antonio, who should have been seriously injured, pounced ferociously.

When Antonio pounced forward, his left arm regenerated extremely quickly, and a complete arm grew out in no time.

The female magician obviously did not expect that her prey would be able to fight back. She stopped turning around and pointed the wand in her hand at Antonio, who looked more and more like a beast.


Antonio flew forward, but his head was completely separated from his body midway.


Antonio's big head just rolled to the ground.


Due to Antonio's final counterattack, the female magician could only let the golden ray hit her from behind. She groaned, but her body did not change at all. Only her face became a little pale and twisted in pain. facial features.

"My good boy..."

The female magician gritted her teeth and turned around to look at the old man who had just appeared in the passage at the back of the hall.

The old man with mottled hair and blood all over his body had to lean against the wall to move forward slowly.

"As expected of my good boy, he is still alive. Your fake death eluded me, but there will be no next time..."

The young and beautiful female magician pointed the wand in her hand at the old man.

"Golden Witch, don't admit your relatives randomly, you are not my mother, and..."

The weak old man suddenly laughed.

"There really is no next time."

The female magician was keenly aware of her carelessness and mistakes at this moment.

However, her mistake this time was fatal.

Behind the female magician, Antonio's body without his head is still moving!

Antonio's sharp claws penetrated the female magician's chest from behind and crushed her head at the same time!

The blonde female magician died completely.

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