Please listen to the voice of black magic

Chapter 73 The Witch of Chaos

"What the hell is this?"

Although Annan had long felt that something would fall from the sky, seeing the appearance of that thing with his own eyes still made him so surprised that he couldn't open his mouth from ear to ear.

"What the hell is this thing? Did I see it wrong? A giantess? A bug? What on earth is this?"

In Annan's eyes, the huge thing falling from the sky was a huge woman with white hair all over her body.

The giant woman's head was probably the size of an adult's, making her a veritable giantess.

However, the figure of the giantess also had another appearance—the appearance of a fat, bloated, ugly white worm.

The figures of the female giant and the giant insect overlap each other, contradictory but perfectly integrated - this is how weird Annan thinks.

For a moment, Annan couldn't tell which side of what he saw was real, and which side was what he should not have seen because of his overly powerful inspiration.

Of course, he had not forgotten the intensity of his inspiration and spiritual vision, but he didn't know where the mistake was. He couldn't tell whether what he saw in front of him was real or false.

But none of that matters now.

The important thing is that this female giant falling from the sky is falling here!

Annan had already pulled Roderick and retreated to a safe place as much as possible, but the strange existence that appeared in mid-air still slightly affected them when it landed on the cliff.


The edge of the cliff was easily and completely smashed by the falling weight, and the entire top of the mountain shook violently from side to side.


Annan clung to the wall of the building behind him to prevent himself from falling due to the strong vibration.

But he couldn't care less about Roderick next to him. Anyway, he just fell to the ground. At most, his skin was scratched. There should be no other serious problems.

"It really fell directly towards this side, and almost got hit directly..."

If Annan had not retreated quickly in time, he would have been hit by the huge woman falling in mid-air, and then turned into flying sand and rocks and fell under the completely collapsed cliff.

Because of the impact just now, half of the cliff collapsed, and now a new cliff has been formed three meters away from Annan.

The original small cliff area collapsed and shattered, and all rolled down the mountain.

"It's a shame, though."

Annan looked at the green three-dimensional magic circle that still existed in the air, the man in black robes holding a book floating in the air, and Alexis who was kneeling in the air for some reason, trembling all over. Nares.

Even such a mass attack, which was enough to shatter half of the cliff, still couldn't do anything to them.

"Huh? What happened to that guy? It seems that the magic over there has protected him well, so he is not injured... Wait, could it be..."

Annan's sharp inspiration alerted him, and he suddenly turned his head and looked at Roderick, who was also lying on the ground next to him.

Roderick curled up on the ground, his whole body seemed to be twitching, as if he was suffering from some great pain.

Annan was certain that this companion was not seriously injured. Roderick's current state was obviously abnormal.

"It's the giantess..."

Annan didn't care about taking care of Roderick. He immediately raised his head and looked at the huge woman, or rather a giant insect, flying in the sky.

Now this strange existence with two sides is bound by green magic light, and is temporarily unable to move.

There is only one person who can do this kind of thing here.

"...The Witch of Chaos!"

The middle-aged man who was concentrating on performing some kind of magic ritual now had blood and tears in his eyes and was roaring angrily.

"Look what good you've done! It's just close! You damn witch!"

The man in black robe gritted his teeth and raised the black book in his hands.

"The plan has been disrupted by you! You obviously don't have to meddle in other people's business! But... we haven't failed yet!"


Annan frowned uncomfortably.

Just now, he heard an extremely sharp noise coming from the black book.

The sound was like the high-pitched sound of fingernails scratching on a blackboard amplified a hundred times, and it was extremely uncomfortable.

"that book……"

The middle-aged man in black robes chanted a spell loudly with echoes and accents.

"Apocalypse of the Abyss! Please release your power! Great Abyss! Please grant blessings and strength to the loyal ones like us under the light of the blue moon!"

Annan suppressed the uncomfortable sound of black magic in his ears and tried hard to raise his head to see clearly what the man was going to do.

Then he saw it.

He saw the reality reflected in the black book.

He saw an aerial view of the city.

At first, he couldn't recognize where the aerial view was, but his inspiration kept beating at this time, and he immediately recognized where it was.

That is the city where he lives, an aerial view of Kedax City.

The real scenery in the book is constantly changing, and the original overlooking range of the entire city is slowly shrinking.

Annan saw armored vehicles that should not have appeared in Kedakes City, saw heavily armed soldiers holding rockets, and saw those soldiers bombing a certain building.

Seeing these scenes, Annan began to wonder if his intuition was wrong. It should be impossible for this kind of thing to happen in Kedax City.

Then, the scene changes again.

Annan saw the bodies lying on the road, dozens of people holding various firearms shooting at each other, and many cars rushing towards the location of the shootout.

These scenes are probably two major gangs fighting in reality.

"Only this range...but! That's enough! You can't stop it! The Witch of Chaos!"

The man holding the black book in both hands sounded like he was vomiting blood.

"O Abyss Revelation! Send my voice to my companions! Everyone! Listen to my voice! Help me! Now!"

Annan instinctively covered his ears with his hands.

At that moment, he heard a completely unacceptable sound.

That was the impact of an indescribable sound that caused him more pain and impact than when he obtained the soul to refine this black magic!

"Revelation of the Abyss! Give us the final revelation!"

The sound of black magic resounded through the sky, shaking the whole world.

"Fall! Fall! World! Fall towards the true reality!"

That is the sound of space being torn apart, that is the sound of the world being divided.

"O Blue Moon of the Abyss! Accept our sacrifice!"

That was the echo coming from the dark sky.

"Akon has fallen!"

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