Annan felt that Alexis was behind him, but his body was unable to react.

His body has not yet undergone any training. Even if he catches up with his quick thinking, he cannot control his body in time to deal with the attack from behind.

However, he didn't need to react.


Alexis screamed in pain when he was about to cut off Annan's neck. Something long and black suddenly appeared behind Annan, blocking the fatal blow.

The palm of Alexis's right hand, which was wrapped in shadow, was pierced, and then the invisible black thing did not stop there. It crawled quickly along his arm and bounced towards his head.

"……So fast!"

Alexis was completely unprepared for the sudden counterattack. Not to mention reaching out to block or get rid of this thing on his body, he was completely unable to react.

The thing that suddenly appeared on Annan's body was incredibly fast, even faster than a bullet!


This black thing penetrated Alexis's head unstoppably.

Not even a second had passed from the time Alexis' palm was pierced to the time his head was pierced through the temple.

"It feels good, this automatic counterattack function."

Annan immediately turned around with his gun raised, and at the same time recovered the thing that protected him by automatic counterattack.

The black thing that stopped moving was finally able to clearly see its true appearance.

It was a rope-like black thing that was only as thick as an index finger. The second half of the thing was illusively connected to Annan's body.

This black thing has a small mouth full of black teeth. It looks like a snake, but this black thing has no eyes. It should be said that the front part of the head only has a mouth. .

This unusual-looking thing was created by Annan using the black magic of soul refining.

After studying soul refining for a period of time, Annan consumed more than 70% of his soul and finally created what he simply named "Black Snake".

The reason why it is called a thing is that although it is called a snake in the name, this thing is not a living thing. It is made using the soul. It is an extra "limb" that Annan "installed" on his body.

A new body part created by the soul that can spontaneously protect Annan's body.

The Black Snake is extremely fast, even faster than the muzzle velocity of a bullet.

When Annan was in the nightclub, the reason why he was able to block the oncoming bullets at extremely close range was because of the automatic counterattack ability of this thing.

In addition, the black snake made by the soul is both soft and hard. Not to mention the human body, even steel can be easily penetrated, and it has no burden to withstand close range gunfire.

Of course, Black Snake also has corresponding shortcomings.

The high speed possessed by the black snake cannot be maintained for too long. After a few seconds, the speed of the thing will slow down. Only by taking it back into the body again and then letting the thing eject again can it return to a speed faster than a bullet.

There is also the scope of activity of this thing.

The black snake is the limb connected to the soul of Annan's body, and can only extend up to three meters long.

If the Black Snake had a wider range of activities, Annan would have let this soul body continue to attack.

"Sure enough, he won't die so easily."

At the edge of the cliff, the gloomy-looking young man remained unscathed.

Alexis was indeed pierced through the head by the black snake ejected from Annan's body just now, but the next moment this person's entire body turned into a shadow, shattered and disappeared, and then the shadows in other places now crawled out.

"No, he's not unscathed. His right hand is indeed injured."

After Annan noticed this, he pulled the trigger of the shotgun in his hand without any hesitation.


"Those of the magic aristocracy are innate magicians. They are born with innate magic. This guy's shadow method is probably his innate magic."

Alexis had noticed Annan's movements before he fired.

Alexis threw herself to the side in embarrassment, narrowly avoiding the scattering bullets.

Upon seeing this, Annan continued to fire at the enemies rolling on the ground.

This is the so-called pursuit of victory.

It was impossible for Annan to let go of the guy who wanted to kill him at this time. No matter what happened, this person had to die first and turn into a safe and harmless corpse.

"Although natural magic is a bit like a superpower, it can be activated very quickly and does not require any incantations. But even natural magic requires magic power to activate. Otherwise, there is a limit on the number of times it can be used per day. To put it bluntly, why? Everything is fine, after all, it’s the magic of this low-demon world.”

Alexis moved very quickly, but no matter how fast he was, he couldn't move faster than a bullet.

Annan fired another shotgun, finally hitting Alexis' body.

However, this time the injury was definitely left on Alexis's body, and his body was dyed red with blood.

The blood warlock did not turn into a shadow again. He just barely had time to roll up a shadow shield on his body, but this shield could not completely offset the damage of the shotgun, and he was still injured by the bullet.


Alexis was in so much pain that she couldn't breathe.

Annan did not relax and continued to beat the drowned dog.


This time, almost all the shotgun blasts hit Alexis.

Alexis was literally beaten into a sieve.

However, in the next second, his entire body once again turned into shadow and shattered into pieces and disappeared.

Annan was not surprised at all. He neatly threw away the shotgun with all the bullets in his hand and replaced it with the rifle hanging on his waist.

Sure enough, just as Annan felt it, Alexis appeared once again in the shadow of the edge of the cliff.

Annan, who had already taken aim, held the trigger of the rifle tightly.

Da da da da da da!

"……damn it!"

Alexis growled with a ferocious face.

However, pure anger could not protect him from bullets.

Alexis' body was shot through by rifle bullets in the next second.

Even though he had used all his strength to hold up a shadow shield, it was still torn open by the powerful rifle bullets.

"It shouldn't be like this... Damn it! Damn it! It's obviously been completed... It's obviously been... ahhhhhhh!"

Annan ignored the enemy's screams and did not relax the trigger until all the bullets in the rifle were used up.

He poured all his bullets into Alexis.

Then, this time, Alexis did not turn into a shadow again. He fully withstood it with his flesh and blood.

"So, the magic in this world has its limits."

After confirming that Alexis who fell on the ground would really not move again, Annan casually let go of the rifle that had run out of bullets in his hand.

"Magic nobles with the blood of warlocks? What a pity. Times have changed a long time ago. Who needs to use wands for magic when there are muskets?"

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