The truth behind the scenes is always disappointing most of the time.

This time is no exception.

Roderick held back a sigh.

He had long since lost hope for his grandfather, but it was still frustrating to learn more facts.

All these things were developing too quickly and too much. Rodrick didn't have enough time to sort out his thoughts. He could only passively accept these so-called facts.

"...Are there any other finds in the safe?"

Roderick shook his head violently.

He couldn't continue to be depressed.

He already knew what kind of person his grandfather was, and he should no longer have any extravagant expectations for the dead.

"There are many discoveries, such as land deeds, contracts, and certificates, but these should not be important."

Annan waved to Roderick to come over and take a look at the contents of the safe hidden in the wall.

Roderick quickly came to the hidden compartment in the wall.

The safe in the hidden compartment is not big, it is not filled with anything, and most of it is paper documents.

"Apart from that photo, this is probably what I discovered."

Annan took out a map.

This is the local map of Kedax City.

"This is just an ordinary map, but look at these marks on the map."

Rodrick took the map and saw many cross marks on the map, about forty in number, distributed in different places throughout the city.

"These marks... these places..."

"Yes, these places look very problematic."

Annan pointed at two marks.

"First here, this should be the church in the slums we went to, then here, if this is correct, it is the butcher shop we were in before, and look at here, here, yes, it is where we are now The place we live in is this mansion.”

"No way...could it be that these marks represent..."

Roderick gasped.

"If these places are all related, then the most likely thing is..."

"This is what a black magic ritual should be."

Annan held his chin in thought.

"That church in the slums, if there was no accident, a lot of people should have died, but we didn't have time to investigate, but that's probably it. The mansion we are in now, there are really many corpses .”

"If... these marks represent black magic rituals..."

Roderick couldn't imagine what the markings would look like on the ground.

"Could it be that the disappeared neighborhood that Antonio saw was because of this black magic ritual..."

"Maybe, I've been wondering that such a powerful black magic, and an unheard-of black magic that directly forcibly pulls reality into the other world, cannot be easily used.

However, if everything is planned in advance and everything is prepared in advance, then it is barely reasonable. "

Annan had witnessed the magic called "The Fall of Archon" with his own eyes, and he had always had many questions about this black magic that felt very outrageous.

Mainly because this black magic is so powerful, and it is activated in the other world, but it can affect reality, which is extremely unreasonable.

There are too many contradictions between this black magic and the magic knowledge he has learned. Even now that he has obtained this map that is suspected to be the node site of the black magic ritual, there are still too many things that are difficult to explain.

"Antonio, what are you going to do with this map?"

"This map..."

Rodrick was silent for a while, then folded up the city map with many marks.

"This thing cannot be kept. This thing must be destroyed immediately so that no one else can see it."

"That's right. If the White Knight really finds a reason to come to us for inspection, then we will have no excuse."

Annan agreed to the idea.

Anyway, the two of them have seen this map and can barely remember the locations of the marks. It doesn't matter even if it is destroyed.

Roderick immediately set out to destroy the map.

He found a lighter in the room and set the map on fire, burning it to ashes.

This map was just an ordinary paper item and did not receive any special protection. It was easily burned by the flames.

After that, Annan and Roderick continued to search everywhere in the master room, but unfortunately nothing more was found.

The two began to discuss what to do next.

"There's nothing more to discover, Roderick, what do we do next?"

"The bodies in the basement cannot be kept, but it is difficult to deal with them now..."

Roderick looked back at the large amount of documents placed on his desk.

These papers may seem ordinary, but they are actually the crystallization of the Nares family's wealth. As long as these documents can be secured and a group of qualified lawyers are found, Roderick can inherit the entire family's property safely.

Of course, this is about official property recognized by the government. As for those shady things about gangs, it is impossible to write them down clearly on paper.

"In this situation, I don't know if I can hide it from the white knights. I'm worried that those white knights will still come to your door..."

"Then let's just turn our backs on the guests."

Annan expressed his thoughts.

"We go to the white knights before they come to us. We have to take the lead and prevent them from investigating places they shouldn't be investigating."

"This...Annan, tell me your thoughts in detail."

Roderick, a vampire, wanted to avoid meeting the White Knight, but he also knew that he might not be able to avoid dealing with these difficult subjects in the future. He was caught in a dilemma.

Now, no matter how outrageous the opinion is, it must be listened to like a dead horse.

"That's right, we, or rather you, can do this and that..."

Annan described his proposal in detail and with great interest.

Roderick's brows were furrowed as he listened to his companion's thoughts.

Annan's idea is very risky, almost tantamount to inviting a wolf into the house, and is extremely risky.

However, if done well, the worst-case scenarios can be avoided.

"This is really a bold gamble..."

Roderick was a little moved, but he couldn't make a judgment immediately.

What's more, even if he insists on doing this, he still has to consider his other collaborator, namely Veronica. Buck's thoughts.

"I can't make my own decision. I want to talk to Miss Buck and the others...if they agree..."

Roderick glanced at Annan.

The boy seemed to be smiling as if he thought what was going on was interesting.

I don’t know if this person is aware that he is smiling.

"It seems that there are no other discoveries here. Anyway, let's discuss with Miss Buck what to do next."

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