Roderick is talking to Veronica. Buck discusses next steps.

Roderick planned to take a certain risk and take the initiative to contact the White Knight, taking the initiative in his hands to prevent their secrets from being exposed.

However, Veronica doesn't agree with this plan. The risk is too high and she would rather hide the matter.

Although Veronica has not yet entered the Nares family mansion to check, she decided not to go in after hearing about Roderick's discovery.

The two of them stood at the door of the mansion and discussed each other's opinions. It would probably take a long time before they could reach a conclusion that everyone agreed with.

"……somebody is coming."

At this time, Caleb. Ruth, the bodyguard, spotted a car approaching rapidly.

However, he was not particularly vigilant because he had already seen who it was.

"It's Miss Paige."

"Paige? Why is she here at this time?"

Veronica became uneasy when she heard her daughter coming here.

Her daughter Paige should be an insurance policy hidden in the dark and should not appear rashly.

Now that Peggy came here on her own initiative, this obviously meant that something had happened.


Paige got out of the car in a panic.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

Veronica nervously greeted her sweaty daughter.

"Mom, something happened over there at the orphanage... something happened over there at the orphanage!"


Veronica's eyes widened and she clenched her fists unconsciously.

"What the hell!? What happened!?"

"Over there at the orphanage..."

Paige. Buck cried and hugged his mother tightly.

"Just last night, the orphanage was attacked! They..."

"Miss Buck, what happened?"

Roderick originally didn't intend to interfere with Veronica's collaborator, but something really unexpected and serious seemed to have happened to this collaborator, and he had to know something about the current situation. Avoid accidents caused by information gaps.

However, Rodrick's concern received no response.

His collaborator, caught up in a blind excitement, did not even hear what he said.

"...That bastard! He knew it a long time ago! That damn bastard!"

Veronica looked pale and cursed in a low voice with a trembling tone.

"Trinidad Nares! That guy...he already knew..."

"Veronica, calm down."

Caleb. Ruth stepped forward and grasped the shoulders of the beautiful woman with his strong hands.

"The situation has reached this point. There is nothing we can do. You have to be strong. Don't forget the current situation. We need to deal with everything. Don't forget, we still need you."

"I...I understand! Of course I understand!"

Veronica took several deep breaths, but she still couldn't calm down.

"Roderick, things have changed...are you confident in hiding those white knights completely?"

"I just want those white knights to focus on Trinidad Nares so that they don't pay attention to our situation. I can't guarantee that everything will go smoothly, but I won't joke with my own life. I will Use your best efforts to control things well.”

Roderick didn't ask Veronica what happened there. Now that the collaborator had changed his attitude, that was enough for the time being.

Until the other person is willing to say it himself, it is not suitable for him to meddle in other people's business.

"Very good, then..."

Veronica hesitated for a moment, but finally set her sights on Annan who remained quiet.

"Dark Mage, now I need your help... I have some things that I need you to investigate."

"Oh? Are you willing to believe me, a black magician?"

Annan really didn't expect that this woman would want his help.

"I don't care, but Roderick, can you do it alone?"

"It's no problem, I can still hold on."

In addition to taking the initiative to contact the White Knight, Roderick also needs to inherit all the property of the Nares family as soon as possible, and then contact those gang members who are not in trouble to re-gather the gang's strength.

Basically, Annan is not needed for these things. When facing the white knight, Annan needs to avoid it to prevent the white knight from paying attention to unnecessary things.

"What I have to deal with next are some chores. There will be no danger. Miss Buck originally promised to send some people to help me, no problem."

"Okay, now that you say so, that's okay with me."

Annan didn't even ask for more details, and just agreed to Veronica's request casually.

"To be honest, it's hard for me to trust a black magician, but now... we really need your power..."

Veronica knew it might be too late, but she wasn't willing to just give up.

"I run an orphanage, but something happened to the orphanage last night... Many children disappeared. They were forcibly taken away... I need your power, I need to find those children. Come!"

"Although I really want to say that if you are looking for someone, you should go find a detective, but, okay, let me say it first, don't expect too much from me. I really don't understand finding people."

Annan felt that this beautiful woman's request was really strange, but there seemed to be another story behind it, and he didn't mind helping.

"...I have no other choice now, I hope it can be useful to you."

Veronica turned her head stiffly and called her daughter, who also looked ugly.

"Peggy, next, you should follow Roderick, he may need your help."


Paige. Although Buck wanted to stay by his mother's side and was worried about Annan, a black magician, there was more than one important thing for them now.

The situation in the orphanage may be irreversible. The mother is now just making her final efforts and struggle. Because of this, they cannot leave more important matters alone.

"If you have any questions, remember to contact us immediately... Then, let's go, time waits for no one."

Veronica and Caleb. Ruth took Annan into the car, while on the other side, Roderick got into Peggy's car, and the two groups began to move separately.

"Black Magician, let me tell you the general situation first..."

After the car started, an anxious Veronica immediately began to explain the situation.

"Well, Miss Veronica, I don't mind others calling me a black magician, but in front of other people, please call me by my name. By the way, do you know my name? I don't seem to have a self. introduce?"

Annan interrupted the other party without getting into the situation at all.

"Annan Gulen, this is my name."

"...I understand, Annan."

Veronica nodded stiffly.

"Let's get back to the topic, about the orphanage I run..."

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