Annan had a brief, not in-depth exchange with the obviously frail old man, and got to know each other initially.

The old man's name is Dulan. Marquez, he said that he is a professor at the official magic academy in Kedax City. His age is unexpectedly young. He is only forty-two years old this year, and he looks almost sixty years old even in appearance.

The old-looking professor, who was not very strong, seemed to be even more tired after talking to Annan. Seeing this, Annan would not force him to continue explaining. He planned to take people away from this strange place as soon as possible. place, go to the hospital for help.

Duran. Marquez said he had stopped the bleeding and received some emergency treatment, but he might not be able to get better if he didn't seek formal medical treatment.

In addition, Detective Antonio, who was still lying on the ground next to him, looked weak, so they couldn't be left to fend for themselves.

"We can't go to a formal hospital..."

Duran. Marquez heard the well-meaning Annan's thoughts, but shook his head and rejected this approach.

"We can't explain the origin of the injuries on our bodies. Even if the hospital doesn't take the initiative to contact the police, we may still be remembered by caring people. Moreover, this detective is a werewolf of dark creatures. His body cannot withstand formal inspections. You can’t go to the hospital.”

Annan ignored this point. You must know that in this world, anything related to black magic is a taboo.

Antonio's recovery ability is so strong. Once he is examined by the hospital, there will definitely be clues. It would be great fun if the hospital notifies the official.

"Don't worry, this Mr. Detective has very strong recovery power. He can recover automatically after a period of time without going to the doctor. He is just out of strength now. After all, he really almost died. As for me, after leaving here, I I’ll go find an underground doctor I know well.”

Annan nodded and had no objection to this arrangement.

This would be more convenient for him, and he would only need to leave this place with two injured patients who had difficulty moving freely.

"The next question is, how can we leave here safely..."

Duran. Marquez licked his dry lips, not knowing how to ask the young man in front of him who had just come into contact with this world to help them find a way to leave.

"Annan, let me ask you first, do you have the ability to protect yourself?"

Annan, who only knew an auxiliary black magic, thought for a moment, then took out the revolver he had picked up earlier from his pocket.

"I have this."

"This gun...isn't this my gun?"

Duran didn't expect to see the previously lost firearms here.

"Is this really yours? I found it outside in a cabin next to an abandoned factory."

Annan gently waved the gun in his hand.

"Well, Professor Duran, can you give me this gun? I need a self-defense tool, can you?"

Hearing this question, Dulan burst into laughter.

"No problem, I'll give you this gun. Do you know how to use it?"

"Probably, even though I haven't fired half a shot yet."

Annan actually didn't expect that he would get the gun so smoothly. After all, it was someone else's property, so he just asked him shamelessly.

"I'll teach you how to use it...wait! You mean this gun was found in the cabin outside?"

Dulan suddenly became excited for some reason.

"Annan, tell me, how did you enter the other world?"

"You walked in directly. Isn't there a golden door in the wooden house outside? I opened it and came to this place."

Annan responded truthfully.

Dulan opened his mouth slightly, but couldn't say a word.

Something very important seems to be very different from what he imagined.

Their communication was too brief, not detailed enough, and general common sense hampered Duran's thinking.

If he wasn't extremely weak right now, Duran might actually jump up with excitement.

"It seems that you really don't understand things about this other world..."

Duran took a few deep breaths to calm his rapidly rising chest.

"This world does not mean you can come in if you want, nor can you leave if you want. Sometimes, regardless of your own wishes, you may suddenly fall into this world even when you are walking on the road. In the same way, there is Sometimes I want to stay here temporarily, but I don’t know why I suddenly and inexplicably leave and return to reality..."

Du Lan looked deeply at Annan who was looking thoughtful.

"However, there are exceptions to everything. There are some people in this world who have a sure way to enter and leave the other world, like the golden witch. She can create a golden door that only she can use, connecting the other world..."

Annan raised an eyebrow.

He vaguely realized that there seemed to be something special about him.

"The golden door of the Golden Witch is not so much a prop as a kind of black magic that is exclusive to her. Others cannot use it or touch it. But, again, there are always exceptions to everything. There are always exceptions in this world. There are some extremely special people who have the ability to enter and exit the other world at will, and can even use other people's things to enter and exit the other world regardless of restrictions and conditions. We call these people 'openers' and 'openers'."

The meaning of this old-looking magic professor was obvious.

Annan is such a "door opener".

"Annan, is the door over there where you came in just now still open?" Dulan asked cautiously.

"I gonna go see."

Annan immediately started running, walked out of the hall, and took a look at the door behind the corner corridor to see if it still existed.

In the center of the long corridor, under the red moonlight, the golden door is still built, and the open door clearly reveals the scenery inside the real cabin.

After confirming, Annan ran back to the magic professor.

"No problem, still there."

"That would be great, no need to waste time and risk looking for a way to leave..."

Duran breathed a sigh of relief.

"I said, is this place really dangerous?" Annan continued his novice question.

"In this other world, we may meet other people with evil intentions. There are also some terrifying things in this place that are not in reality, powerful monsters that wander around, or some inexplicable dangerous phenomena... It is very dangerous here. of."

Annan had already seen the so-called person with evil intentions just now.

As for dangerous monsters or phenomena, he will definitely have the opportunity to come into contact with them in the future.

"Then let's leave quickly. I don't know how long the golden door created by the golden witch will last after she dies. It may disappear soon."

In fact, if possible, Annan would like to explore this wonderful space. The golden witch seems to be using this unknown building as its base. She may leave something useful somewhere.

However, it would be too much to waste too much time and be trapped in this place.

Not to mention that there are two wounded here. If an accident happens, Annan can't protect them. It's better to leave now and come back when there is a chance.

"...No, you are wrong, Annan, very wrong."

Duran's face suddenly became extremely gloomy.

"Wrong? What did I do wrong?" Annan was a little confused.

"The golden not dead yet."


Annan turned around subconsciously and looked at the tragically dead female magician's body on the ground not far away.

"That's just a clone of the golden witch."

Dulan breathed out a heavy breath.

"The true body of the Golden Witch is hidden in a place that no one knows. What is dead now is just a clone she created... This matter is far from over."

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