"...We can't handle...things here..."

Caleb. Of course Russ listened to the black magician Annan's warning.

However, even if he accepted Annan's suggestion, he still had to check the situation inside the orphanage himself.

He had to replace Veronica beside him and see everything here clearly with his own eyes.

Caleb. Ruth returned to the orphanage within a few seconds. The strong man's face became extremely ugly, as if he was about to vomit at any time.

He looked at his old friend lying on the ground with a complicated expression and would not wake up again.

This man who was remembered as a very gentle man really turned into a complete beast, killing all the children in the orphanage he had been caring for.

Moreover, the method of killing was extremely cruel.

Thinking of the mutilated and chewed corpses of those children, Caleb. Ruth felt even more uncomfortable.

However, no matter how uncomfortable they are now, they have to face reality.

The tragedy has passed, and no matter how regretful or sad it is, it cannot be undone. The living people can only continue to overcome obstacles and move forward.

"I've seen the situation. We can't push things here to Trinidad Nares. We can't let the White Knight know what's going on here... There are too many doubts here, and they can be exposed too easily... "

"If you don't have anyone you can completely trust, can you take care of the aftermath for you?"

Of course Annan knows that what happened in the orphanage cannot be exposed. Even if he can settle what Trinidad did and avoid a thorough investigation by the White Knight, new problems will arise here.

He originally thought that the two gangsters in front of him would be able to deal with the aftermath here, but it didn't look like what he thought.

"There are not many people we can trust. Some people can indeed do some dirty things for us, but those people don't know our true identities...

Once they come here, they will immediately find many clues. At that time, we may be threatened and exploited...

We just have to deal with this ourselves. "

Caleb. Ruth really couldn't think of anyone they could turn to to help them deal with the problems here.

As for the three of them present, this method is not impossible, but it is not suitable now.

They don't have suitable tools and vehicles right now, and it will take a while to mobilize things anyway. But it's best for them to take action immediately to deal with the remaining problems here.

The most important point is that the White Knight must not be allowed to discover what is going on here. This is the biggest problem.

You must know that on the way to this orphanage, you can see the area blocked by the White Knights. Although it is unlikely that they will leave there and come to the orphanage some distance away to inquire about information, they are also afraid that they will notice too much. Big movement.

Caleb. Ruth looked at Veronica who kept crying and knew that he had to make a decision as soon as possible.

He let out a breath and looked at Annan, who looked at ease.

"Annan Gulen, if it were you, would you be able to do anything?"

"You mean disposing of the body?"

Annan raised his head slightly, looked at the sky and thought for a while.

"I can give it a try."

"...What kind of method is it?" Caleb. Ruth asked cautiously.

"Of course it's black magic, and it's best not to let you see the kind of black magic."

Annan told the truth.

"Let's talk first. I don't know if the method I thought of will be successful, but it should work. Then, it depends on whether you are willing or not."


Caleb. Ruth frowned and was silent for a while.

"...let's do it."

Veronica stopped crying at this time, bit her lip and spoke weakly.

"I know there are priorities... Although I don't want to desecrate the corpses, and I don't want their dead bodies to be destroyed by black magic, but..."

"Veronica, is it really okay?"

Although it was Caleb at first. Ruth is looking for Annan's help, but he still inevitably wants to take Veronica's feelings into consideration.

"No problem... Now, we really can only deal with all the traces here immediately..."

Veronica looked at the dark entrance to the orphanage.

She really wanted to go in and take a look even just once.

However, she also clearly understood that she must not go in.

If she didn't have to worry about the white knight problem, Veronica would have more time to choose different methods of dealing with the aftermath, but at this point in time, she had no better choice.

"...Please do it."

"no problem."

Annan made a yes gesture.

"By the way, let's make a deal first. You must not come in later. I'm afraid that if you see what I'm doing, you might really lose control. Anyway, wait for me to come out."

"...We understand."

Veronica tried hard to control her slightly trembling body and watched Annan's back entering the orphanage.

Annan walked into the orphanage converted from a private house, came to the hall where blood and flesh were everywhere, and approached the mutilated body of a child nearby.

Just like a child bitten by a wild beast, Annan stretched out his hand and closed the child's eyelids with a little force.

"Then let's get started."

Annan squatted down, then stretched out his hands and pressed them against the child's body.

"I don't know if I can use it smoothly. This dark magic that the witch of chaos forced on me..."

Annan spat out the syllables of the magic spell and activated this new spell that had never been used before.

"The Forge of Chaos."


The bodies of the children Annan came into contact with changed one after another.


The mutilated corpse seemed to be swallowed up by Annan's hands, being slowly pulled and sucked in bit by bit.


Annan's expression was slightly distorted, feeling this strange feeling that he had never experienced before.


More than ten seconds later, the body that was originally on the ground had completely disappeared.

In other words, it disappeared into Annan's hands.


Annan reversed his palms.

There was no change in his palms, they were still ordinary fleshy palms.

"It feels quite strange... It feels like eating with my nose. In fact, I am actually absorbing life with my hands... It's so weird."

The Chaos Furnace is a black magic that absorbs life, swallows it, and then transforms it.

The reason why the Chaos Witch is the Chaos Witch is because she masters this black magic that is equivalent to the natal spell.

"Absorb life, transform it, and turn it into a part of yourself. Each transformation and absorption can only gain a negligible amount of life, but slowly accumulated, it will become very considerable. The disadvantage is..."

Annan thought of the apparently inhuman appearance of the Witch of Chaos.

"Absorbing many different lives, the Chaos Witch gained powerful power and inevitably turned into a complete black magic creature. It is not a dark creature, not a mutant, it is not that simple.

It is equivalent to a moving source of black magic pollution, a black magic chimera, a living synthetic beast,

This is the witch of chaos. "

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