Annan had a good sleep and woke up from hunger at night.

After making something to eat at home, he turned on the TV to see if there would be any big news today.

Normally, there will definitely be big news. What happened this morning was really big. However, or it can only be said that as expected, there is news, but the content is obviously inconsistent with the facts.

"So-called intelligence manipulation?"

Annan looked at the news reports on TV and felt the urge to laugh.

"The news only said that two major local gangs had a large-scale conflict, and there were many casualties, but the facts about what happened behind the scenes were not disclosed at all, although it is normal."

This should be a good thing done by the White Knight.

After all, it is impossible to openly tell all the people that there is a large-scale black magic influence in the city, which will easily cause people to panic.

"I don't know what happened elsewhere. I didn't seem to hear a call when I was talking about it before. It should be okay?"

Annan immediately made a phone call.

However, it was his cousin Catherine who he contacted.

There are too many things that have happened in the past two days, and they may affect innocent people. As a conscientious time traveler, it is natural to care about the relatives around you.

The conclusion is that Catherine, the stage actress, is safe and sound.

Catherine lives near the city center, and her theater troupe is also there. It is one of the safest places in the entire city. She usually moves around there, so naturally she will not be caught by what happens in the west side of the city. affected.

"It's okay."

Annan then called the magic professor.

After more than ten minutes, Annan ended the call.

"Is everything going well for now?"

Things developed much more smoothly than imagined.

Roderick has already begun to inherit the entire Nares family's property, and he has already contacted the White Knight earlier.

After receiving the notification, the White Knight immediately went to the Nares family mansion to investigate.

Now, the Nares mansion has been completely sealed off, but they have not put any strict control on Roderick, nor have they conducted any unnecessary physical examinations.

All in all, Rodrick was fine. Even if he came into close contact with the White Knight, he was not found to be a dark creature.

That's the case for now.

"Because maybe the white knights may have seen through everything, and they are playing a long-term game to catch the big fish... The possibility is very low to almost non-existent."

Without a mandatory physical examination, even the White Knight would not be able to see through Roderick's true identity at a glance.

Roderick was cautious enough when he came into contact with the White Knight, and the possibility of exposure was very low, almost negligible.

As long as there are no surprises next, everything should go smoothly.

"As for Mr. Detective, he is going home to rest after searching for information everywhere in the city."

Antonio tried to contact the White Knight, but the White Knight had been busy today and had no time to pay attention to the detective.

David, the captain of the White Knight, entrusted the detective with some additional investigations when the detective contacted him, but unfortunately, the detective had no way to get information from the captain of the White Knight.

The contact between the two parties will definitely continue after that, but if you want to know some secrets from the tight-lipped White Knight, it is a no-brainer.

At most, Antonio could get some preliminary information through the client's white knight captain, but this was enough. The detective had no delusion that he could find out any secrets.

"If there is no accident later, it seems that there will be no place for me to appear. Is this a good thing?"

Annan is naturally satisfied with the current smooth development.

As a black magician, he didn't want to be suddenly arrested by a white knight. Of course, it was best not to be suspected.

However, even though he had personally participated in this incident, he still didn't know the core of the matter, which made it difficult to fall asleep.

"Forget it, let's do this for now."

Annan has to go to school tomorrow, and he has already been absent from school for a day. He cannot continue to be absent without reason.

Although it is said that he has a future, and his grades in ordinary schools are good for him, at this stage, he does not want to cause trouble and there is no need to make himself conspicuous.

Annan did not practice magic that night. He wanted to replenish his magic power and restore his physical strength.

Although today's battle was not thrilling, after coming into contact with the Witch of Chaos, his consumption in all aspects was even greater. At this stage, it was best not to do unnecessary things and have a good rest.

After sleeping for most of the day, Annan's physical and mental fatigue had not completely disappeared. After dinner, he watched TV for a while and continued to sort out a lot of messy knowledge in his mind. He lay down in bed very quickly. And fell asleep.

Then, he was woken up in the middle of the night.

Annan half-opened his eyes sleepily.

The sound of black magic sounded again behind the door of the home.

Annan closed his eyes again in a daze.

The sound of this black magic is indeed annoying and always disturbs people's dreams, but based on past experiences, there will not be any danger.

He decided to stay in bed and ignore the annoying echo in his ears.


Suddenly, Annan, who was half asleep and unable to sleep peacefully because of the sound of black magic, bounced up on the bed with his upper body.

"I remembered! I forgot something!"

Annan is extremely sober now.

In other words, he was frightened to wake up.

"It's that ring! The ring that was peeled off the body of Alexis Nares!"

Annan didn't know why he remembered it just now. He obviously couldn't forget it.

At that time, he also wanted to show the ring to the professor, because he felt that the ring was obviously an item of black magic.

But he forgot so easily!

"No! No matter how bad my memory is, even if there are unexpected events that need to be dealt with later, I can't just forget it... In fact, I haven't forgotten it at all, because I know that I have forgotten things!"

Annan remembered that the ring was still in his pants pocket, covered by his rubber gloves.

Just when he wanted to get out of bed quickly and check the condition of the ring, the sound of black magic from the other world gradually weakened and then disappeared.


Sitting on the bed, Annan looked around blankly.

"Strange, why did I wake up suddenly?"

Annan always felt like he had forgotten something.

He tilted his head and thought for a moment, then decided he couldn't remember.

"Did I sleep? Forget it, I have to go to school tomorrow. Now that the annoying sound is gone, let's go to bed early."

Annan yawned and lay back between the soft quilts.

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