Please Put on Your Vest, Madam

503 Professor Lu's chalk head

Remember in a second【】

Hadry's famous physics class taught by Professor Lu.

The first-year students who grabbed the class sat anxiously on their seats, and the whole classroom was full.

Lu Qingyi was not an auditor, so all the students who grabbed the class had their seats, no one stood and waited, and no one knew that Lu Qingyi didn't like it.

The students who didn't catch the cough originally wanted to attend, but they didn't expect that Lu Qingyi's class was not allowed to attend. They really wanted to cry but had no tears.

Almost none of the first-year students present here had ever seen Lu Qingyi, and they were all sitting in the classroom early, waiting for the bell to ring, eager to see the legendary Professor Lu who is the most famous Hadry.

"Ah, ah, I'm so looking forward to it."

"Hurry up to class, hurry up to class, I can't wait."

"My little heart is pounding."

"I'm going to see Professor Lu soon, and I'm so nervous."

"It felt like a fan meeting."

"What kind of person will Professor Lu be? I'm really looking forward to it."


The classroom was noisy, and everyone was discussing who is the most famous Professor Lu of Hadley.

Lu Jiahao looked at the textbook very quietly, and was out of tune with the noisy people at the side.

Since the incident with Yao Meishu, he has become less talkative.

"Hey, aren't you curious about Professor Lu?"

Tan Shuyuan looked at Lu Jiahao who was quietly reading a book with great interest, and asked in doubt.

She knew Lu Qingyi, so she was naturally not as enthusiastic as this group of people, but the junior next to her was very quiet.

Lu Jiahao, she still knows this guy, he's handsome, he's a good player, he's quite famous.

"Not curious."

Lu Jiahao raised his eyes, his voice was a little cold, he always treated such strange girls like this.

Lu Qingyi is Hadley's most famous Professor Lu,

Naturally, it was impossible for him to be curious, and he had never listened to his sister's lecture before, so he didn't know what it was like.

The entire classroom was noisy, but the two of them were the only ones who were not curious, looked around, or discussed.

Tan Shuyuan looked at the noisy group of people, sighed slightly, and shook her head.

Alas, these people probably don't know how powerful Lu Qingyi is, so she can't say anything.

Lu Qingyi stepped into the classroom. The classroom was noisy and there were people looking around. She frowned slightly.

Many people didn't take it seriously when they saw a woman wearing a mask and peaked cap walk into the classroom, because she looked very young, and the legendary Professor Lu was no longer young.

Lu Qingyi came here empty-handed. She walked up to the podium and glanced coldly around the classroom.

The hum continued and was very loud.

When the people in the family saw the mysterious woman stepping up to the podium, they were still dazed and didn't react.

Tan Shuyuan sat firmly, no one else noticed, but she noticed, Lu Qingyi's eyes were frighteningly cold.


Lu Qingyi slapped the podium vigorously.

A group of noisy people in the classroom reacted normally, and quickly quieted down, but there were still rustling voices, discussing something in a low voice.

Lu Qingyi walked up to the podium, so it goes without saying that the person on the podium is Hadley's most famous Professor Lu.

"I said quiet, don't you understand?"

Lu Qingyi glanced coldly around below.

There were still voices of discussion below, they all wanted to see what Lu Qingyi's face looked like, but they dared not speak too loudly due to the rumors.

Thinking that Lu Qingyi couldn't hear the whispered comments.

Lu Qingyi narrowed her eyes dangerously. She grabbed a few pieces of chalk and threw them at the students who were still whispering.


Five pieces of chalk, five people, very precise.

The person who was hit screamed, covered his head and looked at Lu Qingyi in disbelief.


Immediately, the classroom became quiet, and there was no sound at all.

Tan Shuyuan patted her chest, the class dominated by Professor Lu was about to start again, it was really love and fear.

Many people want to take Professor Lu's class, but many people are afraid, which is a very contradictory phenomenon.

"Let me introduce myself, Lu Qingyi, Professor Lu."

Lu Qingyi took off her hat, put it on the podium, and then took off her mask, her eyes were cold.

Everyone below gasped.

This... there shouldn't be a mistake, right?

They are taking the class of Hadley's most famous professor Lu, not a young and beautiful professor.

Hadry also has a younger and more beautiful teacher, but not to the level of Lu Qingyi, nor so...young.

It looked much smaller than them, which made them very suspicious.

"Professor, are you sure you didn't go to the wrong class?"

Someone weakly raised his hand to ask, his voice was disturbed.

Now that he hasn't made a decision, he naturally doesn't care about speaking loudly. What if things are so unexpected?

They all knew about Professor Lu's rumors.

"I know you are confused, you can go to old man Lu to answer after class, I don't want to talk too much nonsense."

^0^ Remember in a second【】

Lu Qingyi's voice was clear and cold, and she was used to the reaction below.

"Okay, let's go to class."

Lu Qingyi didn't want to say anything more, so he turned around and wrote down the content of the class on the black and white board.

The students below looked at each other, Lu Qingyi seemed to have come empty-handed, she didn't even take the book.

When Lu Qingyi couldn't see it, he made eye contact.


Suddenly, someone yelled, and a piece of chalk fell to the ground.

"Don't make eye contact."

Lu Qingyi's cold voice came down, and she was already writing something on the blackboard with chalk in her right hand.

She didn't seem to even look back.

Damn, do you have eyes behind your back?

She has been writing on the blackboard, and she actually knows what they are doing. Isn't this a fairy?

The students below were all sitting upright, not daring to look around.

Tan Shuyuan tried her best to hold back her laughter, but she didn't dare to laugh when she wanted to, which made her very uncomfortable.

Have these freshman students ever attended Lu Qingyi's class?

"In my class, you can't whisper, you can't eat, you can't play with your mobile phone, you can't sleep, you can only follow my steps."

After Lu Qingyi finished writing, she turned around, glanced coldly at everyone below, and her voice was slightly cold.

It's like a domineering treaty.

Yes, she is so domineering, she talks about the main points, and if she wanders off, she may not be able to follow her train of thought.

She hopes that these students can learn what she has taught, instead of going in one ear and out the other.

She already has enough knowledge and doesn't need this group of people to give it back to her.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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