Please Put on Your Vest, Madam

five hundred and fifty you will be very happy

Remember in a second【】

"Put this on."

Lu Qingyi squatted down and put a watch-like thing on Li Xiyi's wrist.

"Are you afraid that I will do something stupid?"

Li Xiyi looked at the things on her wrist, and suddenly laughed.

What Lu Qingyi gave her was not a watch, but a locator, which would send out an alarm when she was in danger.

"I'm afraid that there is no place to bury your body."

Lu Qingyi said coldly, with a cold expression.

"A woman with a hard mouth and a soft heart."

Li Xiyi put down the wine bottle, she looked at Lu Qingyi and said, there was still a sense of drunkenness in her eyes.

Lu Qingyi is like this, on the surface he looks indifferent, but in fact he is very soft inside.

She is not the kind of person who is good at expressing. Her kindness to others is reflected in her actions. She may say the most cruel words, but her actions show concern for people.

Those who don't know Lu Qingyi will not know how good Lu Qingyi is.

"Don't drink, alcohol is expensive."

Lu Qingyi reached out to snatch the wine bottle from Li Xiyi's hand, then threw it aside, she said coldly.

"Are you short of this money?"

Li Xiyi smiled.

How could Lu Qingyi lack such a little money?

Lu Qingyi: "Lack."


When Lu Qingyi came out of the villa, it was already slightly dark. As soon as he drove out of the villa, he saw Zhu Yawen standing at the door.

"Is there something wrong?"

Lu Qingyi stopped the car, she rolled down the window and looked at Zhu Yawen with some doubts in her eyes.

"I... can I find a place to talk?"

Zhu Yawen took a deep breath,

Looking at Lu Qingyi asked.

She was very curious, but she wasn't sure if it was true.

If this Xu Boyan was that Xu Boyan, why did he live in such a small apartment, and when he smiled at Lu Qingyi, he was so gentle, unlike the legendary Xu Boyan at all.

Zhu Yawen got into the car, Lu Qingyi drove back to the villa area, and went to Xu Boyan's apartment.

Seeing Lu Qingyi walking in with ease, Zhu Yawen was surprised.

"Sit down, there is only plain water."

Lu Qingyi poured Zhu Yawen a glass of boiled water, and she spoke slowly.

"This is... your home?"

Zhu Yawen looked around the villa, she asked.

Lu Qingyi: "That's right, Xu Boyan's."

Zhu Yawen: "..."

It seems that Lu Qingyi's husband is really the legendary Xu Boxan.

"Xu Boyan is that Xu Boyan, right?"

Zhu Yawen pressed her chest, she asked slowly, feeling a little unbelievable.

Who would have thought that such a noble man would wash his hands and make soup for his lover?

Who would have thought that the cold and heartless person in the legend would have such a gentle smile?

Who would have thought that Xu Boyan, who had lived a good life since he was a child, could actually live in a small apartment?

who would have thought...

There were too many, Zhu Yawen really couldn't believe that Xu Boyan had such an approachable scene.

"Is there another Xu Boyan in this world?"

Lu Qingyi asked back, the smile on her lips was very faint.

"Thank you. I thought he suddenly figured it out. I didn't expect it to be your help. I sincerely thank you."

Zhu Yawen bowed to Lu Qingyi as she spoke, her eyes were full of sincerity.

She really felt grateful to Lu Qingyi, if it wasn't for Lu Qingyi, she might still be in dire straits.

Living an unsatisfactory life every day, the front is glamorous, and the back is full of scars.

There is no warmth in that family, and even the son doesn't see her as a mother.

"You're welcome, what I said will definitely be fulfilled."

Lu Qingyi's tone was also very flat, she didn't think this was a big deal, it was just a matter of the casual gang.

"Qingyi, I thought you liked to live an ordinary life, so I found an ordinary person, but I didn't expect him to be an invisible rich man."

Zhu Yawen smiled and said, in fact, she was really envious of Lu Qingyi.

A man like Xu Boyan can actually cook for Lu Qingyi and treat her so well, which is enough to show that this is true love.

Zhu Yawen could see that Lu Qingyi would definitely be very happy in the future.

"I really like plainness. When I first met him, I thought he was not an ordinary person, but I didn't think he was particularly rich."

Lu Qingyi smiled and said, his voice was very soft.

Indeed, when she first met Xu Boyan, she only thought that Xu Boyan was just a passerby.

He never expected to have any contact with Xu Boxan in the future.

"Is he nice to you?"

Zhu Yawen asked.

"Well, very good. I have been lucky to meet him in my life. If I was not happy before, I think it is worth meeting him in exchange for meeting him."

When talking about Xu Boyan, Lu Qingyi's face was full of joyful smiles. Yes, she felt very lucky to meet Xu Boyan.

"Your backgrounds are very different, is there no one to criticize?"

^0^ Remember in a second【】

Zhu Yawen became a little curious.

Xu Boyan is kind to Lu Qingyi, she can see this, but she thinks that these two people will definitely be criticized when they are together.

When she and Tang Zhenqing were just married, because of her status, many people talked about her, and then the voices of those discussions gradually faded away.

Although Tang Zhenqing had never been nice to her after marriage, he did a very good job of superficial skills and protected her especially in front of outsiders.

"I didn't feel that I wasn't worthy of him. Before, I felt that I was good in everything except my background."

Lu Qingyi raised her eyes to look at Zhu Yawen, she spoke slowly, her tone was loud, but extremely flat.

Yes, she never felt that she was bad, and she never felt that she and Xu Boyan were unworthy.

In addition to her family background, she felt that she could compete with Xu Boyan in many aspects.

"You are always so confident."

Zhu Yawen looked at Lu Qingyi, and felt special envy for a moment, envious of Lu Qingyi's temperament.

Full of self-confidence, as if nothing can defeat her, she exudes a fascinating atmosphere.

"Women, you must know how to be independent, and don't be blindly attached to men. I believe you can rely on this role to become popular. If you like acting, you can continue in the future. If you don't like it, you can use the money to do what you like. .”

The corners of Lu Qingyi's lips curled up slightly, she took out a card from her pocket, and handed it to Zhu Yawen, the corners of her lips curled up slightly.

Yes, it is better for women to be independent. Xu Boyan was very nice to her, but she didn't take Xu Boyan's kindness for granted.

She also has her own business and needs to make money by herself.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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