Then go to dig the mountain and go outside to demolish the materials on the old house.

And the base is also in the process of frantic expansion. The goal of the first phase is to double the expansion and enclose all the farmland outside into the new city.

Because most of the grain harvested in advance due to mutant insects has not grown to maturity, the loss is still relatively large. With such a large population in a base, it is very difficult to eat, and a new crop is imminent.

At the same time, there are still a large number of people who transport the corrosive liquid to further places to kill insects, and some people go to the border of the three cities, and the local zombies cross the border.

In short, he was busy everywhere, but Ying Shiqin, who was locked in the prison, vaguely heard the guards talking about him, and was so angry that he was about to vomit blood.

If it weren't for his corrosive liquid, these people are still struggling with the mutants, how can they free up their hands to do some construction and sowing, but now these people are still locked up for their benefits, and all his credit is placed on that On Qu Huanian.

He is also a book transmigrator, why is Qu Huanian recognized, why is Bai Xiaohu protected by so many people, yet he has to fall to this point.

He was so angry that he exploded, screaming and letting him out, but no one paid attention to him, the place where he was locked up was still very strong, and he was not afraid of his many abilities.

In addition to him, there is another group of people who are very irritable, that is, the supernatural beings other than Zhongyang Baishou team.

And this kind of emotion exploded to the apex after hearing that some one or two-month-old babies with the blood of supernatural beings who were born prematurely in other bases were judged to be mentally retarded and cerebral palsy.

It might not have been discovered so early, after all, the child's appearance is relatively normal, but isn't this the news that the offspring of supernatural beings will be abnormal from the Jiangcheng base? So after careful observation of the bases where children had already been born, they really discovered the clues, and now many of the base's supernatural beings are fried.

The leader of the central base directly called General Xu, and immediately asked, "Old Xu, what's the matter with you? Such an important matter has been announced just like that. Do you want to cause mutiny among the supernatural beings across the country?"

General Xu said calmly and calmly: "The first batch of children have already been born. Even if they look normal on the surface, as they grow up, problems will still be exposed. At that time, the situation will only get worse. Now, there is still a long way to go before the mutation tide. Half a month, this half month can handle this problem well."

"How to deal with it? Should we deal with all the children who have already been born, or drag all the women who are just pregnant to give birth to abortion?"

"This is also the reason why I want to announce in advance. There is no way for children who have already been born or are about to be born, but those who are still young can still be saved. Only by trying to recover the loss as much as possible and reduce the pain is the best for the supernatural beings. of."

The leader was silent for a while: "It's that Bai Xiaohu? Is she sure?"

"should have.."

"Should have, if she fails, the ability user loses the last hope, do you know what will happen? If she really has more abilities, she is the treasure of all mankind, and should not be folded in a mere ability A small group of people with supernatural powers only accounts for less than one-tenth of the total population, even if they are all extinct, it will not affect the overall situation."

"But the people around her are all supernatural beings, and she is more willing to help her supernatural being friends than from the perspective of all human beings."

The leader laughed angrily: "But once she can't save the supernatural beings, she will bear the hatred of those people."

General Xu: "At that time, the power of the entire Jiangcheng base will become her umbrella. After all, this is the responsibility I imposed on her."

The leader was very annoyed. General Xu's attitude of completely siding with the supernatural being this time made him displeased, and he even felt that this was an act that disregarded the overall situation. If they don't intervene, it will be at least a few months or even half a year or a year later when the supernatural beings find that their offspring generally have problems.

After all, after the end of the world, the supernatural beings awakened one after another, and then they were busy fighting with the zombies. Most people did not have time to have children. The descendants of the supernatural beings who have been born now are not only small in number, but also basically premature.

Many things can happen in half a year and a year. If the mutation tide can be solved perfectly like the mutant insects, the order before the end of the world will be restored on a large scale.

Once there are fewer supernatural enemies, these supernatural powers will become less important, and when they make trouble again, it will be easier to suppress them.

Therefore, in this leader's view, it is most important to concentrate on dealing with the mutant tide right now, but the good situation of cohesion of people's hearts was disrupted by the news from the Jiangcheng base. Business?

He said with a deep breath: "It's too nonsense, send people to the central base."

"No, I have no right to decide whether she will stay or not."

"Are you disobeying orders?"

General Xu said frankly: "If she is unwilling to leave the Jiangcheng base, then even if she wants to resist the order, I will not let the central base reach her side."

The call ended unhappily, and General Xu sighed. This is why he released the news without first reporting it to the central base. The central base...many people have a bad impression of supernatural beings.

This is the evil result left by the supernatural beings, and it also comes from the jealousy and fear of ordinary people towards those with supernatural abilities. But I'm afraid it was this kind of attitude that later caused the supernatural beings to turn against the ordinary people's camp after knowing that they were extinct and that their own lives were not long.

Thinking of the ending that Qu Huanian Ying Shiqin said, he sighed, hoping that what he did was right.

It is in this situation that the White Head Squad passed on

It was discovered that they had anti-pregnancy and brain-replenishing medicine, and in an instant, the Baishou team was surrounded by supernatural beings in the base.

Then, in the afternoon, planes from other bases flew over to see the situation, to buy medicines, to consult. The team is also crowded.

Bai Xiaohu was watching people plant and collect herbs on the farm. After watching for a while, there was no problem. He was about to go back. When he went outside, he found many people staring at the edge of the farm. Many of them were quite powerful, and they were all very different those who can.

"Captain Bai!" One of them greeted Bai Xiaohu, "You must be the famous Captain Bai."

Bai Xiaohu looked at the other party, nodded: "I am."

This is a very burly and tall man with a simple and honest face. There are many people behind him, all of them should be supernatural beings. Obviously this man is their leader. The man's eyes lit up immediately: "I'm from the Liucheng base. Our base bought a lot of anti-infection packages from you, and wiped out millions of zombies at once."

Bai Xiaohu smiled and said, "Then your base is very strong."

The man asked, "Does this anti-fetal drug really work?"

Bai Xiaohu, who has already received many nods from parents-to-be and young fetuses, is very confident, and nodded decisively: "It works, of course it works, but there is one thing, the older the month, the less effect it will have on the child, you understand the meaning, right? , missed the brain development period, or the brain has been affected by the ability, then the effect of the medicine will definitely not be good."

Bai Xiaohu looked at this person: "Is there a pregnant woman in your family?"

The man's eyes immediately turned red: "My wife is three months pregnant. After hearing the news, she couldn't eat or sleep. After a few days, she lost weight. Both of us are supernatural beings. I heard that children will be more affected by this.”

But they can’t do it without this child. Before the end of the world, they were busy making a living, and they didn’t dare to have children when they were old. In the end of the world, they were lucky enough to become supernatural beings, and their lives were much better than most people. Now the baby is pregnant

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