So depressed, he made a fake trick to lie to her!

Humans are so cunning.

She sat down on the ground, very angry.

Lu Ye smiled slightly, approached slowly, knelt down and said to the little guy, "Want a photo? Come with me."

What are you talking about?

The little fox, who couldn't understand human language at all, stared at him for a while, then rushed over to grab the phone.

The man was able to deal with her with ease.

As soon as the hand is raised slightly, the little fox has to jump up and down.

In the end, the little fox got annoyed, grabbed his clothes, climbed onto him, and pressed hard on his back. The man couldn't prevent her from suddenly becoming extremely heavy, and she rolled down the slope on the side of the road under her pressure.

Afraid of overwhelming this little guy, he took her into his arms without any hassle.

Rolled to the bottom in a blink of an eye, just as Lu Ye was about to get up, the little fox in his arms got out, and then a heavy object was pressed on his back. Just as Lu Ye was about to move, he suddenly realized something was wrong, a human hand Reaching out from behind, he snatched the phone from his hand, and he heard the girl let out a smug grin.

He looked sideways, and happened to see the little girl's eyes bent with a smile, her plump apple muscles, and her long hair blown up by the wind under the half moon.

He froze for a moment, his heart beating extremely fast.

The little girl saw him looking at her in a blink of an eye, and immediately stretched out her hand to cover his eyes.

The soft and warm hand covered his eyes. The feeling was indescribable, but it made the man's heart beat faster.

He didn't resist, but stretched out his hand to hold the hand.

"Who are you?" he asked in a low voice.

Of course Bai Xiaohu couldn't answer his question because he didn't understand.

Hearing someone approaching in the distance, she immediately threw the phone into the space, and covered the man's mouth with her other hand to prevent him from shouting.

Lu Ye: "..."

Just cover your eyes, cover your mouth...

It was as if he had kissed the soft and delicate palm.

With a faint indescribable but very pleasant fragrance.

Bai Xiaohu almost knelt on his back, listening to the approaching footsteps.

She hit the man on the head hard enough to knock him out without actually hurting him. After making sure that the man was still, she ran away quickly.

But after she left, the man lying on the ground opened his eyes and sat up silently.

Ying Zhongyang came with people, and finally found the person sitting quietly at the bottom of the kilometer, who seemed to be in a daze: "Why are you here? Where's the fox?"

Lu Ye looked at him silently, really, it was the first time that he felt such an eyesore.

But he was in a good mood, so he didn't bother with him anymore, stood up and patted the grass clippings on his body, and said with a smile: "She will come back."

They will meet again.

At this time, Bai Xiaohu never imagined that evil humans have an evil technology, which can upload ugly photos to the cloud space, and she is also in a good mood after a major event is over.

Then she began to sense the location of the little devil chicken, but the devil energy in this world is too much and too complicated, a little devil chicken can't find all living beings at all.

She could only put this matter aside and start sensing where the cat demon was.

Hey, before time travel, she could clearly sense the aura of a cat monster in this world, why couldn't she sense it after she came in?

She suddenly thought of something and took out a pair of shoes from the space.

A pair of men's brown loafers.

Seeing that it was at least 90% new, she struggled for a while, and went up to smell it. There was no smell, but there was a faint smell of cat demon left.

Ah, is this left behind by the cat demon?

Is she going to find someone with a pair of shoes? Those who can fit are suspected targets, and those who can't be directly screened out? ...This stalk sounds a bit familiar!

The half-missed moon in the sky looked at the frowning little girl below, and also lost weight with worry. Why does its new contractor look so stupid?

The person you are looking for has just separated from you! Also, when will I realize the existence of this tool spirit!

Later, every time Bai Xiaohu saw someone, he would first peek at the other person's feet. The feet were too small, it didn't fit, and it was too big. They looked about the same size. Come on, come on, try on the shoes

Chapter 84

Bai Xiaohu sniffed the clothes of the human male in the space like a mouse, and found that they all smelled of only one person, and more or less had the smell of a cat demon.

The weirdest thing is that this smell is so similar to the smell on the phone she just seized.

So, the person she was looking for had lived in her space before, and that person might still be the one she robbed today?

Bai Xiaohu was a little dizzy, and he couldn't understand it.

She was going to ask herself, but when she left the space, she found a group of zombies rushing past.

She hurriedly hid back again, mainly because of the smell of corpses. She stayed in the space until she felt that the zombies had left, and then she came out. The smell really lingered for a long time. She returned to the human camp just now, Sure enough, they were no longer here, and the cars all drove away.

Bai Xiaohu was stunned for a moment, where should he find someone now?

The man's remaining smell in the air was also covered up by the smell of zombies.

After thinking about it, she could only go to the nearby crowded places to see.

Where the popularity gathers, it is still

It's easier and better, thinking this way, she went back to the space and took a nap, and didn't start her journey until dawn the next day.

She turned into a human form, and cleverly changed into the clothes worn by the women in the space, which unexpectedly fit them well. As for the smell of her own on them, she didn't find it strange. It was placed in her space, It's normal to smell of her.

I ran into some zombies on the road, and before they got close, she waved her hand and dealt with them without digging out the crystal nucleus. Either she didn't know there was such a thing, or she just didn't want to touch the rotten head. .

As for why she knew about the crystal nucleus, it was because a human female followed her to pick up the leaks and dug out the brains of those zombies after she left.

The other party deliberately followed Bai Xiaohu, but Bai Xiaohu was also observing the other party, and then she suddenly quickened her pace and disappeared.

The woman who was following her suddenly lost her track, and walked quickly for a while, but couldn't see anyone around, a little disappointed, and went back to join her teammates.

Her teammates consisted of three men and one woman. When they saw her coming back, they asked, "Who are they? They came back after following for so long."

"It's a very powerful girl, she should be from the control department. I followed her and picked up a lot of crystal nuclei."

"Okay, let's continue on our way, and get to Baishou Base earlier?"

said one of the teenagers.

Another bright-looking woman said: "Is it really going to the Baishou base, not the Jiangcheng base?"

"Well, Baishou base has my elder brother, maybe we can take me in because we have the same blood, and we don't know anyone in Jiangcheng base."

The bright woman frowned: "But the Baishou base is as strong as a cloud, and we may not be able to be reused if we go. In comparison, the Jiangcheng base is weak, and people with supernatural powers are very welcome to join, and it's not like Lu Ye has a problem with your family. , even if he is your elder brother, he won't be given preferential treatment, right?"


Hearing these two sounds, Bai Xiaohu's ears felt a little itchy, and a string seemed to be plucked in his heart.

Then it was as if some memory had been unlocked, and I was slowly able to understand certain words in some of these people's conversations.

They are deciding which of the two places to go, and that Lu Ye seems to be at the Baishou base.

Replacing the two words Baishou with a meaning that I can understand, it should have the same meaning as Baishou in Baishou Mountain.

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