You need to have your own power turf and be able to be the master of the house.

This kind of thinking is very dangerous in the peaceful and prosperous age, but after the end of the world, there is naturally a soil that tolerates this kind of thinking to grow freely. Although the Jiangcheng base is good, it will never obey others' orders and be controlled by others.

But if the people in the base had a better place to go, he would not stop them.

He agreed to this condition, and initially finalized the agreement to purchase vaccines from the Jiangcheng base at that time.

Bai Xiaohu frowned slightly, vaccine? Why did she think that the healing of these infected people was because Mengmeng had sucked away the evil energy in their bodies?

If so, where did the vaccine come from?

It's just that she looked at the people in the Jiangcheng base who looked proud and arrogant, and didn't ask them if there was a little black chicken here.

In another place of the Jiangcheng base, a group of fanatical researchers stared at the black chick jumping up and down in a transparent cover. This is the root cause of the recovery of the infected!

So, is the blood drawn first or the hair plucked? It's better to find out whether it is male or female first, and let's start the breeding work!

The little black chicken trembled, and had a terrible premonition that its chastity for so many years would be lost. Suddenly, it vaguely received a signal from the fox. Heidou's eyes lit up, and he called out, actually conveying his own message at this moment.

Chapter 91


The night at the Jiangcheng base was lonely and chaotic. A white fluffy creature a little bigger than a cat sneaked in from the city wall which was not at all well-defended, came to a certain research room, and slipped in quietly.

A thing that looks like a black chicken cub is being tied to an operating table, and it looks like it will be sliced ​​into a lab mouse.

Bai Xiaohu hid in the air vent above, squinted his round fox eyes, and when the people in the room went out and only two people were left, he jumped down, swishing his claws twice, and slapped them watermelons As if fainted, he jumped onto the console, broke the rope with a wave of his paw, and fiddled with the half-dead chicken.

The chicken was given anesthesia, the black bean's eyes were crooked, and the chicken's tongue stuck out.

Bai Xiaohu put the chicken into the space, then lightly jumped back to the upper vent, and ran along the narrow ventilation duct.

When the alarm sounded and people shouted to catch the intruder, she had already run out of the Jiangcheng base.

Bai Xiaohu released the little magic chicken from the space, put it on the ground, fiddled with it twice, why didn't it wake up? Human beings are so drugged?

She looked at the dark night, and shook her chubby body against the night wind. The snow-white soft fur was blown by the wind. She took the little magic chicken in her mouth and ran lightly.

A little fox so white that it could almost glow was like a streamer in the night, and it took only half an hour to return to Baishou Base. The defense here is much stronger, and there is a moat blocking it. After waiting in the dark for a long time, she waited for a car returning at night, and immediately hid under the car and got in.

The car drove into the base, she ran out from under the car, and continued to move forward like a gust of wind.

"Hey, did you see a white shadow passing by just now?"

"It seems to be, is it a cat?"

"There is still a black thing biting in the mouth, it must be a mouse."

Bai Xiaohu finally ran to the vicinity of her residence, but the guards here were even tighter. She was thinking about how to get in when she suddenly saw a familiar person somewhere.

Curious, she couldn't help sneaking closer.

The female supernatural being seen before was brought out of a room.

Bai Xiaohu squatted behind the bushes curiously, and then another person came out of that room.


The man stood at the door with his hands behind his back, his expression was hidden in the night because of the backlight, but it gave the impression that he was thinking about something.

The fox's eyes widened: Night, private meeting in the middle of the night!

She said that the two seemed to be tricked!

She took a step forward, wanting to see clearly, a person standing closer to here in the yard noticed something, and said sharply: "Who!"

Bai Xiaohu was taken aback, at that moment, it seemed that Lu Ye was also looking this way, his eyes were as sharp as lightning.

She hurriedly shrank behind the bushes.

"Is there something hiding here?" The person who found Bai Xiaohu said, looking as if he was going to search, Bai Xiaohu panicked, and opened his mouth: "...Meow!"

"Is it a feral cat?"

Lu Ye: "..."

Lu Ye: "Never mind, you guys go first." The others took the female supernatural person away, and the female supernatural person had a blank and numb expression from the beginning to the end, as if she had lost her soul.

After everyone else had left, Lu Ye walked towards the bush, and there was naturally no snow-white fluffy there.

Lu Ye recalled the scene just now, he should have seen it right, the little fox's eyes widened and ears pricked up when he was frightened was too familiar, but why did she come out in the shape of a little fox again?

He thought about it carefully. What she had in her mouth just now...was a mouse?

Out in the middle of the night to catch mice? What a... unique hobby.

He thought again of what the supernatural woman said just now. She was controlled by Wan Zuochao's hallucinations and fell into a dream state. She said that she was a time traveler, and this was a world in a book, and the ending of the book was the end of the world.

Naturally, he didn't believe these words, or in other words, even if the supernatural woman hadn't lied, these words couldn't be used by him as a reference, and his fate was decided by himself.

But those words made some pictures faintly flash in his mind. It seems that someone once told him that this world is a book world.

He seemed to have seen the scene of world destruction, the false world, and the scene of the world's destruction. His heart was slightly tugged, not because of that ending, but the parting that followed that ending.

As he walked and thought, he met Wen Liansheng who had come back from the office area. He looked at Wen Liansheng's legs.

Wen Liansheng was acting as usual, and his legs were not damaged at all. He was a healthy and elegant young man, but a scene of Wen Liansheng sitting in a wheelchair with a pale face appeared in his mind.

Sensing his gaze, Wen Liansheng asked inexplicably, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay, I was wondering, would a fox like to eat mice?"

Wen Liansheng: "???"

Bai Xiaohu returned to his residence with a vigorous posture and swift speed, put down the little devil chicken, and was still terrified, almost being seen by others.

She turned into a human, touched the little magic chicken that she had carried all the way, ate the night wind and dust all the way, and finally seemed to be waking up.

The little devil chicken opened his eyes, and when he saw a familiar person, he immediately called out "Jiu Jiu" excitedly.

Bai Xiaohu touched it with a smile: "Okay, isn't this safe? Speaking of which, how did you get there? What does it have to do with you that those infected people were cured?"

After a pause, she looked at it up and down: "Speaking of which, you have gained a lot of weight, and it seems that you have gained a lot of weight. My mouth is a little numb."

The little devil chicken chatted with her immediately.

Bai Xiaohu understood, that is to say, this guy can absorb the devil energy from the infected person to heal him, and every time he saves a person, he can get a little... um, energy similar to merit?

Although I don't understand the reason for this, it seems to be a good thing that kills three birds with one stone - Mengmeng can get magic energy, infected people can be cured, and he can accumulate energy that he doesn't know what to use.

Bai Xiaohu encouraged it: "Then you continue to work, there should be many infected people in this base."

Then she wondered how to tell this to other people.

Suddenly there was a knock on the window, and she went over to see that the big white cat named Dapan was knocking on the window. Dapan had a very gloomy expression on his face, as if he was reluctant to come.

She opened the window, and the big white cat meowed at her.

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