Please Take Care of Me, Young Master Quan

Chapter 406: Submissive posts, acquaintances apply

  Chapter 406 Obedient posts, acquaintances apply for a job

   A night without dreams.

  The next day, Shen Hou and Miao Miao went to the company very early.

   Seeing the two people enter the door, everyone gave a meal together.

  Compared to yesterday's coat, jeans, and flat boots, Shen Wei is wearing a white suit today. The slim fit outlines her tall figure while being formal.

  A pair of **** pointed high heels modified her already slender legs almost against the sky.

   Coupled with her indifferent expression and cold eyes, her aura instantly stood at 1.8 meters.

   At first glance, it was so beautiful that people couldn't take their eyes off it.

  The second glance was so fierce that people dare not look directly at it.

  Miao Miao saw everyone's reaction, and couldn't help raising her chin, as if she was the one who surprised everyone.

   This is called, and there is honor.

   "Ten minutes later, there will be a meeting in the conference room." After leaving this sentence, Shen Wei walked in first on high heels.

   Miao Miao followed closely behind.

  Zhou Chi withdrew his gaze, and his lowered eyes instantly covered up the surging amazement: "Cough...Everyone, get ready, there are nine minutes and six seconds left."

   After finishing speaking, he took his laptop and folder and walked towards the office.

  Kang Jian called out to stop him: "Wait, I'll be with you."

  Yang Weining was still immersed in the shock brought by Shen Yu, and couldn't react for a long time.

  Until, he was slapped on the shoulder by his brother: "Why are you in a daze? Your soul is gone?"

   "...It hurts, brother! Can't you be gentle?"

   "It's too light, you didn't respond."


  Yuan Fei hooked Gou Changbo's finger, and the latter suddenly came back to his senses, and turned to look at him: "What's wrong?"

   "Does it look good?"

  Chang Bo subconsciously nodded.

  Shen Yu's beauty is not in her face, but in her temperament.

  She doesn't have to do anything, she just needs to stand in front of others, even though her face is expressionless, she is still graceful.

   And this kind of trait makes her stand out no matter when and where, and become the focus of attention.

  Chang Bo is a man. Although he doesn't like women, he still has his own aesthetic system for beauty and ugliness.

   And Shen Yu happened to be in line with his understanding of the word "good-looking", so he chose to nod without hesitation.

  Yuan Fei sneered: "Okay, no wonder the eyeballs won't turn anymore."

  Chang Bo realized later: "What nonsense? You clearly know me...that's just pure admiration!"

   "So, do you admire Shen Wei?"

   This is a proposition.

  Chang Bo pondered for a moment: "If you ask me if the pot of succulents on the window sill looks good, I will also nod. The two are the same reason."

  His admiration of Shen Hou is no different from admiration of a flower, a grass, or a pot of green plants.

  Yuan Fei snorted softly, with a smile on his face: "Even if you react quickly, it's not too bad."

  Chang Bo: "Let's go, let's go to a meeting." As he said, he wrapped his arms around his waist and pushed him forward.

   "Wait a while, I'll get the information. When a new official takes office, the first fire will definitely be strong. I have to be prepared to avoid being burned to ashes."

  Chang Bo nodded, that's the reason.

   Listening to the tone of the old ghost last night, there is a hint of vigilance towards this young female boss between the lines.

   It can be seen that the other party is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

   Sui Zhou's desk was outside, closest to the aisle. From the moment Shen Yu entered the door, his eyes were glued to the woman's long legs, and he couldn't even pick them off.

   It wasn't until Shen Yu entered the conference room that he looked back regretfully.

   "Hey, old ghost..." He kicked his feet, rolled the wheelchair for a long distance, and finally stopped right next to Guidongnan, "I suddenly found that our little boss is quite spicy."

   "Spicy?" Gui Dongnan paused, "Which aspect are you referring to?"

   "Of course it's the figure!"


   "Tsk, I don't blame you for not being able to appreciate." As he spoke, he slid back to his seat.

  Ten minutes, no more, no less, all the staff are here.

Shen Yu didn't bother about those things, and got straight to the point: " are all core members of the technical team. You were in the game development stage before. In order not to distract you, many things are pending, such as equity allocation, position arrangement, and performance evaluation. etc."

   Everyone's expressions lifted.

   I have to say that the points listed by Shen Wei hit the key points.

  The originally languid expressions converged by coincidence, and they all sat up straight and pricked up their ears...

  The meeting lasted for two full hours.

In terms of equity distribution, the seven people headed by Gui Dongnan still hold 20% of Qihang's dry shares. At the same time, Shen Yu also promised that as long as they do not commit suicide and do not harm the company's interests, they will not use any means to expel them exile.

   also promised that as long as everyone here has worked for ten years, she will take part of her own shares as a reward.

  Of course, the ratio will definitely not be too much.

  But according to the current development speed, who can predict what Qihang will develop at that time? Perhaps 0.1% of dry stocks is enough for ordinary people to live comfortably for a lifetime.

   So far, everyone is happy with the issue of equity distribution.

  Gui Dongnan heaved a sigh of relief, feeling relieved.

  If he could, he didn't want to confront Shen Yu at all, but he had to take into account the demands of other team members, so before today, he was very difficult and struggling.

  The current situation is the best, not to offend Shen Wei, but also to have an explanation to his companions.

   Next, it comes to job placement.

  Shen Wei was not polite at all, and made no secret of his value and trust in Zhou Chi. He directly handed over the positions of technical director and vice president to him, and had the highest decision-making power over the technical department, that is, the core team.

  For the positions of the two deputy directors, Shen Yu directly selected Gui Dongnan and Kang Jian.

  Gui Dongnan took the position, and everyone was not surprised. After all, he was the former leader of the team, so Shen Yu still wanted to show some respect.

  As for Kang Jian...

  Before anyone else said anything, he jumped out by himself with a look of astonishment: "Me?"

  Shen Wei raised his eyes and glanced lightly: "Is there a problem?"

   "Why me?"

   Others are equally curious.

  “Usually, those who unconditionally support their superiors have a greater chance of being reused.”

  Like an emperor, he needs to support his courtiers.

  You don’t have to support or even sing against it, then I will train a few obedient and sensible ones to take your place and then take your power.

   It's that simple and rude!

  Kang Jian's support for Zhou Chi is also equivalent to his support for Shen Yu.

  She helped him to the top, obviously to train her confidants.

  Kang Jian understands, Zhou Chi understands, and others naturally understand too.

  Shen Wei: "You can refuse, but you only have one chance."

  Kang Jian suddenly raised his eyes, met the woman's insightful gaze, and suddenly gave birth to such an arrogance eager to prove himself, almost lonely—

  He said: "I accept!"

   Zhou Chi smiled.

  Shen Wei nodded: "That's it. The next question is about your performance evaluation, which will be directly linked to your annual salary..."

   "President Shen, I have a question." Sui Zhou stood up suddenly.

"you say."

  “A company with a complete structure is completely different from a simple game studio. In addition to the core technical department, shouldn’t there be departments in charge of marketing, business, etc.?”

  Shen Wei: "Should."

   "Then how do you plan to arrange the appointment of personnel in these departments?" He asked bluntly.

Shen Yu also answered simply: "Before I came, I had entrusted a headhunting company to recommend suitable candidates. The written test has ended, and the interview is scheduled for this afternoon. If you are interested, you can also watch it. After all, I am also selecting future colleagues for you. have a say."

   However, the decision-making power is still in her hands.

   Sui Zhou said "Oh", his voice was a bit muffled, and he sat back down in despair.

   Finally, performance evaluation.

  Shen Wei came up with a mature assessment system, quantified each indicator in detail, and gave different gradients of year-end rewards according to the final assessment results.

   Yuan Fei couldn't help but click his tongue.

  Chang Bo turned his head sideways and asked him, "What are you feeling?"

   "The little boss came prepared, amazing!"

   "The judgment of the old ghost and Kang Jian is correct. She is indeed capable and sincere."

  After the meeting ended, it was almost time for dinner.

  The atmosphere is quite pleasant.

  Miao Miao ordered food in advance, and it happened to be delivered after the meeting.

  Everyone was still thinking about what to eat for lunch, when they smelled a scent that went straight into their nostrils.

"seafood rice?"

   "I think it's like sour radish and duck soup."

  Everyone shook their noses, looking like a dog.

   In just a short while, Miao Miao has already unpacked the package in twos and twos, arranged the food, and then invited everyone to eat.

  What could be more enjoyable than having a hot meal after a boring meeting?

   "Thank you Mr. Shen!"

   "Long live Boss!"

   "You are so thoughtful..."

  Miao Miao took a step back and let them sit first, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, she quietly retreated to Shen Hou's side.

  Flick off the clothes after the matter, and hide the merit and fame deeply.

  At two o'clock in the afternoon, the candidates introduced by the headhunting company arrived one after another.

  Winter in suits and leather shoes, maintaining a good demeanor and temperament.

  When Shen Yu passed by, a rough scan showed that there were men and women, and they were all around thirty years old.

  The headhunting company was always contacted by Cai Yun. She knew that Shen Yu wanted to recruit supervisors and above, so when the match was made, she directly asked not to be Mengxin.

  As "Fox Fairy" became popular, Qihang also became popular.

  The most obvious comparison is that before the Fox Fairy public beta, the quality of people recommended by the headhunting company was not high, not even good enough, but now there are a lot of talents. At first glance, all of them are elites.

  Miao Miao: "There are two positions being recruited this time—CEO and General Manager. The number of applicants for the former is nearly 20, and the number of applicants for the latter is slightly less than 18."

  Shen Wei frowned: "Didn't you already pass the written test once, why are there so many people?"

   "I asked, and Sister Cai said that originally only five people were allowed to enter the interview for the two positions, but some people directly skipped the headhunting company and contacted her to recommend themselves, and those people were all excellent..."

   It is said that there are many turtles with Silicon Valley background.

  Miao Miao coughed lightly, "Sister Cai really doesn't know **** people, so she simply asked them all to come to the interview and leave the final decision to you."

  The corner of Shen Yu's mouth twitched.

   “Too many people, not enough time.”

  Tomorrow is the last day of the New Year's Day holiday. She and Miao Miao have already booked a flight back to Ningcheng for tomorrow morning, so this afternoon is the only time they can use for the interview.

  A total of 38 people, according to the minimum standard, each person's time of 15 minutes, plus a break in the middle, is simply unrealistic.

  Miao Miao: "Do you want to screen again? But we didn't prepare in advance, where can we find the test questions?"

  Shen Yu thought for a while, pulled out a piece of A4 paper, held a pen in his right hand: "I'll come out."


   "It's a great honor for everyone to choose Qihang, but there are a lot of interviewees today, so we have prepared a test for you first, please keep quiet and follow me."

  Miao Miao introduced the thirty-eight people into the meeting room, arranged to sit down one by one, and then began to distribute the test papers.

  It is said to be a test paper, but in fact there is only one question, and the question is very simple.

  It is neither economic knowledge nor investment application.


  A nursery rhyme.

  The big rabbit is sick,

   Two Rabbits Look,

   Three rabbits buy medicine,

  Four rabbits boil,

  Five rabbits died,

  Six rabbits carry,

  Seven rabbits dig a hole,

   eight rabbits buried,

  Nine rabbits sat on the ground and cried,

  Ten Rabbit asked him why he was crying?

   Nine rabbits said,

  Five rabbits will never come back!

  —From Nursery Rhymes of Mother Goose

  This is the stem of the question.

  The problem is also clear at a glance: Please conduct a reasoning analysis on this and draw at least three conclusions.

  Time: forty minutes.

   Miao Miao looked at the surprised, distressed or bewildered expressions of the crowd, and her admiration for Shen Hou reached a new height in her heart.

  Forty minutes, whether it is long or short.

  Miao Miao collected the volume on time, "Please wait here for the notification."

   Someone asked: "Is it announced on the spot?"


  This also guarantees fairness and openness to a certain extent.

  If you have any doubts, you can raise them on the spot and make trouble on the spot.

  Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

  Miao Miao nodded slightly, took the test paper and turned to leave.

  About a quarter of an hour later, Miao Miao returned, "The ten people whose names have been read below please stand up."

  There are two names in it, which made her pause, "...Gu Qing, Zhang Yang."

  As the two stood up, Miao Miao looked up, and she was indeed an acquaintance.

  But the two of them didn't seem to know her.

  Actually, Gu Qing and Zhang Yang discovered Miao Miao when she appeared and announced the rules.

  The two are still guessing what Miao Miao's position is.

  Human Resources? Or, as she said in school, the president's secretary?

  However, Miao Miao at work seems to be different from usual, kind when she should be kind, and serious when she should be strict.

   "I'm a little worried..." Gu Qing couldn't help frowning.

  Zhang Yang sighed softly, and patted her on the shoulder: "Miao Miao should not be the one who makes the final decision, so don't be so nervous."

   "But she knows about our relationship..."

The same company, especially a new game company like Qihang, although the personnel requirements are generally more relaxed than traditional companies, but no matter how loose it is, it will never let a boyfriend and a girlfriend take up the two important positions of CEO and general manager at the same time .

  That’s right, Gu Qing and Zhang Yang rushed to these two positions.

   Originally planned to hide the relationship between the couple, keep a distance, and pretend not to know each other, but now the variable of Miao Miao has been killed...

  Gu Qing: "Forget it, everyone is here, try it, even if it doesn't work, it doesn't matter."

  Zhang Yang nodded: "I can only think so."

  In the end, ten people were selected, and the rest were naturally eliminated.

  Someone objected on the spot, and they had to randomly check the answers of these ten people.

  Miao Miao seemed to have expected it, and immediately turned on the projector, and asked the person to take a random copy and project it on the whiteboard.

   It happened to be of ancient Qing Dynasty.

  Conclusion: This is a "conspiracy to kill a rabbit" incident.

  The analysis is as follows: First of all, rabbits also have classes. If a big rabbit is sick, if you want to cure its disease, you have to do whatever it takes, even sacrifice a rabbit for medicine. It was the big rabbit who was sick, but the fifth rabbit died suddenly, obviously it was made into a medicine...

  (end of this chapter)

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