Please Take Care of Me, Young Master Quan

Chapter 413: Through Yin and Yang, happiness lasts forever

  Chapter 413 Walking through yin and yang, happiness lasts forever

  Shen Wei: "Really?"


  Don't say "warm feet", even if it takes his life, I'm afraid Quan Hanting will give it without hesitation.

   "Here." Shen Yu stretched out her hand in front of him.


   "It's not convenient to warm my feet now, so you can warm my hands first, okay?"

   "Okay." Warm and wide palms passed over the woman's bloodstained and dirty hands, put them to her mouth, and breathed out lightly.

  Shen Yu was afraid of touching the man's lips, so she drew back slightly.

  The next second, he held it down and dragged it back forcibly: "Be obedient."

   "Hey, my hands are dirty..."

  Quan Hanting raised his eyelids: "I don't think so, what are you afraid of?"


   Then, while exhaling, rubbing together, like rubbing noodles: "Is it warm?"

   "Yeah." Shen Yu nodded, staring at him with a smile on his lips.


   Time passed by, the night was getting darker, and the temperature in the cave was getting lower and lower.

   For people with a fever, it is tantamount to making matters worse.

  Shen Yu curled up into a shrimp shape and nestled in Quan Hanting's arms, shivering from the cold, but her cheeks were abnormally red.

   "Is it cold?" Quan Hanting didn't know how many times he asked.

  There is always only one answer: "Not cold."

  The man's heart was broken, so he could only hold her tighter.

   "Cough cough cough... loosen up, are you going to strangle me?"

  Quan Hanting withdrew his strength.

   "Ah Ting, I want to sleep for a while..."

   "Okay, I'll watch over you."

  Shen Yu smiled, closed her eyes, and fell asleep.

   She didn't sleep well this time, the grotesque dreams made her unable to distinguish reality, and she woke up suddenly after a shiver.

  Talk about what you want to grab subconsciously, and soon there is a warm thing posted on it—it is Quan Hanting's hand.

  Brows warmed suddenly, it was his light kiss that lowered his head.

   "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

  At that moment, all the panic and fear, all the confusion and uneasiness receded like a tide, and Shen Hou had never been so calm and calm as he is now.

  She raised her eyes slowly, her eyes were clear: "Well, I'm not afraid."

  Quan Hanting smiled: "Do you want to sleep a little longer?" As he spoke, he touched her forehead.

   Still having a fever, but not as hot as before.

   He breathed a sigh of relief, barely noticeable.

  Shen Wei shook her head: "I can't sleep. You can talk to me."

  Quan Hanting: "Say what?"


"for example?"

  Shen Yu rolled her eyes: "Tell me a ghost story."



  The woman insisted, but finally the man compromised.

  Quan Hanting thought for a while, "Once upon a time, there was a Taoist priest..."

  A Taoist priest would pass by a village every day on his way from his home to set up a stall in the market, and found a very strange thing.

  There is a family whose white flags have not been picked at the door for more than half a year.

Out of curiosity, he grabbed a villager and asked them. The villagers said that people in that family had been dying for half a year, from the oldest old man Zhang and Mrs. Zhang to the next few grandchildren. His son Zhang Chunwang, who was in his prime, was gone, and the whole family went to the underground to report one by one like dumplings.

  Now, only Chunwang's daughter-in-law and her eldest son brought over by remarriage are still alive.

  However, Chunwang's daughter-in-law has been lingering on the sick bed all day, and she obviously doesn't have a scar on her body. If someone scalds her with hot water and screams and howls all day, it may not be far away.

  The only one who is not sick or disaster is the cheap son who remarried and brought into Lao Zhang's house, and his father's surname is Ye who died with him.

  Ye Xiaozi has to take care of his mother while also taking care of the Zhang family's funeral, but it is not easy to be forced to bear these at the age of twelve or thirteen.

  The villagers couldn't bear to see him at such a young age, so they helped if they could.

  Especially when the coffin is buried.

   But the strange thing is that every time the person who goes to help is either sick or falls, all kinds of bad luck.

   Over time, the villagers all said that the Zhang family had run into something evil, and it was dark, and no one came to the door anymore.

  Ye Xiaozi could only reluctantly hang a white flag at the door of his house as a memorial.

   This is the scene that the Taoist priest passed by.

   And such weirdness and absurdity, no accident, aroused the Taoist priest's curiosity and desire to explore. On this day, he did not go to the market to set up a stall, but stepped into Zhang's small courtyard.

  When Chunwang's daughter-in-law, who was stupid and foolish on the bed, saw his bright yellow Taoist robe, the Lingtai was suddenly clear, and she rolled directly from the bed to the ground, bent her legs, and knelt loudly and crisply.

   One mouthful of "Mr. Taoist", calling for help.

  The Taoist couldn't bear it, gritted his teeth, and promised to drive away the evil spirits in this house for her.

  Shen Hou listened with gusto, his head didn't get dizzy, and his body didn't shake anymore: "Is there really a ghost?"

   "Didn't you want to hear ghost stories?"


   Then there are ghosts, at least, in the story.

"Go on."

  Quan Hanting showed helplessness, and stretched out his hand to straighten the woman's long messy hair: "Later..."

  After questioning the villagers, the Taoist priest found out that the old man Zhang had stumbled and fallen into the pond half a month before his death, and in the early years, a pair of cheating adulterers drowned in that pond.

   Soak the pig cage.

   And the main force at that time was none other than old man Zhang!

   In the end, two people were killed, and my heart felt guilty. After that, old man Zhang never went to this pond, and he just took a detour.

   I don’t know why, but half a month before I died, I suddenly fell into it and almost drowned.

   Fortunately, Zhang Chunwang found out early and rescued his father, otherwise he would have died.

  The Taoist said that the family had provoked water ghosts, and there were only two of them.

  He started to practice, and Chunwang's daughter-in-law, who was lingering on the sick bed and had already died, miraculously came back to life, but a month later, she suddenly died suddenly, bleeding from all seven orifices.

  The Taoist priest was astonished, and kept repeating in his mouth: How is this possible...

   At this time, Ye Xiaozi suddenly begged to come to the door, crying with snot and tears, and asked the Taoist priest to save his life.

  Family members passed away one after another. At first he was able to force himself to be calm, but now his psychological defenses have completely collapsed. After all, he is only a half-grown child, and his fear and fear are reasonable.

  The Taoist priest decided to visit the Zhang family again.

  This time, he not only looked around every corner of the main room, but also went to the kitchen behind.

  Finally, he came out with red eyes and scolded a few words of "animal".

  Quan Hanting: "Guess what he found?"

  Shen Yu rolled his eyes: "Could it be that the water ghost is not in the pond, but hiding in the kitchen?"

   "Not a water ghost."


   "It's the youngest daughter of Zhang Chunwang and his wife who just turned one year old."

   It turns out that the Zhang family also has a little granddaughter, a very handsome girl with red lips and white teeth, and Yuxue is cute.

  But one day it suddenly disappeared, saying that he was asleep and turned over, fell off the kang and fell on the hard ground, smashed his brain, and died on the spot.

   But the fact is that Mrs. Zhang doesn't like her granddaughter, and she never cares about her granddaughter.

That day, she was in the main room, but her eight-year-old second grandson was hungry, so she hurried to the kitchen, took out the little soba noodles left at home, and prepared a bowl for the grandson to satisfy his hunger, but she was still holding her granddaughter in her arms. It is convenient to work, so I put her by the stove.

  Granny Zhang turned around to pick up the noodles, but the little girl lost her balance and fell headfirst into the open iron pot, which was boiled with boiling water.

  Ms. Zhang screamed in fright, attracting other people in the family.

  Including old man Zhang, the child's parents, and three grandchildren, except for Ye Xiaozi who was still working in the field, they were all present.

  Chunwang's daughter-in-law was crying heartbreakingly, that was her daughter!

  But the three grandchildren stared at the stove with salivating faces. The smell of meat was so delicious...

  Old man Zhang and old lady Zhang couldn't help swallowing. They haven't had meat in a few months?

  It's been too long, I can't remember clearly.

   It was Zhang Chunwang who was shaken next. Anyway, his daughter was already dead. Rather than just burying her like this, it would be better...

   Only Chunwang's daughter-in-law objected.

   But she is just a second-married widow, and she has no right to speak in this family, so she can only watch. In the end, she couldn't help it...

  When Ye Xiaozi came back from working in the field, he smelled the smell of meat sensitively, but before he could ask carefully, the news of the younger sister's death came unexpectedly.

  That night, he didn't eat, and sat alone in the room wiping his tears, without even drinking a mouthful of soup.

  Others went to bed early, indifferent as if they had lost their loved ones.

The next day, when Ye Xiaozi was going out to work, he stepped on a hard object and almost slipped. He picked it up and looked at it carefully, and found that it looked like a bone, but it didn't look like a bone, because there was no such thing as a pig such a small one...

  He casually buried the severed bone in a pit, sprinkled two handfuls of soil on it, and then turned and left.

  Shen Wei: "So, in the end, only Ye Xiaozi survived?"


   "Where's the Taoist priest?"

   "He saved the baby girl and traveled all over the world."

  Shen Yu couldn't help sighing: "Ye Xiaozi, who knows the truth, must be very sad. His sister died, and his closest family members were worse than animals. In the end, he was left alone..."

  Quan Hanting caressed her slender back, muttering like a whisper: "Want to hear the real ending?"

  Shen Yu didn't rush to answer, but asked instead: "Is it joy or sorrow?"

  “…It’s inaccurate to use sorrow and joy to define, everyone gets what they want.”

   "Then I want to listen."

"Ye Xiaozi can see things that ordinary people can't see. It is commonly known as yin and yang eyes. On the night of his sister's death, he saw her and learned all about it. The rib was not picked up by accident, but he dug it from the soil. It came out, and was buried in a place with extremely bad geomantic omen, which allowed the baby girl to turn into a resentful soul and take revenge on the whole family."

  When all the dust settles and the perpetrators are punished, the baby girl's resentment gradually dissipates and she is reincarnated.

  But Ye Xiaozi was contaminated with "karma" because of this, which completely affected his original life trajectory.

  The Taoist priest took pity on him for being lonely and full of karmic obstacles, but he was gifted with a pair of good eyes that could see Yin and Yang, so he took him as a disciple and entered the Taoist door from then on.

  Shen Yu probed: "Do you know Ye Xiaozi?"

   This doesn't feel like a story at all, the details are so clear, it's like a scroll unfolding, and all the scenes emerge in front of you.

   "I know," Quan Hanting said, "After all, I should still call him...Grandpa Master."

   And Ye Xiaozi also changed his surname, "Ye" is the same as "Ye", and his full name—

   Night Machine Mountain!

  Shen Wei listened carefully, but did not urge.

  She has always had a very strong premonition that Quan Hanting has a good status, but she doesn't know how good it is.

   She was curious, no doubt.

  But if the man doesn't tell, she won't force her to ask.

   This is respect and the distance that should be kept between lovers.

   Right now, it would be best if Quan Hanting took the initiative to mention it.

   After all, it was his own willingness to speak, and what Shen Wei needed to do was to be a quiet listener.

"The patriarch learned Taoism at a young age, and has profound attainments. He is proficient in yin and yang, fortune-telling, and fortune-telling. Adopted more than a dozen brothers and sisters including my grandmother."

   "As for my grandmother, that's another legend. Speaking of which, you should be familiar with her."


   "Her name is Ye Gu Xing."


  Shen Wei gasped.

  Ye Gu Xing, the first person in China to go to Hollywood, her miracles in the film industry have not been surpassed so far. She is a real "national treasure" actor and a veritable "hardware queen"!

  She turned out to be Quan Hanting's grandmother? !

  In the past few decades, almost no news about her has been heard. Some people speculate that Athena Ye is no longer alive, but no media dares to talk about it.

  Quan Hanting chuckled: "Don't think about it, she is in good health, and everything is fine."

  Shen Wei cheated: "I didn't think about it. Then... where is your mother?"

   It is said that Empress Ye Daying has a little daughter who is very precious, she has been well protected and has never been exposed in front of the media...

"An'an, my mother's name. She is a gentle and dignified woman. According to my grandmother, she lived like a princess since she was a child, and she hasn't changed at all since she grew up. Maybe the only rebellion in her life was with my father. union. But all the troubles are over, and they are happy now."

   "Also," Quan Hanting approached, biting her ear, and said softly, "My father's surname is Yi, and his name is Yi Fengjue."

  Shen Yu quickly realized: "Then why are you..."

   "Surname Quan?" He filled in the remaining questions for her.

"I was often sick when I was young. Uncle Yue, he is the great disciple of Grandpa Shizu. He made up a hexagram for me. The hexagram said that my fate is too heavy to be suppressed by ordinary names. I must have a great luck in the world." The surname is acceptable, and in the end, the word 'Quan' was used."

   May I ask, in the whole world, in the whole world, what luck is greater than "power" and "power"?

  Shen Wei was curious: "Apart from this, what else does the hexagram say?"

   "Also said..." He paused for a moment.

  The woman looked at him with a pair of dark and clear eyes, as clear as water.

  Quan Hanting immediately surrendered, "A woman who can be married to me may appear, or may never appear. If she doesn't appear, no matter how hard she tries, she won't be able to find it. So, I can only follow the fate."

  Shen Yu was stunned for a moment.

   No matter how hard you try, you can't find it—why?

   Such a tone is too firm.

   Unless, that person is not in this world at all!

  She thought of her past life.

  By the time she returned to Shen's house, Quan Hanting and his Phaeton Group had completely disappeared and become legends.

  In the last life, they missed it, so they have the opportunity to make up for it in a new life?

  Shen Yu doesn't believe in ghosts and gods, but she believes in fate.

   "Wuhou, I'm very glad that I found you in the crowd."

  She smiled softly: "So, do you want to get married?"


   They looked at each other and smiled.

  The night was getting darker, and it was almost morning.

  The temperature in the cave became lower, and even Quan Hanting began to feel strenuous.

   A gust of cool wind blew by, and Shen Yu couldn't help shivering: "Why, why is it so cold..."

"Grandmother said that there is a name for this cold and hot cave, which is called Yinyang Cave. There is a legend in Yinyang Cave that as long as people who love each other walk through it together, they will be happy for a long time. You see, we not only walked together, but also After staying for such a long time, we will definitely grow old together.”


   Let’s have a quiz with prizes:

   What will Liu Ye do next to make Hou Hou hot?

   A. Hold tighter; B. Light the fire; C. Crack; D. Rub the whole body

   In addition, regarding the explosive update, please don't be so anxious! After the specific notification, Yu will tell everyone. Before that, there will only be 10,000 updates, not explosive updates. You guys thought it was a balloon, if you say it bursts it will burst... (to finger)



  (end of this chapter)

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