Please Take Care of Me, Young Master Quan

Chapter 429: Miao Miao goes into battle, Shuokai layout

  Chapter 429 Miao Miao goes to battle, Shuo Kai layout

  According to the results of the lottery, the one who played on the first day was - Fat Miaomiao.

  Morning, quarter past eight.

  Jinglin Building is busy with people coming and going.

   "Miss, who are you looking for?" The girl at the front desk smiled standardly.

  Miao Miao wore a suit today, which was formal from head to toe. Except for her tender face, she looked like an old man soaked in the workplace in every way.

  Hearing this, he smiled lightly. It doesn't need to be too bright, it just looks like it's business-like: "Hello, my name is Miao, and I'm looking for Manager Zhang from the Commerce Department."

   "Do you have an appointment?"

  Miao Miao's expression remained unchanged: "No. However, I have a cooperation to discuss, I believe you will be very interested."

  The girl at the front desk didn't feel slighted because she didn't make an appointment, on the contrary, she took it very seriously.

After all, the aura that Miao Miao has shown so far is not to be underestimated; moreover, the Ministry of Commerce is originally a bridge for communication and internal and external cooperation. Either I come to you, or you come to me. normal.

  If Miao Miao was looking for the president or general manager as soon as she opened her mouth, and she didn't make an appointment in advance, then the front desk would definitely not let anyone go.

   As for the Ministry of Commerce, that is another matter.

   "Okay, please wait a moment, I will contact Manager Zhang immediately."

   As he spoke, he dialed the phone, and five seconds later—

  "Hello Manager Zhang, this is the front desk. A lady surnamed Miao is looking for you...Okay, let me ask..." Then he covered the microphone and looked at Miao Miao, "Which company are you a representative of?"

  Miao Miao thought for a while, "Mingda Group."

  The girl at the front desk replied truthfully, and after hearing a series of responses, the call ended.

   "...Manager Zhang, please go to the fifth floor for an interview."

  Miao Miao nodded slightly: "Thank you."

  Fifth floor.

  Knock Knock Knock—

   "Come in."

  Miao Miao pushed the door in, walked around the Bogu stand, and finally stood in front of the desk, smiling three-pointedly before saying a word, "Manager Zhang, nice to meet you."

  Zhang Quan is in his early forties, of medium height, and has a big beer belly. It looks like he has been drinking it from attending dinners all year round.

   Seeing Miao Miao smile, he also curled up the corners of his mouth happily. At first glance, he looked a little naive.

  But how can a person who can sit in this position and is highly regarded by Xu Jinsheng be as honest and harmless as he looks on the surface?

  The light flashing across the man's eyes from time to time made Miao Miao not dare to relax her vigilance.

   "Miss Miao has something to do with me?"

   "I want to discuss a business with you."

  Zhang Quan didn't answer, but said calmly: "It was said on the phone just now that you are from Mingda Group?"


   "That's weird, we Jinglin and Mingda seem to have never met."

   On the contrary, because of Tianshui Real Estate, there is a faint rivalry in the competition for some projects.

  The relationship between the two is not to say that it is frozen, but it is far from the point where they can sit down and discuss cooperation.

   "Did Ms. Miao find the wrong place?"

   Miao Miao smiled and said every word: "I came here today to find the person in charge of the business department of Jinglin Real Estate, aren't you?"

  Zhang Quan smiled, and his tone was somewhat meaningful: "I'm a little curious about the so-called 'business' in your mouth."

   After speaking, she signaled Miao Miao to sit down.

   It seems that he intends to give her a chance to clarify her intentions.

  The first pass, narrowly passed.

Miao Miaowu heaved a sigh of relief, but did not dare to relax completely. She pondered for a moment, organized her words, and then continued: "It is said that your company took the land number 0019 in the center of Ningcheng City at the beginning of 2XXXX, and it is still not halfway through the construction period. development status of…”

  Unexpectedly, when the other party heard about the land number 0019, his complexion sank, and he interrupted directly: "You can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. What evidence does Ms. Miao have to prove that the land number 0019 is owned by Jinglin?"

  Miao Miao frowned, and the land use right belongs to the intangible assets of the company. She emphasized that it is an asset, not a liability, and it is not a scandal. Why does Zhang Quan deny it when she has already exposed it?

   Is it just because "wealth is not revealed"?

   For such a large Jinglin Real Estate, since it has the ability to acquire land, it should also have the strength to defend it.

  If it could be easily robbed, then Jinglin would not be Jinglin.

  Based on various factors, Zhang Quan's refusal to admit it can no longer be explained by the word "low-key". Instead, it seems to be deliberately covering up something.

   What to cover?

  In other words, is there anything shady about Jinglin Real Estate on this land?

   Miao Miao is full of thoughts, and her mind is in chaos.

   And Zhang Quan has already issued the order to evict the guest in a cold voice.

   "Manager Zhang, I know that the land must be in your company's hands! Don't worry, I won't say anything..."

   "Let's go! Hurry up! I can't understand a word of land or land!"

  Relying on her own weight, Miao Miao barely managed to keep herself from being pushed away: "I don't know why you deny it, but I can assure you that this is definitely a profitable business. Give me another two minutes..."

   "Crazy! Nonsense! Xiao Zhao—"

  A young man pushed the door and entered, terrified by the scene in front of him: "Jing, Li?"

  Zhang Quan was furious: "Go! Call me security!"

   Soon, two security guards appeared in the office, but they saw that Manager Zhang was panting like a dog, but the woman was safe and sound, still chattering.

  Zhang Quan: "It's just in time! Get her out of here!"

  Two security guards acted immediately, one left and one right walked up to Miao Miao, making gestures.

But the woman yelled loudly: "Who dares to touch me?! Manager Zhang, I've finished what I have to say, and this matter is not over yet." Then he threw a slap at each of the two security guards, "No need, grandma will go!"

   After speaking, he held his head high and walked away swaggeringly.

  Looking at the back, it looks like a king.

  Zhang Quan was so angry that he supported the corner of the table, "It's unbelievable! Mingda is too deceitful! What kind of quality is the representative sent?! More barbaric than bandits!"

  The secretary helped him to the chair and sat down: "Are you all right?"

  Zhang Quan waved his hand, suddenly remembered something, his expression froze: "No...I have to talk to Mr. Xu..."

   After Miao Miao left Jinglin Building, she went straight across the road and entered a teahouse opposite.

  In the private room, Gu Qing, Zhang Yang and Jiang Shuokai are playing cards.

   "Husband, are you stupid? He is a landlord, we are a gang, why are you pressing my cards?"

  Zhang Yang looked like he had the winning ticket: "Don't worry, four three, bomb! Can't you afford it?"

  The big and small kings have already been played, and there are not many cards left in the hands of the three players. His hand is completely in the rhythm of dominating the king.

  Jiang Shuokai threw out the only four cards left in his hand, without raising his eyelids, he said lightly, "Four twos."

  Zhang Yang: "!" Why is he still bombing?

  Gu Qing Fu forehead: "Show! Let you show! Is it okay now?"

   "Cough..." Zhang Yang rubbed his nose, "I'll be more conservative next time? No flirting, absolutely not."

  Gu Qing pouted, obviously not believing it.

   The couple gave the money, Jiang Shuokai put it in his pocket, shuffled the cards, and asked, "Are you still playing?"


   "I want revenge!"

  Jiang Shuo is happy, this is much more profitable than moving bricks: "Come on."

   Just when the three of them were about to start the next move, the door was pushed open from the outside, and Miao Miao rushed in angrily.

   "Damn it!"

  Gu Qing and Zhang Yang looked at each other, their gazes sinking slightly.

  Jiang Shuokai buckled the cards in his hand, "What's the situation?"

  Miao Miao: "...No deal."

She explained the details in detail: "...I feel that Zhang Quan's attitude is very problematic! He denies the existence of the land, which is one; mentioning the land is like a lion with fried hair, which is the second; he refuses It was too straightforward and decisive, and it stands to reason that it should be reported to the higher authorities to make a decision, which is the third."

  Zhang Yang: "It's understandable to deny the existence of the land. After all, the real owner of 0019 has been kept secret from the outside world. But it's a bit strange that you still refuse to admit it under the premise that you have made sure of it and have already approached the door."

  For example, one party is hoarding and the other party comes to inquire about the price. You may be dissatisfied with the price, but you cannot say that the goods do not exist at all.

  Jiang Shuokai: "A department manager who makes a decision without asking is either inexperienced or...the above has already made a clear statement."

   Gu Qing was stunned: "You mean that the other party knows our intentions, so they are already prepared?"

   "Maybe it's not just us." Miao Miao whispered.

   "?" Gu Qing frowned.

   "Jinglin's top management, or more precisely, the president of Jinglin, doesn't want to sell this land, not only for us, but for everyone who covets this land."

   I'm afraid that Xu Jinsheng had given the death order a long time ago, and the people below would skip the notification and directly refuse.

  Silence permeated the small private room.

  Zhang Yang clicked his tongue: "It seems that our task this time is not easy..."

  Gu Qing: "Whose turn is it tomorrow?"

  Jiang Shuokai stood up: "Me."

   "What are you going to..." do?

   "I still have something to do, let's go first." After finishing speaking, he left like a gust of wind.

   That's a chic.

  Gu Qing frowned and complained in a low voice: "This person is too crazy..." Without any sense of group.

   But she overlooked one point, if there is really no sense of group, would Jiang Shuokai waste time to appear here?

   It's better to move two more bricks to the construction site.

  Zhang Yang touched her elbow, signaling to say a few words less.

  Gu Qing wasn't really dissatisfied, after all, she was in the same team, and she didn't want to make the relationship stalemate, but she just couldn't help complaining.

  In the final analysis, Jiang Shuokai is too arrogant.

   But who is not proud of the people present?

   But he is the only one who puts on the air of "everyone is drunk and I am alone", aloof and innocent.

   So angry!

  Zhang Yang: "Maybe he will have a solution tomorrow?"

  Gu Qing pouted: "Do you really think he is a god?"

  The man smiled wryly, but his wife couldn't afford to provoke her, so she could only stroke her hair.


  Jiang Shuokai left the teahouse and settled the bill at the front desk.

   A total of one hundred and sixty-eight yuan was spent.


  He licked his back molars, what a **** mess!

   Feeling uneasy, but the action of taking out the money is not slow. Whoever made him win today, within the scope of his ability, he still knows what he should know about the world.

  Take the change money, there are just two pieces in it, enough for him to take a bus.

  It was already ten o'clock in the morning when we returned to the construction site.

   "Xiao Jiang, next—" The worker threw over a red hard hat with a thick layer of dust inside.

  He didn't mind, he put a cover on his head and started working.

   "Why did you ask for leave today again? Exam?"

   "Yes." Jiang Shuokai didn't want to say more.

However, the worker is a chatterbox, "Why do you say you are? A good college student is not a good college student. He came here to ruin his life. When he has finished his studies, he still cares about the money? You said that those white-collar and gold-collar workers only want to wear clothes every day?" Beautiful, hold a cup of coffee in your hand, swipe and sign the document, and you can get an annual salary of hundreds of thousands or millions?"

  Jiang Shuokai’s speed of moving bricks was not slow, and he responded: “It’s not as simple as you think. They also have pressure, and they need to work hard to get the same return.”

   "Really or not? I watch TV dramas where men and women can get rich by sitting in the office with a cup of coffee..."

"You think too much."

  The worker grinned and weighed the red brick in his hand: "Anyway, it's easier than our job."

   "Everyone has their own ideas."

   "Xiao Jiang, you won't be addicted to moving bricks, will you?"

  Jiang Shuokai paused: "I don't think there's anything wrong with it."

  The co-workers laughed at him as silly.

  Jiang Shuokai shrugged, with an indifferent attitude.

  In this world, there are too many smart people, but he would rather be stupid.

  At 12:30, a few middle-aged women came over with a food truck and yelled, "Dinner is ready—"

  Worker Sa Yazi ran fast, got to the front of the line, and then waved to Jiang Shuokai: "Little Jiang, come and stand here." Saying this, he reserved a seat in front of him.

   "I said Fu Xinhua, your gallantry is almost as good as that of a pug wagging its tail."

   "Look at your grinning grin. If you don't know it, you might think you're taking a seat for your girlfriend."

   "Hahaha... Where did he get a girlfriend? At most, what kind of base is it?"

"gay friend!"

   "Yes, friend! Why don't you and Xiao Jiang make a pair."

   "The key is who goes up and who goes down? Why don't you two fight and see who is better, whoever is the man!"

  At first, it was just teasing, but as time went on, those words became more and more outrageous.

  Fu Xinhua's face darkened: "A few dogs can't spit out ivory! I'm a gangster, do pure men know?!"

  Looking at Jiang Shuokai again, he turned a deaf ear and stood in the line with a calm expression on his face.


   "Xiao Jiang, don't listen to their nonsense, a group of big men talk like women."



   After receiving the meal, each of them found a place to squat to eat. Jiang Shuokai was not used to this posture, so he moved two bricks and sat on them before starting to move his chopsticks.

  The speed of planing rice is no slower than that of Fu Xinhua, but the way he eats is so gentle.

  Everyone began to tease in low voices again, and let out a laugh from time to time.

  Jiang Shuokai always turned a deaf ear.

   After dinner, he collected the box and threw it away along with Fu Xinhua's.

  The others just stood there and waited for the women to collect them.

   "Xiao Jiang, thank you, in fact, just put it there, everyone is like this..."

  Jiang Shuokai hummed, but the woman knew that he would do the same next time.

   "How can such a good boy become a brick mover?"

  The woman shook her head, feeling sorry for herself.

   "Chi—what are you pretending to be?" There are always people who can't understand it and want to criticize it.

  Everyone is like this, but you have to be an exception, and exclusion will result from this, but Jiang Shuokai doesn't care.

  Anyway, he is just a temporary worker, the kind who takes the money and leaves.

   "Brother Hua, do you want cigarettes?" He took out one and handed it over.

  Fu Xinhua answered with a smile: "Thank you."

  Jiang Shuokai lit another one for himself. Compared with an old smoker like Fu Xinhua, his technique is a bit rusty, but he has an indescribably elegant and good-looking—

   "Brother Hua, I want to ask you something."

   "Well, you say."

   "What is Zhang Touer's background?"

   "What do you mean?"

   "I don't believe that a mason who graduated from high school can contract such a freshman project."

   Tomorrow, the author salon organized by the Academy will go to Wuhan and have face-to-face meetings with more than a dozen authors and editors. I am super excited~

   Then, 10,000 more tomorrow.

   Here is a quiz with prizes today: What does Jiang Shuokai want to do?

   A. Chat for a while; B. Inquire about the project; C. Inquire about Mr. Zhang; D. Test out the worker Fu Xinhua



  (end of this chapter)

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