Plug-in Player

Chapter 1165: crisis

It seemed a bit unsatisfactory. The Type III black thorn in front of him turned to look at the crowd who were running out in fear.

Fierce light in his eyes!

At this time, the Janas Kingdom guard at the scene saw the monster turned his head, raised the beam gun in his hand and fired, and roared at the same time.

"Run away!"

A beam of light hit the black thorn worm, except that its tough skin was slightly blackened, there was no substantial damage.

On the contrary, it angered the black thorn worm, and I saw that the black thorn worm turned its head and opened its mouth, and a green light beam quickly accumulated.


Su Mo shouted.

Mina and the others suddenly recovered, and they rushed into the alley.

In the next second, a terrifying green beam swept across!

A huge explosion exploded in the street behind Su Mo and others.

The two Mila and Xiaoruo that Su Mo was holding were so frightened that they cried and hugged Su Mo's neck tightly.

"It's okay, don't cry."

While running, Su Mo softly comforted the two of them. But it's normal to cry. In this situation, let alone a child, even someone like him who has experienced many battles is a little bit overwhelmed.

In the absence of weapons and equipment, being targeted by monsters is sure to die.

Wen Luosi calmly spoke to Su Mo while running.

"Su Mo, we must speed up and head to the refuge point. Look at the top of your head, more and more monsters are rushing in."

"I know, speed up, we're not far from the refuge."

Su Mo could only bite the bullet and reply.

Now there is no good way at all, only to run!

In fact, if you hadn't brought so many people, only Wen Luosi and Su Mo, both of whom would have run away long ago.

Their running speed is limited now, depending on Mina's grandfather and the older children, not as fast as they want.

At this time, the fake owner Devourer will scan the thumbnails of the images in real time and present them to Su Mo's mind.

Su Mo immediately saw a large number of red dots, at least hundreds of them, that is, in the blink of an eye, hundreds of monsters ran in. There are also two red dots that are particularly large, at least at the IV level.

And this is not the worst, even worse, Su Mo saw a small red dot moving towards them.

"Be careful!"

Su Mo just finished speaking.

I saw a Type II black thorn flying over from the side street, opening its ugly mouth to Su Mo and the others, revealing sharp worm teeth and making a harsh roar.

Su Mo and the others stepped back subconsciously, and he swallowed hard.


Just then, a roar sounded.

I saw a relatively large II-generation giant steel mecha knocked out from the stone wall next to it, and slammed into the black thorn.

The entire giant steel mecha is 14 meters high. The whole body armor is extremely thick and full of oppression. A heavy alloy sharp blade is attached to the waist. A 50MM caliber cannon is mounted on its right shoulder, and a triangular auxiliary glider is erected on the back. spray device.

I saw the heavy mecha stubbornly suppressing the black thorn worm, raised its huge steel fist, and smashed its head with punches and punches, killing it very bravely.

"team leader!"

Mina shouted with joy when she saw the mecha.

The giant steel mecha turned to look at Mina and the others, and then Amway's voice rang out.

"Come with me, I'll take you to a shelter!"

"it is good."

Mina nodded quickly.

Su Mo and the others followed Amway and ran towards the refuge.

Along the way they saw more and more overwhelmed refugees.

At this time, Amway opened his mouth and shouted to the fleeing people he encountered: "Everyone follow me, and I will take you to the refuge."

Even Mina shouted: "Everyone, keep up, we are from the regular army!"

The people who were originally panicked, after seeing the mecha, just like seeing the savior, they followed.

Soon, Su Mo and the others were originally a small escape team, but in an instant, they turned into a large escape team.

When Su Mo saw this situation, his heart skipped a beat.

This is not a good thing. There is a saying that the more people there are, the bigger the goal is, and it is not far from being targeted.

Of course, Su Mo couldn't say anything.

After all, all those who fled were the people of the Yanas Kingdom, and Amway was obliged to protect them all.

All they can pray for now is that their luck will be better and they will not encounter monsters.

Su Mo looked at the broken mirror wall in the distance, and occasionally saw one or two monster figures sneaking in. Although it is not as frequent as in the beginning, it shows that the external situation is not optimistic, and there are fish that slip through the net from time to time.

In addition, Su Mo also noticed that there were violent explosions in many places in Green Gore City.

However, the situation does not appear to be very optimistic.

Because the sound of crossfire in some areas went out soon after, the red dots in that area did not disappear in the holographic reconnaissance image given by the forgery owner, the Devourer.

In other words, the troops to be destroyed may have been destroyed.

In fact, this is normal. It was not easy to mobilize troops in the city in a hurry. And the worst part, most of the troops that were mobilized were to defend the two Type IV monsters and contain them.

Naturally, there is no extra force to manage these scattered other bugs.

It can only be temporarily let go of its destruction.

"Hurry up, there are bugs chasing after the ass."

The deep voice of the forger, the Devourer, suddenly interrupted Su Mo's Su Mo's heart sank, but he was still being targeted, and he opened his mouth to remind.

"Mina, let's go faster."

"Ah, everyone, hurry up."

Mina was stunned for a moment, then nodded in response.

I saw a Type II bug fell into the refugee group, opened its mouth and directly wrapped up two or three people. After pulling it back, it bit into pieces.


A shrill scream, accompanied by splashes of blood, sounded.


When Amway saw this scene, he was immediately angry, and he controlled Jugang and was about to rush over.

As a result, two more Type II bugs landed on the refugees and slaughtered them.


Desperate cries for help continued.

"Damn, what are the perimeter defense troops doing to put so many monsters in?"

Amway was also anxious and roared angrily.

When facing the three at once, Amway was a little overwhelmed. If it is in space, Amway is not wrong at all, but the combat environment here is destined for him to dare not let go of the fight.

In pure hand-to-hand combat, he doesn't have much confidence.

But even so, Amway is ready to fight, he controls the mecha and prepares to rush up.

At this time, Su Mo saw this scene, and immediately understood what Amway wanted to do. He shouted to Amway, "Don't think about hand-to-hand combat, use hot weapons, you have no chance of winning one-on-three!"

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