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Chapter 1252: The storm is coming

At night, Su Mo walked out of the Federal Building with a slightly drunken expression, and walked towards the Shadow.

A gust of wind blows by.

Su Mo's thoughts became clearer and he felt very comfortable. Not long ago, he had a few drinks with Ales, chatted with each other about some things, and discussed about the future direction.

Overall, they still have great expectations for the future.

They believe that one day, the war will be over, and then they can live a peaceful and beautiful life.


Soon after, Su Mo came to the port, and he walked towards where the Shadow was docked.

As he approached, Su Mo saw a beautiful figure standing at the entrance. Looking carefully, I saw Qian Chengxue wearing a snow-white lace dress, wearing blue gemstone earrings, long silver hair like a galaxy hanging over her shoulders, and a warm smile flowing from her clear eyes, as if she was waiting for someone back.

Su Mo was taken aback for a moment, then hurried up to greet him, and said to Qian Chengxue.

"Why are you here? Isn't the company very busy?"

"No matter how busy you are, it's not as important as you. It's rare for you to come back once."

Qian Chengxue's lips moved slightly, and she spoke softly.

"Then there's no need to stand here."

After Su Mo listened, he also felt warm in his heart.

"It's okay, and isn't today your birthday?"

Qian Chengxue said to Su Mo with a tactful smile.

When Su Mo heard this, he suddenly realized that his birthday today is also Qian Chengxue's birthday.

"Sorry, I've been so busy recently that I forgot, today should also be your birthday."

"It's okay, I'll prepare that one for you..."

Qian Chengxue said with a slightly red cheek.

When Su Mo heard Qian Chengxue's words, he felt an electric shock for a moment, and his breathing became a little short, he said hesitantly.

"It's not very good, mine is not good yet..."

"It's okay, you come with me."

Qian Chengxue then took Su Mo's hand and walked into the ship.

Su Mo's blood boiled for a while, his mouth felt a little dry, and he felt flustered and excited for no reason.

Soon Qian Chengxue took Su Mo back to the room.


Su Mo also wanted to say something to Qian Chengxue.

Qian Chengxue pulled Su Mo to a chair and said to him.

"You sit down first."


Su Mo sat down subconsciously.

Qian Chengxue walked towards the bathroom. Su Mo watched Qian Chengxue go to the bathroom, thinking she was going to take a bath, and became more agitated and uneasy for no reason.

At this moment, I saw Qian Chengxue holding a basin of hot water.

She brought it in front of Su Mo, and knelt down to help Su Mo take off his shoes and socks.

Su Mo was also slightly taken aback, and quickly stopped him.

"I'll do it myself."

"No, I'll just come. Anyway, there's nothing I can do for you, just soak your feet for you. A man has worked hard outside, and he always needs to relax when he comes back. I know you've been working hard outside."

Qian Chengxue put Su Mo's feet into the hot water, and gently washed and massaged them.

When Su Mo heard this, he was very touched and said, "Xue'er..."


Qian Chengxue responded softly.

Su Mo stretched out his hand and gently stroked Qian Chengxue's cheek.

Both of them enjoyed this brief warmth very much.

At this moment, a clear notification sounded, and there should be new information if there is no accident.

Su Mo was also taken aback, who would send him a message at such a late hour.

Qian Chengxue was also quite surprised, so she deliberately teased Su Mo and asked, "It's so late, who sent you a message? Lin Zinuo or Lan Xi?"

"Ahem, how could it be?"

Hearing what Qian Chengxue said, Su Mo immediately became nervous. It couldn't be such a coincidence.

Seeing that Su Mo was so nervous, Qian Chengxue felt more interesting, so she chuckled and said, "Could it be another girl?"

"How can it be."

Su Mo quickly waved his hand and said.


Qian Chengxue couldn't help laughing, and she said to Su Mo, "Okay, I'm not kidding you, let's check out the information."

Su Mo glanced at it quickly. It was the message that popped up from the electronic bracelet, so he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, there was no such a coincidence, so he clicked on the message to have a look.

"Respect Colonel Su Mo, the special secret base of Bikevillen located in Kaxie Xinghai has been attacked by unknown monsters, and the situation is very critical. You are now forcibly recruited to the target area to rescue the base. Please go to Port 19 immediately... "

Su Mo was also taken aback when he saw this message, it was an urgent mandatory task.

"What's the matter, what happened."

Qian Chengxue then leaned over to take a look.

However, after seeing the content of the text message, Qian Chengxue's heart tightened, and she suppressed the reluctance in her heart and asked Su Mo.

"Is there a mission so soon?"


Su Mo nodded slightly. He looked at the message, frowning, and his expression kept changing.

"What's wrong? Is this mission too dangerous?"

Seeing that something was wrong with Su Mo's expression, Qian Chengxue asked.

"It's not, it's just a little strange?"

Su Mo shook his head and replied, while operating on the bracelet, he called up the star map to find the location of Kaxie Xinghai.

"How strange?"

Qian Chengxue asked in bewilderment.

"I'm about to participate in the selection of the Twelve Knights of the Royal Order. It stands to reason that I should have been notified long ago. But I have not been notified, and now I am assigned this task inexplicably. Under normal circumstances, this time No more missions should be sent to me. And I just checked, this card scorpion constellation is located in a sea of ​​stars between the City of Glory and Ceres, which is not an ordinary distance."

Su Mo explained to Qian Chengxue.

In fact, if Kailas hadn't reminded him of this matter before, maybe he would really do it right away.

After listening to Qian Chengxue, she also felt something was wrong, so she said to Su Mo.

"Hearing what you said, it seems that something is really wrong, so what should we do now?"

"I plan to put it on hold for now, and find someone to verify this task tomorrow."

Su Mo explained.

"Well, don't worry too much, maybe it's an oolong?"

Qian Chengxue walked behind Su Mo, gently squeezed Su Mo's shoulder, and comforted him.

"Well, it's fine."

"Then let's go to bed early, I will accompany you tonight."




Not long ago, the wreck of the Empire·Empire Administration Building.

In the solemn corridor.

The two men, dressed in high-level military uniforms of the Wreckage Empire, were discussing with solemn expressions.

"Bainett, the selection of the Twelve Knights of the Royal Order is very important. We must ensure that Roche can take the position."

"Aleph, judging from the information we have collected so far, the chance of winning is at least 70%. But the biggest uncertainty now is that newcomer Su Mo. After all, that guy's performance was so amazing before that he dared to challenge the deputy head of the Yongmian clan head-on. gone."

"Don't worry, I've been watching him all the time, and I haven't informed him about the game until now. When he reacts, it's absolutely too late."

"That's good. Although this method is a bit unsightly, this world is like this."


Just when the two of Bennett were talking.

Seeing Herbert just passing by, he stopped and looked at the two of them indifferently.

When the two of Bennett saw Hebert, they quickly saluted him respectfully.

"Lord Herbert."

"Put away your stupid behavior, don't engage in those shady tricks all day long, and you will only shoot yourself in the foot in the end."

Herbert reprimanded coldly.


Bennett and the others replied stiffly. Although they were very unconvinced in their hearts, they did not dare to show any disobedience.


Herbert snorted coldly and left straight away.

Bennett also sighed as he looked at the back of Herbert leaving.

"Hey, Lord Herbert is still too principled."

"That's right. In this era, whoever looks at the process only looks at the final result. Lord Rogold's death has already had a strong impact on our Mechanism Empire. The Laurel Kingdom, which was eyeing a tiger from the sidelines, was troublesome enough. If such a dark horse is not killed in the cradle in advance, it will be troublesome if something goes wrong."

Aleph said helplessly.

At this moment, a herald rushed over.

"Lord Bennett, it's not good."

"What happened?"

"That Colonel Su Mo has returned to the City of Star Rings."

The herald hurriedly reported in a low voice.

"What should we do? He's back. Isn't our efforts in vain?"

Alef asked with a slightly changed expression.

Bennett said indifferently: "What are you panicking about? I'll be back when I come back. I'll find a way to get someone to issue him a compulsory task. Just pay him out."

"Okay, I'll arrange it now."

Alef nodded.


The City of Star Rings · Four Rings.

A vacant common room.


The closed door slowly opened.

A man with a handsome appearance, gentle and elegant, very ordinary clothes, and a carefree demeanor came in.

"You came."

At this time, a courteous voice sounded in the dimly lit room.


The man in front of him stared at the leader of the Church of the Fallen Angel, Caviser.

"Eureka, you're finally here. Let's count that we haven't seen each other for many years. If it weren't for the fact that you are more or less active in the Xinghuan forum, I would have thought you were gone."

Cavisher said with a bright smile.

"There's no need for pleasantries and courtesies."

Eureka calmly interrupted Cavisher's words.

"Okay, if you can come today, you must have agreed to that matter?"

"That's right, I agreed, I can cooperate with you to do that matter. But there is a saying that is good, the relationship between you and me is limited to the matter of cooperation."

"Haha, no problem."

"It's just, are you sure it's okay to rely on just the two of us?"

Eureka stared at Cavisher.

"You don't have to worry about this, I have my own way."

Cavisher replied with a smile.

"Then it's settled, I'm leaving."

After confirming the matter with Caviser, Eureka was about to leave without saying a word, and had no desire to talk nonsense with Caviser at all.


Cavisher just smiled and didn't say anything.

After Eureka left, the surrounding air suddenly shook.

I saw a man with an ordinary appearance, who was thrown into the crowd and there was a passerby, suddenly appeared out of thin air.

"Tsk tsk, Cavischer, is that guy reliable?"

"Of course it's unreliable, it's just using him. Of course he's not using me again, so don't worry too much, I can still use it. Of course, whether that thing can be done or not depends more on Bruner It's your turn, my lord."

Cavisher said to the ordinary man in front of him.

"Of course I will do my best, but I hope you, Caviser, understand one thing. We are grasshoppers in a boat. In that matter, none of us should be cautious."

Bruner, the deputy head of the Eternal Sleeping Clan, reminded in a low voice.

"not worried."

Cavisher replied with a smile.


The east side of the central area of ​​the Star Ring City.

A towering giant factory is located here.

At the gate of the factory, two V-generation pure mechanical mechs Star Messenger stood guard.

At this time, the city lord Yinkaloya, who was wearing a blue dress, silver hair, and an indifferent expression, came over.

Crocker followed closely behind.

The two V-generation mechas guarding the gate immediately knelt down on one knee, lowered their heads, and were incomparably respectful.

Yin Kaloya walked into the factory indifferently.

Entering the interior of the factory, an extremely shocking scene came into the eyes. I saw giant star drills shining like stars standing upright in the factory.

The height of each star drill has reached tens of thousands of meters.

The texture on the body of each of its star drill bits is extremely beautifully polished, just like pieces of art.

A large number of workers are intensively inspecting these giant star drills.

At this time, the person in charge of the factory, a middle-aged man with a slightly fat body and small eyes, saw Yin Kaloya coming in, and immediately rushed over. The short legs broke out at an unprecedented speed, he rushed to Yin Kaloya, and greeted Yin Kaloya with a face full of fear.

"My lord, why are you here?"

"Fergie, is my production schedule complete?"

Yin Kaloya stared at Fei Ji and asked straight to the point.

Cold sweat broke out on Fei Ji's forehead, he didn't dare to take a breath and quickly replied: "Don't worry, Lord City Master, the progress you want has definitely been completed."

After Yin Kaloya listened, he randomly walked towards a giant erected star drill.

Fei Ji followed behind with trembling legs, and cold sweat kept breaking out on his forehead.

Crocker glanced at Fergie, who was trembling, but said nothing.

At this time, Yin Kaloya had already walked in front of a giant drill bit. She slowly raised her right hand, stretched out her slender fingers, and directly touched the erect giant star drill bit.

At this moment, Fei Ji almost **** his pants in fear, and kept praying in his heart that there should be no problems.

Time passed by every second.

In fact, Yin Kaloya withdrew her fingers in just seven or eight seconds.

But to Fergie, it's like a long time, an unusually torturous one.

"Barely qualified, I hope that there will be no shoddy phenomenon, otherwise you will know the consequences."

Yin Kaloya looked at Fei Ji coldly.

"Yes, yes, Lord Yinkaloya, don't worry, that will never happen, I swear with my head!"

When Fei Ji heard Yin Kaloya's words again, he felt as if he had passed through the gate of hell.

Yin Kaloya turned coldly and took Crocker away.

"City Master Yinkaloya, walk slowly."

Fei Ji hurriedly bowed at ninety degrees to Yin Kaloya's leaving back.

After Yin Kaloya walked away, Fei Ji's legs went limp, and he slumped on the ground, and the surrounding subordinates rushed up.

"Director, are you okay?"

"It's okay, you go to work, don't worry about me..."

Fei Ji said thoughtfully.


On the other side, after Yin Kaloya left the factory, he walked straight towards the Star Picking Building.

Crocker silently followed behind.

When Yin Kaloya came to the top floor of the Star Reaching Building and stopped, she turned her head and said to Crocker.

"Crocker, you don't have to follow me."


Crocker responded without the slightest hesitation.

At this time, Yin Kaloya raised his hand and waved it out of thin air, and the entire Star Picking Tower suddenly shone brightly. Immediately afterwards, the space in front of Yin Kaloya split open out of thin air, and a small star gate emerged.

Yin Kaloya walked straight into the small star gate.

Crocker bowed respectfully and sent Yin Kaloya off.

After Yin Kaloya disappeared into the star gate, the small star gate disappeared.

Machine Skeleton Empire, Machine Skeleton Emperor Palace, Star Terrace.

An old man with half of his body mechanically transformed, wearing a black dragon-patterned robe, and exuding a powerful aura all over his body, led a group of subordinates in high spirits and waited quietly.

This leading old man is none other than Emperor Isaacli of the Skeleton Empire.

The small star gate erected on the star platform erupted with bright light at this moment.

Seeing this scene, Isaac's old face also squirmed a little nervously.

In the next second, I saw Yin Kaloya calmly walking out of the star gate.

"Welcome Lord Yinkaloya to come in person."

Isaacley changed from his usual arrogance and domineering, leading the crowd, and bowed his head in a humble welcome.

"Well, go to the laboratory, the idlers are all gone."

Yin Kaloya responded coldly.

"Yes, my lord, please follow me."

Isaacli responded immediately, and at the same time led Yin Kaloya towards the core laboratory of the Mech Empire.

At this time, except for a small number of core personnel of the skeleton empire who followed, most of the people present stopped, and no one dared to follow.


Not long after, Isaacley led Yin Kaloya to a huge underground laboratory base.

I saw heavy guards here.

There are two V-generation pure mechanical mecha Slayers guarding the door.

Walking all the way in, I saw at least thirty-six fake V-generation mechas, constantly patrolling.

Various isolation metal gates and countless weapons are set up along the passage.

When they took the elevator to the deepest point, the door of the elevator opened, and they saw a hideous mecha with a height of 100 meters. The entire mech is covered with layers of black heavy armor, with black thorns protruding from the armor, and its head is an ugly alien head with scarlet eyes, sharp fangs exposed, and the claws of the hands exuding cold light. The whole mech exudes a fearsome aura.

This mecha is the ace mecha V-generation biological mecha of the Skeleton Empire responsible for guarding the laboratory, the tearing apostle.

Seeing this V-generation biological mecha, Tear Apostle, seeing Isaacli and Yin Kaloya, he immediately knelt down on one knee and bowed his head in salute.

Yin Kaloya walked straight in front of her.

Soon Yin Kaloya and the others came to the depths of the laboratory, where they saw countless cutting-edge instruments.

More than 30,000 doctors in white research uniforms are busy working.

In the deepest part of the laboratory, there are two giant biological tanks with a height of 500 meters.

Various viscous liquids are injected into it.

At the same time, tens of thousands of catheters of different types are pierced from the top of the biological tank.

Through the viscous liquid, one can vaguely see two ferocious Type VI biological mechs soaked in the giant jar.

At this time, a chief research doctor wearing a pair of glasses, hunched back, white hair, sharp eyes and wearing a white research uniform came over, and he said respectfully to Yin Kaluoya.

"Master Yin Kaloya, you are here."

"Beso, how's the progress?"

Yin Kaloya asked coldly.

"Now the current progress has reached 97%, and it will be completed soon."

Besso replied respectfully.

At this time, Emperor Isaacli said quickly: "Master Yinkaloya, you don't have to worry, we have our Mech Empire here. These two VI-generation biological mechas can definitely be completed as scheduled, and will never delay you planned."

"very good."

Yin Kaloya stared at the two VI-generation biological mechs, and replied indifferently.



The City of Starring Shadow.

Su Mo was tossing and turning on the bed, he raised his bracelet and took a look, it was already eight o'clock in the morning.

He immediately sat up and manipulated his hands.

"Applying for an ultra-long-distance encrypted communication request with the exclusive mission dispatcher Luo Yue."

"Approval in progress..."


Su Mo waited patiently, and soon the prompt information changed.

"The application has been approved, and the military encrypted channel is being used for ultra-long-distance communication. Please be careful not to conduct overly confidential conversations during the communication. There is a certain probability that the remote encrypted message will be intercepted and cracked."


Soon Luo Yue's voice sounded.

"Su Mo?"

"Well, Luo Yue, let me ask you something, have you given me a task?"

Su Mo asked directly.

"No, how can I give you a task? Even if I really want to give you a task, I will get your permission first."

Luo Yue replied with a puzzled face, she was also a little confused.

"It's a bit strange that the task was directly assigned to me without your hand."

Su Mo frowned.

"Wait a minute, let me check for you."

Luo Yue hurriedly said to Su Mo.


Su Mo nodded.

About a few minutes later, Luo Yue said to Su Mo: "I have already checked, and the system has not given you any tasks. I show that you are still idle."

"Then what's going on here, I received a compulsory mission here?"

Su Mo frowned and replied.

"Impossible. Mandatory missions have to go through our system. Even if the incident happens and the information is not uploaded immediately, it will be completed later. I have no record here at all. Where are you now, Mr. Su Mo? "

Luo Yue asked.

"I'm in the City of Star Rings."

"Well, you can go directly to the military building of the First Legion and ask there to see what is wrong with it."

Luo Yue suggested to Su Mo.

" Su Mo immediately hung up the communication.

He got up and took a shower before opening the door to go out.

In the end, they bumped into Qian Chengxue, who was coming over with breakfast.

"Su Mo, are you going out? Haven't eaten yet?"

"I'm going to the military building to inquire about something, you can eat first."

"Don't worry, no matter how busy you are, you still have to eat a bite! Otherwise, your body will be dragged down after a long time."

Qian Chengxue quickly picked up the sandwich she had made and put it in Su Mo's hand.

"Well, then I'll go first."

Su Mo waved goodbye while eating a sandwich.


ps: There will be a meeting later, and we will resume adding updates tomorrow (*^▽^*).

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