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Chapter 1272: Opening Ceremony II

"Misters, I am the sergeant who leads the opening ceremony, Harari. After the opening ceremony begins, you must listen to my command. Whoever is allowed to appear will appear, and don't make any mistakes."

"Understood, why is it so troublesome?"

Some of the participating officers present frowned and said.

"Sirs, please bear with me, this is a temporary addition. The original plan was for everyone to make an appearance together and listen to the words of Lord Ikaloya, and the opening ceremony would be over. But I don't know what happened. The superior above was suddenly overthrown."

Harari was dying of anxiety, here is a random contestant with a higher official position than her.

She even panted carefully, for fear of angering them.


At this time, mechanical **** floated in the sky above the venue and began to work.

One after another brilliant lights illuminated the venue.

Immediately afterwards, all the holographic image capture **** officially began to work, and they began to capture the entire venue image in all directions for live broadcast.

So at the same time, the two main stars of the Laurel Kingdom and the Wreck Empire raised two tower-shaped viewing platforms that connected directly to space.

The viewing platform is equipped with two kinds of facilities, one is a 360-degree holographic image projection without dead angle, and the other is a single viewing mirror.

At this time, more than 70% of the people in the entire Star Ring City and the affiliated countries are watching this rare grand opening ceremony through various channels.

Just in anticipation.

Ikaloya appeared in a black starry long dress with a proud expression and graceful manner.

Behind him, the follower was an old man whose half body was mechanically transformed, wearing a black dragon pattern robe, and exuding a powerful breath all over his body. And a dignified and beautiful woman wearing a white laurel robe and a laurel crown.

These two people are none other than the Emperor Isaacry of the Machine Corps and the Queen of the Laurel Kingdom Hewyne.

Along with Ikaloa's appearance, the representatives of various countries on the scene gave warm applause.

During the broadcast through holographic images, watching the crowd, they shouted in surprise.

"It's the Lord of Ikaloya!."


You must know that the Lord of Ikaloya, as the supreme ruler of the Star Ring City, has appeared only a handful of times in history.

They all appear on very grand and important occasions.

Just when the whole people were boiling, Hai Winnie took a step forward, acted as the host, and officially announced.

"The opening ceremony is about to begin, and now the contestants are invited to enter!"

In an instant, the mechanical **** floating in mid-air turned around one after another.

At this time, Grylos came out in the spotlight.

Hai Winnie began to introduce.

"Everyone is now seeing the appearance of Grylos from the Wreck Empire, who holds the position of lieutenant general in Starlink City and is one of the seven candidates for the Royal Order."

In an instant, the scene cheered and shouted excitedly.



"The next appearance is, also from the Wreck Empire Roche, who holds the position of colonel in Starlink City and is one of the seven candidates for the Royal Order."


in the backstage.

Su Mo looked at the people walking out one by one, and was a little nervous.

Of course, he wasn't afraid, the main reason was that there were too many shouts outside. He was afraid that when it was his turn to appear, he would suddenly be cold, which would be too embarrassing.

Soon all the top six candidates appeared.

It is worth noting that, except for two wrecks, one is Laurel.

The remaining three candidates are Colonel Kabane, the Kingdom of Dinova, the first fertile land, Colonel Kribe, the Kingdom of England, the first fertile land, and Colonel Whitsey, the vast kingdom of the second fertile land. .

It's just that the two of them have a bad reputation, and everyone is not very optimistic about them.

"Sir Su Mo, it's your turn, go out quickly."

Harari hurriedly said to Su Mo.

"it is good."

Su Mo tidied up his collar and walked out with a chilling stride.

As soon as he walked out, countless spotlights gathered on him in an instant.

"The one who appears now is from the federal government, Su Mo, who holds the post of colonel in Star Ring City..."

At this moment, Su Mo's appearance was given a huge close-up.

At the venue, there was a sparse applause.

clap clap!

There is no way for the federation to get a limited number of delegates invited to the field.

However, at the observation deck of the Laurel Kingdom, Sun Li and the others waved the flag and shouted excitedly.

"Su Mo!"

"It's Su Mo!"


"It's our contestants..."

At this moment, the people watching Earth Star also shouted excitedly.

Not long after, Su Mo followed the queue and walked to the designated position to stand.

"Next is the selection of the captain, the first one to appear is from the Immortal Empire, Leot..."

Haywini then read out the sermon.


Half an hour later, all 48 captain selection staff and 7 royal order candidates entered the venue.

They line up neatly.

At this moment, Hai Winnie stepped back respectfully, and Ikaloya's cold gaze swept over every contestant present.

Those who were seen by his eyes felt great pressure.

But no one flinched.

"You are all the elites selected by my Starlink City. I believe that most of you believe that you are qualified to serve as the twelve knights of the Royal Order. However, there is only one vacancy, destined to be Only one of you can stand to the end. This world is very realistic. When a carp leaps over the dragon gate, it is a winner if it jumps over, and a loser if it cannot jump over. History will always remember the winner, not the loser. Now is the chance. It is in front of you now, whether you can grasp it or not depends on your ability.”

Ikaloya said oppressively.

Su Mo listened to Ikaloya's speech and couldn't help but mention it. UU Reading

Ikaloya then said coldly: "For the winners, the City of Starlink never treats them badly. I hereby announce that the person who finally wins will be awarded the sixth seat, the title of Earl of the City of Starlinks, Privileges, 3 billion star coins support, and Thor's gun!"

Hearing Ikaloya's words, Su Mo's eyes suddenly lit up.

"30W billion star coins, Thor's gun!"

All the contestants in the field were breathing a little rough, and everyone's eyes became eager to try.

Everyone at the scene also exclaimed, but they didn't expect the reward to be so high.

The 30W billion star coin reward has been circulated on the Internet, so there is no surprise. But that Thor's gun, but it really needs to be exchanged for merit.

Even the old members of the Royal Order, few people can exchange it.

This is taken out as a reward, not an ordinary rich.

Even the stupidest person can see that this is a support for the newly promoted members of the Royal Order. This kind of opportunity is very rare.

"I announce that the game officially kicks off!"

Ikaloya waved her hand and officially announced.

Everyone at the scene watched the representatives, and all stood up and gave the warmest applause.


After the announcement, Ikaloya turned around and left, leaving only Emperor Isaacry of the Wreck Empire and Queen Hewyne of the Laurel Kingdom.

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