Plug-in Player

Chapter 1297: Variation 2

In the reserve base, in a passage with a narrow passage.

A squad of five Halo soldiers wearing third-generation mechanical armor was fighting with two fallen angels pretending to be soldiers of the Demun Empire and a parasite of the Eternal Sleeping Clan.

Beams of light kept shooting at each other.

"Damn it! The opponent's firepower is too fierce, are all of our people dead? Isn't it obvious that we have the upper hand?"

A fallen angel cursed angrily.

"If those high-level contestants are not killed, it will be a matter of time before they are suppressed."

The parasite replied with gloomy eyes.

At this moment, the star ring soldiers who besieged them shouted at the captain.

"Captain Williams, these guys are still resisting."

"It's just a battle of trapped beasts, let's see how I deal with them."

Siamus took out a light energy bomb from his pocket, pressed the activation button, and threw it straight at the stubborn enemy.

The parasitic soldier of the Yongmian clan saw that he was not well, turned around and jumped out.

I saw that light energy bomb fell to the feet of the two fallen angels, and exploded!


The dazzling light and the shock wave directly sent the two of them flying out, hitting the wall fiercely.

For a while, they couldn't get up and made painful noises.


Sims took the lead and rushed up.

Seeing this scene, the parasitic soldiers of the Demun Empire of the Eternal Sleeping Clan resolutely abandoned the two fallen angels and ran away desperately!

The soldiers who rushed up rushed straight at the fallen angels. The two fallen angels didn't intend to be caught without a fight, and fought hard.

It's a pity that he was still held down by the soldiers.

It's not that they don't want to kill, the main reason is that catching alive is more valuable than dead.

"Take care of these two fallen angels, I'll go after that guy!"

After Kamus gave the order, he tried his best to catch up.

"But, captain, this is too risky."

"You follow up later, let that guy escape, and you will be in trouble when you turn around."

Sims didn't turn his head back, he fully activated the power blessing of the mechanical armor on his body, and chased hard.

While the parasitic soldier was running fast, he glanced back from time to time, seeing that he was being chased, he also ran away desperately.

At this time, Simus, who was chasing up, raised the beam gun in his hand, aimed at the parasitic soldier who was about to run into the corner, and shot it when he came up!


In an instant, his thigh was hit, he staggered and fell directly to the ground, and then crawled into the corner.

At this time, Sims was holding a beam gun, approached vigilantly, and said in his mouth: "Put down the weapon, I can spare your life, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

The soldiers of the Demun Empire, who were parasitic for a while, sat up slowly, raised their hands high, and leaned out to express their surrender.

Sims is also getting closer a little bit, gradually exposing the opposite side to his vision.

At this time, the soldiers of the Demun Empire who were parasitized were also staring at Sims, and did not act rashly, as if accepting their fate.

Seeing him put down his weapon, Sims moved a little closer.

At this moment, a pale blue halo flashed in the eyes of the soldier of the Demun Empire who was boarding.

Suddenly, Sima's eyes froze for a while, and he came back to his senses in just five minutes.

It's a pity that it was already too late. The soldier of the Demun Empire who was boarded immediately rushed up, threw him to the ground, and punched him **** the helmeted head.


Sims' head hit the ground hard, and the helmet he was wearing was damaged.

His eyes darkened, and he passed out immediately.

At this moment, there was a sound of running hurriedly at the end of the passage in the distance.

At this time, the soldier of the Demun Empire raised his head and took a look, and immediately realized that it was the opponent's companion who was about to arrive.

He quickly took off the damaged helmet of Siamus, and then opened his mouth.

I saw light blue nerve threads extending from the mouth, directly penetrating into the body of Siamus, and lodged there without injury.

At this time, the comatose Siamus opened his eyes suddenly, his eyes were wide open, and the muscles of his whole body tensed up.

When all the nerve lines were conducted, the soldier of the Demun Empire fell down.

Siamus closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he quickly got up and put the damaged helmet on in a hurry.

Then he used the authority to control the helmet.

"Erase nearby image records."

"Authorization passed, erasure successful."


Immediately afterwards, James picked up the beam gun on the ground and shot at the fallen Demun Empire soldiers.


Especially when his head was blown off.

At this time, the team members of Sims rushed over one after another, and they were slightly taken aback when they saw this scene.

"team leader?"

"Damn it, I originally wanted to catch him alive. But I didn't expect this guy to fight desperately, so I had no choice but to kill him."

Camus said breathlessly.

"Captain, are you not injured?"

At this time, a female team member asked with concern.

"Ani, don't worry, I'm fine, I just suffered a little skin trauma."

Sims immediately called out the nickname of the female team member, and replied very gratefully.

"That's good."

Annie couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.


On the other side, Su Mo drove the Shenwei Kaiji mecha and waved a white spear to penetrate a fallen angel who was driving the Chiwei mecha.

He raised his head and glanced around. There were burning flames everywhere, as well as corpses and mechanical wreckage.

At this time, Heath and other top experts from various countries were driving mechas to participate in the cleanup and suppression.

Basically, the fallen angels who mixed in were almost wiped out.

However, the Eternal Sleeping Clan who live there may not necessarily clean it up. After all, some people saw that the situation was not good, so they didn't expose it, and instead followed and killed the fallen angels.

Of course, the Eternal Sleeping Clan, who survived with carelessness, did not pose much of a threat.

At this moment, Su Mo's electronic bracelet suddenly vibrated.

Su Mo was also slightly taken aback, and then took a look.

"Urgent notice. The Skeleton Empire is under attack from the Eternal Sleeping Clan and the Church of the Fallen God. Everyone, please go to the observation deck immediately to protect Lord Yinkaloya."

"Urgent notice, the battle of the Twelve Knights of the Royal Order is suspended. Anyone who can win Caviser and Eureka can directly advance to the Twelve Knights of the Royal Order."


Seeing this notice, Su Mo was also very surprised, he said in surprise.

"What's the situation? Can you advance to the Twelve Knights of the Royal Order if you win two people?"

"Don't think that this is an opportunity and a good thing. The selection of the Royal Order has always been very cruel. Yin Kaloya will not lower the standard. You may not know this Cavisher, but you will probably know me if I change my name. .”

The Creator Devourer replied in a low voice.

"what name?"

Su Mo asked curiously

"The leader of the Church of the Fallen God."

The Creator Devourer said in a low voice.

Su Mo was dumbfounded when he heard it. If you can win the leader of the Church of the Fallen God, of course you can advance to the Twelve Knights of the Royal Order, but Su Mo still asked a little bit unwillingly.

"What about Eureka?"

"Eureka, he used to be the first talented mechanic in the Star Ring City, and his combat power is no worse than Cavisher. Let me tell you this, they were both Twelve Knights of the Royal Order before, And it's still the first and the second, what do you think?"

The Creator Devourer explained lightly.

"Then take a fart."

Su Mo was also speechless.

"It's not that there is no chance at all. If you read the news carefully, it is very clear, as long as you win it. You can use any means, including gang fights, but whoever can survive to the end and pick the fruits of victory will be the winner." Lucky."

The Creator Devourer said in a deep voice.

"That being said, you can still give it a try."

Su Mo was also eager to try for a while.

At this time, Heath and others seemed to have received the news, and they all ran towards their private hangar.

Seeing this, Su Mo also controlled Shenwei Kai to run towards the private hangar.

After a while, Su Mo returned to the private hangar.

At this time, Sun Duoxiang, Wang Hai and others gathered around and said to Su Mo, "Su Mo, have you received the message?"

"Got it, I'm going to the observation deck to support, Wang Hai, you don't want to go, just guard here."

Su Mo explained calmly.

"Okay, then you have to be careful."

Wang Hai and others nodded, although they were very excited about competing for the position of the Royal Order. But through this competition, they all know that their strength is not up to that level.

Even if he succeeds in fishing by luck, he is destined to sit in that position for a while.

"Wait a minute, boss, the power supply of the entire backup base is damaged. The private exit gate of our hangar can't be opened, how do you get out?"

Sun Duoxiang quickly reminded.

Su Mo said in a deep voice: "It's simple, you stay away, I'll break through directly."


Everyone stayed away from the private exit.

Su Mo didn't stand still for a moment. He overcame the divine guard and changed the mech to speed up, piercing through with the white spear in his hand.



Two minutes later, Su Mo drove Shenwei Gai out of the reserve base.

However, after he came out, he looked at the scene in front of him and was deeply shocked.

Countless mechs and starfighters lifted off from various areas of the main star of the skeleton empire, and flew towards the outer starry sky.

At the same time, as far as the eye can see, a piece of steel ground is cracked, and countless gun barrels are stretched out, shooting crazily at the starry sky.

The ear-piercing sound of the warning broadcast continued to reverberate.

"Special alert, the Empire of Skeleton was attacked by the Eternal Sleeping Clan and the Church of the Fallen Gods, and all the people have entered the refuge mode. All reserves and reserve forces have passed through the underground track unconditionally and headed to various military areas, ready to participate in the war!"


At this time, a large number of people from the Wreckage Empire were running towards the nearest refuge in an orderly manner. Although they moved quickly, they didn't panic too much, and seemed to be used to it.

At this time, the steel buildings entered a self-enclosed state, and then the entire steel building began to sink.

It has to be said that the Empire of Skeleton can become the strongest existence of all the dependent countries, and it is not a place without its excellence.

The Creator Devourer said in a low voice at this time: "It's a big trouble. If I'm not mistaken, Cavisher and Eureka should have robbed the VI-generation biological mech manufactured by Star Ring City."

Su Mo's head froze when he heard this, and he suddenly looked up at the starry sky.

The Creator Devourer directly gave Su Mo super vision status, allowing Su Mo to lock on the two VI-type biological mechs that were killing and killing at a glance.


Su Mo couldn't help but swear when he saw it, then took a deep breath, and controlled Shenwei Gai to rush towards the observation deck in the starry sky.

At this time, the Meat Grinder Battlefield is in front of the viewing platform. Every second, there are mechs and starfighters, and the Cross Mechanic Guardians fall down.

However, with the change of the latest rules issued by Yin Kaloya, the situation has also changed.

The ten candidates for the selection of the Royal Order came one after another. Even some captain-level candidates rushed over.

Immediately afterwards, a very spectacular scene appeared, just in front of the observation deck, the starry sky, the V-generation pure mechanical mecha · Sun Wings, the pseudo-VI pure mechanical mecha- Future Messenger, the V-generation pure mechanical mecha- Moon Shadow Apostle, the V-generation pure mechanical mecha · Moon Shadow Apostle, Biological mecha, wind winger, etc. form a line of defense.

In just a few minutes, when Su Mo arrived, he realized that he seemed to be late.

At this time, Grillos' chilling voice sounded in the public communication channel.

"The traitor who doesn't know whether he is dead or alive dares to attack Lord Yin Kaloya. All soldiers, follow me to take down these two traitors!"

After Grillos finished speaking, the manipulator had not yet fully repaired the future envoy, and rushed straight towards the approaching Cavisher.

On the side, Roche controlled the Wings of the Sun without saying a word, picked up the Eye of the Sky mechanical gun, and locked on Caviser remotely.

And Hiss, An Yin and the others controlled the mecha to kill Eureka without saying a word.

For a while, only Su Mo and Ke Lixia were left.

In Shenwei·Chang’s cab, the Creator·Devourer penetrated from Su Mo’s body. It infiltrated into Shenwei·Chain’s mecha, and at the same time he said in a low voice: “Don’t go up, it’s too dangerous. These two VI-generation creatures The mechas are not ordinary VI mechas, they are all very powerful."

Su Mo's eyes kept moving back and forth between the VI biological mech Pale Blade and the VI biological mech Night Blade, as if none of them were persimmons.

Going up to stop the mecha, it basically didn't survive ten seconds!

Even Grillos and the others didn't go up hard, they were just restrained by the group, surrounding them to launch attacks.

At this time, the three Clicias who hadn't gone up yet controlled the mech to float quietly in mid-air.

However, Buserai manipulated the mech to look sideways at Yinkaloya who was on the observation deck. He used a special encrypted communication to speak to Leot, Crysia frantically.

"Great opportunity, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, everyone has been restrained. Now Yin Kaloya is protected by only one energy barrier, and the inner defensive mechas are all rubbish. The strongest is a V-generation pure Mechanic Slayer, if you don’t do it now, when will you wait.”

Ke Lixia's expression suddenly changed and said: "Don't mess around, this is not our plan."

At this time, Leo Te also said quite emotionally: "It is not within the scope of our plan, but such a good opportunity, if you miss it, it will be gone. It is a sudden surprise."

"You two are crazy. Now you are gambling with the entire empire. If we lose, we will all die."

Crysia suppressed the anger in her heart and said to the two of them.

"But Ke Lixia, if you don't grasp it this time, wait for the next opportunity. I don't know when it will be. With the strength of the three of us, as long as we explode with all our strength, no one can stop us."

Bushley still didn't give up.

"No, absolutely not. Didn't you see Yin Kaloya sitting there so calmly? There must be something wrong with it! In short, you are absolutely not allowed to do anything. If any of you do it, don't blame me for being rude. When the time comes, I will directly send you Treat it like an infiltrated enemy."

Chrisia replied without a doubt.

Hearing what Clicia said, Buserai and Leo Te were very unwilling. But there is no way, after all, if the three of them do not reach a consensus, there is no way to do it.

At this time, on the viewing platform, Yin Kaloya's eyes fell on Su Mo and Ke Lixia who had not yet climbed up.

Seemingly sensing Yinkaloya's gaze, Crysia immediately shouted at Buserey and the others.

"Let's go!"

Immediately afterwards, Crysia controlled the V-generation biological mech Windwinger to take the lead and rushed towards Eureka.

Seeing this, Riot and Buserey had no choice but to bite the bullet.

Soon Su Mo was left alone. Su Mo let out a long breath, and then he controlled the mecha and rushed towards Caviser.

Of course he didn't approach, but approached to a certain extent, he raised his left hand to accumulate a dazzling beam of light and shot it over.


Caviser's VI-generation special biological mech Nightblade dodged Su Mo's attack with a flick of his figure. Although he is not in vain of this attack, but if he resists too much, he will be exhausted, so he can dodge if he can.

But at the moment when Caviser made an evasive action, Grillos manipulated the future messenger to appear behind him with a flash of light, and smashed the silver spear in his hand **** the stand coat.

Caviser's eyes were scarlet, and he calmly controlled the mecha to turn around, and the black bone blade swept across.

Grillos once again dodged at the speed of light.

Not far away at this time, Roche caught the opportunity and he successfully locked the Blade of Night. The mechanical gun body of the entire Eye of the Splitting Sky flickered with lightning, and all the lines and lines on it lit up.

Roche decisively pulled the trigger!

An extremely fast stream of light pierced the starry sky, and hit the Night Blade's stance coat viciously!


The blade of the night's stance coat was hit, and severe ripples appeared.

Caviser also froze, as if his spirit had been hammered, he shouted excitedly with a distorted face.


Cavisher locked on Roche at first glance.

It's a pity that before Cavisher got mad, a stream of light rushed towards him, and he saw the V-generation biological mecha, Unicorn Immortal, hit the left waist of Night Blade hard with the horn on his head. The AT stance coat on Blade of the Night fluctuated for a while, although it didn't break the stance coat, it caused Caviser's entire mecha to tilt.

"Chop Suey!"

With a smirk, Cavisher raised the black blade in his hand and slashed at it.

It's a pity that Creeber had calculated it long ago. He immediately used the recoil of the impact to quickly distance himself and avoid the attack.

This wave of operations can be said to have been shown on Cavisher's face.

Even Roche couldn't help but applaud him in the public channel.


However, the attack was more than that. West was controlling the pure mechanical mech Dark Blue Blade, deflecting around Cavisher at a high speed, and the beam cannon on his shoulder came down, firing one after another.


The stand coat on the Type VI special biological mech Night Blade kept fluctuating.

Caviser was surrounded and beaten by everyone like a boss. No matter who he charged at, he would be blocked by all his strength.

For a while, there was nothing to do with everyone.

In a ship in the distance, Herbert sat calmly on the command chair, watching the fierce battle on the scene while waiting for Yinkaloya's order.

He looked at the performance of Roche and Grillos, showing quite a satisfied expression.

But suddenly Herbert frowned.

In the starry sky, the Blade of Night suddenly stopped launching a violent attack.

In the cab, the corners of Caviser's mouth raised slightly, and he twisted his neck and let out a low growl.


In an instant, Cavisher's entire face, including his body, showed hideous red bloodstains.

Terrible negative energy swept across the entire VI-generation biological mech Night Blade.

Creator Devourer noticed the abnormality immediately, and he said to Su Mo, "Be careful."

As soon as he finished speaking, he didn't wait for Su Mo to answer.

All I saw was the scarlet eyes of the entire VI-generation biological mech Night Blade, and a terrifying dark red halo erupted from the entire mech, and the halo spread indiscriminately.

Everyone made defensive postures one after another, but the dark red halo passed through everyone's bodies without causing any harm.

However, in the next second, Su Mo felt that the blood in his body was boiling uncontrollably, and countless voices of resentment, wailing, and despair sounded in his mind.

The negative energy in the body keeps surging.

For a moment, the vast majority of people on the battlefield in the entire area froze.

The Creator Devourer reminded Su Mo in a low voice.

"Suppress it, it's a surge of negative energy!"

Su Mo took a deep breath to calm down his restless heart.

However, at this moment, a night guard mecha next to Su Mo suddenly rushed towards him like crazy, and the superalloy blade slashed head-on.

Su Mo raised the spear in his hand to block!


In an instant, the battlefield in the entire area was in chaos.

"Everyone be careful, it's negative energy surging, don't be confused by it, keep your ground."

Grillos said in the public communication channel with a sudden change of expression.

Cribb, Roche and the others also swept away the disturbed people.

Seeing this, Su Mo took a deep breath, and the manipulator, Shenwei Gai, stared at Cavisher steadfastly, and he felt more and more tricky.

"It's interesting that there are so many people restrained. How about this trick, let you know what the real gap is."

"Black Vision!"

At this time, Caviser's voice also sounded in the public channel.

Surprised, everyone raised their heads to look at Cavisher, only to see a deep black halo erupting from the black circle of light above the head of the V-generation biological mech Nightblade.

As soon as Su Mo was startled, the Creator Devourer immediately reminded him.

"Steady your mind and don't be confused. There are special black particles eroding, but I will help you block it."

In an instant, the panicked and shocked voices of Cribb and the others sounded on the public communication channel.

"What's the matter, why can't I see anything?"

"I can't see it either, what's going on?"


Su Mo took a closer look and found that he was not affected.

At this time, the corners of Caviser's mouth rose slightly, and in an instant he manipulated the Shadow Blade to attack everyone like a swimming snake.

Immediately, screams continued to be heard in the public communication channel.


I saw mechas and starfighters piercing through and bursting apart!


Caweese harvested his prey with ease.

However, just when Caviser attacked and killed Su Mo, Su Mo suddenly deflected and avoided Caviser's beheading.

At the same time, Su Mo waved his silver spear and swept towards呵呵~

The silver spear just left a wave on its stance coat, and it didn't break through at all.


Caviser frowned, and immediately raised two black bone blades, and swept towards Su Mo like afterimages, with extreme speed. Su Mo also pulled the mecha to the limit, and forcibly dodged with a flash of light speed.


The disappearing Shenwei Gai appeared in an instant, with a shocking cut cut on his body.

The entire mecha flew out heavily, and slammed into a ship next to it.

When Su Mo came back to his senses, he was startled and frightened. This guy's skills are too good, so he can even attack him?

ps: It will be possible to resume adding updates almost tomorrow, sorry!

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