Plug-in Player

Chapter 131: forum

You must know that they raise so many people and pay such high wages, and the money they have to spend every day is an astronomical amount.

Ye Tian looked at this plan, his expression changed for a while, this was going to be a big gamble.

You must know that the giant city in the middle is a hard bone. This is a city with a high degree of occupation. It is filled with mutant creatures of the highest order. It is said that there is also a top laboratory inside.

If possible, Ye Tian really doesn't want to touch it at this time.

But now there really is no other good suggestion, so he said in a deep voice: "Ye Wuhen's suggestion is very good, do you have anything you want to refute."

"The big brother has spoken. We, the younger brothers and sisters, naturally have nothing to say. We can't hold back."

The old San Ye Qilong snorted and replied.

"We don't have any opinion either."

The uncles and uncles present also agreed that when attacking the central city, it was Ye Wuhen and the others who needed to do their best. After all, the bright side army was in their hands.

Qianchengxue has always remained silent, and she also maintained a wait-and-see attitude towards this decision. This matter is not that simple.

Of course, Ye Tian naturally considered it very comprehensively, and he said: "Then this matter is settled, everyone will send troops, but there is no need to worry too much, after all, the stakes are very important, everyone goes back and prepares well, I will give it to you again. A realistic time buffer of seven days."


The crowd responded.


In the apartment room, Su Mo lay down on the bed after taking a shower.

He picked up his mobile phone and hesitated again and again, and finally re-applied for a shopping account, bound his salary card, and ordered a most common helmet.

The last salary was 1,400 after removing the money from Lan Xi. Later, Han Na paid back 500. There was a total of 1,900 in the salary card. After deducting 500 for equipment and 1,000 for helmets, there was still 400 left. In addition, there was originally 500 cash in hand, and after paying 200 for the food distribution, and deducting the occasional car and taxi expenses, there are only about 180 yuan left.

Now his whole body is full and the total is 580 yuan.

This amount of money corresponds to the next month. Normally, there is no problem. It’s just that you can’t buy things casually.

After Su Mo finished sorting out his belongings, he stopped thinking about those things. He could live with money, and he could live without money.

It's a good day, at least it's very fulfilling.

So Su Mo used his mobile phone to log in to the official forum of Xinghuan.

The entire forum is also divided into regions, there are domestic posting areas and foreign posting areas.

Su Mo directly clicked on the domestic posting area.

I haven't watched it for a few days, but this forum post area has become even more lively. The top ten most searched posts have reached one billion hits.

Su Mo clicked it with great interest, and the first post was a personal battle list compiled by a scholar named Hei Ye.

This post is super popular, not to mention the click-through rate, there are tens of millions of replies alone.

Su Mo opened it to see, and the avatar of a player with outstanding strength jumped out, and each player had a detailed introduction below. There are also videos with their battles, as well as the landlord's comments, and give evaluation points, he is ranked according to the evaluation points.

The combat power list is temporarily limited to country Z, and other countries will be launched one after another. Those who are interested can privately chat with the landlord (paid).

Note: This list does not involve the ranking of military personnel.

Su Mo clicked on the avatar of the man ranked first.

It was a very cool-looking man, dressed in a black costume, with black bangs covering half of his face, and wearing black gloves on both hands. His stern gaze was enough to deter most of the enemies.

Lin Ming

Status: Commander of the First Corps of the Wushen Guild, the eldest son of the Black Dragon Clan with the Five Dragon Heads.

Height: 185

Weight: 65

Single equipment: II generation mechanical armor · black mist.

Mecha: II generation Mecha Black Blade.


Su Mo clicked on his battle video, and saw that in the video, one was thirteen meters high, and the whole body armor was dark and shiny. It held two dark alloy blades in both hands, and the whole mecha was shaped like a fierce beast.

In front of him, two are more than 20 meters high, with snake-like heads, ruby-like eyes, eight dexterous sharp limbs on the huge body, and the whole body is covered with layers of tough scales, type III elite mutation Species · Uki.

Seeing the tide of black monsters pouring in, the heavily armored troops behind Wang Ming greeted them without fear.

At the same time, Wang Ming drove the black mecha and rushed towards the two Type III elite Wu Qi with his own strength.

The two Wu Qi were full of fierce light, and they rushed up from both sides at a very fast speed, and their sharp limbs cut towards Wang Ming without a blind spot.

Although Wu Qi's overall destructive power is not among the top-ranked among the Type III monsters, it is extremely difficult to deal with, and is extremely vengeful. The speed is also extremely fast, and the limbs are extremely sharp.

I saw Wang Ming control the mecha to deflect and dodge in a continuous manner, dodging exactly one after another of the attacks of the limbs.

And at the moment when the mecha and the two monsters staggered, he raised the two black alloy sharp blades in his hand and slashed at the two bodies at the same time, cutting two **** incisions.

Immediately after, Wang Ming controlled the mecha to make an emergency stop, then quickly turned around and rushed towards the two Wuqi.

The two Wu Qi were not afraid because of the wounds on their bodies, the intense pain made them even more bloodthirsty and violent.

They opened their mouths, revealing sharp clenched teeth, and bit towards Wang Ming.

Under Wang Ming's subtle control, the black mecha was extremely dexterous like an afterimage. No matter how violent the attack, he can easily dodge or block, while swinging a sharp blade to counterattack.

For a time, Wang Ming suppressed two Type III elite monsters by himself, and the whole battle saw everyone's blood boil.

Moreover, during the battle, Wang Ming was not injured in the slightest, but he left wounds one after another on those two However, when everyone was watching the blood boil, suddenly Wang Ming turned his head and looked at himself who was watching the video.

Su Mo's muscles tightened instinctively, as if he was being stared at by a fierce beast. However, Su Mo soon realized that it was just a video.

But in the next second, the video suddenly turned into a snowflake, and it was obvious that the person who took the candid photo was killed.

Su Mo let out a long sigh. He sincerely admired that this man named Wang Ming's mecha driving skills are indeed awesome.

Sure enough, there are people outside people, and there are days outside the sky.

In good conscience, if you are alone against two type III agile elite monsters. Let’s not talk about being able to fight, but at least it’s impossible to fight so easily and with ease.

Su Mo flipped through the replies, and countless players left comments.

"Boss, please accept my knees!"

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