Plug-in Player

Chapter 1342: heartache

"That's true, but from your tone, it seems that there are other channels?"

"Yes, that is to buy directly from our logistics department. We have sufficient inventory. But there is one thing I want to explain to you in advance. The equipment you bought at the mechanical column outside was actually discounted. It is the city of Star Ring. It is deliberately released to you so that you can grow up. Therefore, the price is very low, but if you buy it from me, the price is not that price."

"Well, the more expensive the more expensive."

Su Mo understood after a little thought, and replied simply.


Au Lixi didn't talk nonsense, he simply waved his hand.

An exchange holographic image appeared in front of Su Mo.

Su Mo glanced at it. Although this exchange channel is not as advanced as the merit exchange channel. However, the stock of conventional weapons inside shows that it is sufficient, that is to say, as long as you have enough star coins, you can pull them as you like.

However, when Su Mo saw the price, his brows twitched wildly, and the price above soared a lot.

The normal price of the fourth-generation mecha is 10 million to 1 billion star coins. The purchase price of the low-end version of the night guard in the past was 100 million star coins, and now it has risen to 500 to 1 billion star coins.

The price of the fake V-generation biological mecha, the ghost, used to be 21 billion stars, but now it has soared to 60 billion.

The price of the pseudo-V-generation pure mechanical mecha Shadow is also 10 billion star coins, soaring to 50 billion.

As for the V-generation mechanical armor, it has also risen to 10 billion, the IV-generation mechanical armor has 500W star coins, and the III-generation mechanical armor has 10W.

Compared with the outside world, these prices are simply robbery.


Su Mo pondered for a while, and then performed a flip operation. He pulled 10,000 sets of the highest-equipped Night Guards, 50 Wild Ghosts, 50 Shadows, 104 sets of V-generation mechanical armor, and 10,000 sets of IV-generation armor. Mechanical armor, 40,000 sets of third-generation mechanical armor, an instant expenditure of 1.6594 billion star coins.

Suddenly, there were only 46755013.92 million star coins left in Su Mo's account.

Olis, who was on the side, couldn't help but twitched when he saw Su Mo's operation.

This is not ordinary money, even the old royal church may not be able to spend so much money.

Of course he didn't know that Su Mo's heart was also bleeding, and spending money was like running water.

Even though he still has a lot of money, the remaining money cannot be spent casually. Looking back, the maintenance and supply of ships and weapons, and personnel salary expenditures all require money.

Su Mo took a few deep breaths to calm down his heartache, and he followed up with Oris.

"Master Oris, please hurry up and get all the things I want and send them to Port 13, where my Star Destroyer will be parked."

"Don't worry, give me three hours. All the weapons and equipment you bought, including the ammunition arranged by the Lord, will be sent to you. We will definitely not delay your business."

Olixi replied sternly.

"Okay, then I'm leaving."

Su Mo nodded and replied, he is also racing against time.

"Go slowly."

Auli Xigong sent Su Mo away.

After leaving the logistics department, Su Mo walked in the spacious corridor, full of busy non-commissioned officers.

When everyone saw Su Mo, they gave way to him one after another.

As Su Mo walked out, he raised his bracelet and dialed a communication.


Soon the communication link was successful.

The virtual image of Arles emerged, and he asked calmly.

"Su Mo, are you looking for me?"

"Yes, something happened to the City of Glory, and I'm going there as quickly as possible. I just want to ask if the Federation's multi-functional leap fortress can be used?"

Su Mo tried to ask.

"The jump fortress of the Federation has basically been completed. How about it, I will let the jump fortress open a one-way small star gate for you to send you a ride. But because it is one-way, the distance is limited, and it is impossible to directly reach the city of glory , but it should save more than half of your time."

Ales said to Su Mo conservatively.

"That's enough. Trouble. By the way, is my divine guard mecha repaired? If it's repaired, please send it over for me."

"Small things, I'll arrange them right away."


Su Mo immediately hung up the communication, and then walked towards the port at a faster pace.


More than an hour later, when Su Mo arrived at Port No. 13, he found that the entire port had been surrounded by heavy troops.

The guards of the Star Ring City cleared all the idlers and other people in this area.

It can be seen that sealed mechanical boxes are being transported to the legendary star destroyer Immortal Blade.

Longke and others are busy assisting them, sending the goods into the storage warehouse and hangar.

Looking carefully, you can see that there are many dangerous signs on the mechanical boxes.

At this moment, a huge roar came.

I saw a huge multi-purpose carrier, pulling a huge metal mechanical box with a height of 500 meters, moving here. It is surrounded by pseudo V-generation pure mechanical mechas Shadow closely followed.

Su Mo frowned when he saw it. He was also very surprised. That device is so big?

After the equipment was transported to the site, Essien got out of the car, and then directed and said.

"Quick, transport the equipment up, fast!"


Many subordinates responded one after another.

The mechas landed on the carrier one after another, and began to release the safety devices that bound them one by one.

Su Mo stood quietly and watched.

At this time, Tilo got off the Star Destroyer, and she walked to Su Mo's side, and asked him in surprise.

"What are these things?"

"The things to be escorted and equipment supplies, I originally planned to let you rest for a few days when I returned to the Star Ring City this time. But judging from the current situation, it is estimated that you will not be able to rest. You will follow me to the battlefield."

Su Mo said to Tilo.

"It doesn't matter."

Tilo shook her head.

"Okay, then I won't say much, you go and gather all the people who can fight and go to the hangar."


Tilo nodded and left in a hurry.

Su Mo didn't stay in place too long, and walked straight towards the ship's entrance.


Five hours later, all weapons and cargo were delivered to the ship.

Tilo gathered all capable fighters and gathered them in the hangar.

Su Mo said bluntly with a wave of his hand.


Long Ke and the others all went up and quickly opened the mechanical box.

I saw a brand new Night and other mechas came into view.

Kendi and the others stared wide-eyed. Although they were all standard mechas, they were all high-level mechas.

"so much?"

Longke's breathing was a little difficult, and it was the first time in his life that he saw so many high-level mechs.

Su Mo went straight up and began to arrange.

"The two V-generation standard mechas Thunderstorm Apostle are given to Kendi and Yangang respectively."

"no problem!"

Kendi and Yangang agreed without saying a word.

Immediately afterwards, Su Mo continued to arrange: "These two V-generation purely mechanical mechs Star Guards are for Crazy Woman Mance and Longke."

"Okay, but boss, where's Miss Tilo?"

While Long Ke was excited, he didn't forget to ask.

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