Plug-in Player

Chapter 1347: tease

And at this moment, the countless crazy-eyed Renhawks who surrounded Carlon all rushed towards Carlon.

Caroun also swept across violently, but all of its fierce attacks fell through.

All the crazy-eyed Rainhawks disappeared like bubbles.

And just now, Su Mo controlled Crazy-Eyed Rainhawk to use the colorized invisibility ability, coupled with the invisibility blessing of the Creator Devourer, and slid at full speed.

He had long since fled without a trace.

Carlon turned his head and looked around, looking for Su Mo's whereabouts, but he couldn't find it at all.

At this moment, Carlon finally realized that it had been tricked. That guy was simply bluffing, so he opened his mouth and let out a special angry growl.


At this time, the V-shaped hero-level spiritual toucher Ka Weilun and other spiritual touchers who rushed over were scared to death when they saw this, and they were trembling.

After Calone released his anger, he gave orders ferociously.

"Send some spiritual touchmen to search for me, and find the ship and that guy as quickly as possible. I will tear them apart!"


The spiritual touchers present responded one after another.

On the other side, Su Mo controlled Crazy Eyes Rainhawk to run invisibly. He turned his head and looked back from time to time, and then asked worriedly.

"Didn't catch up."

"Don't worry, it's not that easy to catch up, we've already escaped so far."

The Creator Devourer replied in a low voice.

"Huh, that's fine."

After Su Mo heard it, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and his heart was slightly relieved.

"But don't be careless. If you play the other party, it won't let you go easily."

The Creator Devourer replied in a low voice.

After Su Mo finished listening, he manipulated Crazy-Eyed Rainhawk to rush towards the agreed coordinate point without saying a word.

In a starry sky area densely covered with meteorites, the legendary star destroyer Immortal Blade is docked here.

In the central control room, Tilo kept staring at the scanning radar to see if Su Mo had caught up.

Time passed little by little.

They never saw Su Mo catching up, Long Ke and others became more silent, and the atmosphere became more and more heavy.

It's really embarrassing to say that, there is no saying that if the boss goes up to intercept, they retreat first.

At this moment, a big green dot suddenly appeared next to the Immortal Blade, and Crazy-Eyed Rain Hawk appeared without warning.

Artificial Intelligence Dark Spirit reminded.

"Scanned to Mad-Eye Rainhawk."

Hearing the hint from the dark spirit, Long Ke said with a face full of joy: "Great, the boss is back."

"Quickly open the login."

Tilo's eyes lit up and gave the order.


After a while, Su Mo returned to the central command room a little tired. Don't look at him just to contain Caroun, and he didn't confront him head-on, the energy and strength consumed by this is not small.

"Su Mo, are you okay?"

Tilo and the others asked with concern.

"It's okay, don't worry, we have to get out of here now."

Su Mo waved his hand and said simply.


Tilo immediately controlled the legendary star destroyer Immortal Blade and set off.

Su Mo quietly stood behind and watched.

As a result, after walking for less than half an hour, the artificial intelligence Dark Spirit issued an early warning again, scanning for wandering spirit touchers.

Tilo had no choice but to open the launch port, launch dense missiles, destroy them, and then quickly adjust the ship's sailing angle to continue sailing.

It's a pity that even so, the more they advance, the more and more spiritual touches they bump into wandering.

"No, this won't work. If we continue to sail like this, the probability of our being discovered is extremely high. And it is estimated that we will reach the next neural network coverage area of ​​the Eternal Sleeping Clan after sailing for a while."

Tilo frowned to the extreme, and then said to Su Mo.

"Let me think."

Su Mo also had a very headache.

At this moment, the deep voice of the Creator Devourer rang in Su Mo's mind.

"If you want to break your head, you won't be able to do anything. Forget it, let me do it."

"You, can you do it?"

Su Mo was also slightly taken aback, and asked in surprise.

"Hmph, my ability is stronger than you imagined. Let Tiro continue to control, and then you sit back in the command chair."

The Creator Devourer replied in a low voice.

Su Mo no longer hesitated after listening, he said to Tilo: "You continue to manipulate, I have my own way."


Although Tilo was a little surprised, she nodded in response.

Su Mo then returned to the command chair and sat down, and the Creator Devourer broke away from Su Mo. Infiltrated directly from the command platform, and possessed the entire legendary star destroyer Immortal Blade.

In an instant, the entire surface of the legendary Star Destroyer Immortal Blade wriggled, seeping out a thin layer of black substance, and then the entire Immortal Blade rippled black ripples.

In the end, the entire Legendary Star Destroyer Immortal Blade disappeared and merged into the dark starry sky.

In the cockpit of the legendary Star Destroyer Immortal Blade, artificial intelligence Dark Spirit popped up prompt boxes.

"Reminder, due to the special blessing of the owner of the first authority, the Immortal Blade has opened a special stealth mode."

Tilo and the others were stunned when they saw this reminder. They didn't expect Su Mo to have such a means.

"Too awesome."

Long Ke couldn't help but said.

Su Mo took a deep breath and said, "Don't talk about that, go to the City of Glory while entering stealth mode!"


Everyone responded one after another.

So Tilo and the others accelerated and controlled the Immortal Blade to move forward.

However, the more the ship moved forward, the more shocked Su Mo and others were. There were troops of the Yongmian clan everywhere, wandering and searching everywhere.

Tilo carefully controlled the legendary Star Destroyer Immortal Blade, avoiding all the wandering troops of the Sleeping Clan, especially the spirit touch ones.

Don't look at the Immortal Blade is hidden now, but if you accidentally bump into it, it will be 100% exposed. And you can't get too close, or you will be discovered.

Therefore, the requirements for the operator are extremely high.

Tilo has been concentrating on watching the images presented by the scanning radar and light to confirm the enemy's position. And calculate where they might move out of the way if possible.

Long Ke and the rest of the people have raised their throats.

You must know that now that the radar scans over, there are red dots everywhere. If it is exposed at this time, it will definitely be a fierce battle.

As time went by, the legendary Star Destroyer Immortal Blade was like a swimming fish, dexterously shuttling through the cracks in the Eternal Sleeping Clan's defense line.

At this moment, the radar system suddenly scanned a green dot.

Tilo frowned and reported.

"Scanned friendly units, the target is being hunted down."

"Present the optical image."

Su Mo said in a low voice.

Soon the image of the light emerged, and I saw a level 5 escape ship, the Enterprise, advancing rapidly, with a group of spiritual touchmen behind it, and those spiritual touchmen continuously shot beams of light beams, bombarding the energy barrier on its surface superior.

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