Plug-in Player

Chapter 1349: sneak attack

Although Geli didn't speak, her right hand couldn't help clenched into a fist, and her eyes were full of anger.

In fact, the City of Glory has been able to stand strong until now, and it was not collapsed by the sneak attack of the **** Nashen, all because the ships below rushed up to block it without fear of death.

In fact, under normal circumstances, the City of Glory is not afraid of the Nashen at all.

But she never expected that there would be two VI-type fortress-level combined beasts in the monster tide, which caused Guangyao City to only be able to deal with those two monsters with all its strength, and had no time to clone at all, otherwise it would not be so embarrassing.

And this is thanks to the opening of the star gate before, a large number of support and the masters of the Royal Order rushed to support, otherwise it would have collapsed long ago.

But the current situation is also very pessimistic. At this moment, Ge Li is also a little bit exhausted physically and mentally.

"Master Geli is going on like this, the situation is very bad."

Major General Kunna said anxiously.

"We have no other way out."

Golly replied helplessly.


The command room of the ancient legendary star destroyer Nashen.

Caviser looked at the captured images with great interest, with a bright smile on his face.

Standing aside, Bai Li said with a friendly smile on her face, "It's a pity that the attack just now was blocked by those cannon fodder, and it missed the City of Glory."

"It doesn't matter. The Glory City is like a trapped beast. Death is only a matter of time. Take your time! I want to see how many ships can come up to die."

Cavisher said with a distorted face.

"The leader is wise, the City of Glory will be in your pocket sooner or later."

Bai Li said flatteringly.

"Haha, I don't want the City of Glory, I just want Goli! Everything else can be slaughtered, I want Yin Kaloya to regret it! Let her pay for everything she has done!"

At the end of Cavisor's words, his entire face was distorted. He couldn't calm down the extreme resentment in his heart when he remembered that he worked hard for her and didn't even look at him in the end.

Bai Li looked at Cavisher with a distorted expression, a strange light flashed in her eyes, but she soon returned to normal.


Legendary Star Destroyer Immortal Blade.

Su Mo looked at the battlefield in the distance, his brows were furrowed to the extreme. Especially those two VI-type fortress-level combined beasts made him breathe a sigh of relief.

At this moment, Long Ke said, "Well, how can we support this? It's like a meat grinder battlefield. I guess we won't be able to do much if we get in."


Su Mo said firmly.

Hearing Su Mo's words, Tilo and others turned to look at Su Mo.

"Su Mo, it's not that we don't believe in this Star Destroyer, but that you have seen the situation on the battlefield."

"Listen to my command!"

Su Mo didn't explain, and directly interrupted Tilo's words.


Tilo and the others looked serious, and stopped talking nonsense.

"Longke, take some people to dismantle the ammunition boxes with danger signs that I brought over, and fill them all into the ship."


As soon as Long Ke heard this, he quickly responded, and then left in a hurry.

"Tiro, get ready to fully load the main and secondary guns."

Su Mo turned his head and gave Tilo an order.


Tilo and the others immediately operated.

"Order Kendi and others to wait for the order to log out of the passage, and then go to battle!"

Su Mo gave orders in an orderly manner.

"The order has been conveyed."


Following Su Mo's order, everyone moved.

Not long after, prompt boxes popped up.

"Reminder, launch port No. 82222 has been loaded with SIW-01 heavy antimatter missile Jutun."

"Reminder, launch port No. 87222 has been loaded with SIW-01 heavy antimatter missile Jutun."


"Reminder, launch port No. 87223 has been loaded with HSW-03 Tactical Nuclear Thunder Hugger."


Tilo looked at the messages, her eyelids twitched wildly.

"Charging is about to end!"

At this time, Mansi opened her mouth to report.

"Tiro, have you seen the VI-type fortress-class combined beast closest to us!"

"I see."

"Destroy him!"

Su Mo gave an order with a wave of his hand.

"Follow the order!"

Tilo replied to Su Mo in a deep voice.

In the starry sky, the legendary-class Star Destroyer Immortal Blade in a stealth state is fully powered, and cuts into the battlefield silently.

Longke and the others all held their breath, quietly watching Tilo control.

You must know that the entire battlefield is full of battles.

Insects, alien species, strange dwellers and other creatures infected by negative nerve cells are running around.

As long as it accidentally crashes into it, the Legendary Star Destroyer Immortal Blade will be active.

Tilo kept adjusting the ship's forward course.

Artificial Intelligence·Dark Spirit constantly reminds you of the trajectories of surrounding monsters and your own troops.

In this way, the Immortal Blade avoided everyone little by little, gradually penetrated into the battlefield, and quietly approached the target from the side.

Time passed by every second.

Finally, the legendary Star Destroyer Immortal Blade arrived at the designated launch area.

"It's done!"

Long Ke almost shouted in excitement, but he immediately covered his mouth.

"Into the attack range."

Tilo raised her head suddenly and said to Su Mo.

"Attack! Pour!"

Su Mo gave the order without saying a word.

In an instant, the legendary Star Destroyer Immortal Blade immediately removed its camouflage.

At this time, the wandering monsters all around rushed up one after another.

However, Tiro didn't care at all, she didn't let the Star Destroyer Immortal Blade's attack stall in any way. Just turn on all the intercepting guards and attacking guards, and clean up the monsters that are close to you!


Crowds of monsters were smashed into a sieve.

At this moment, the legendary Star Destroyer Immortal Blade, its main gun and secondary gun exploded at the same time, and two beams of light blasted towards the Type VI Fortress Binding Beast.

At the same time, countless launch ports were opened, and tens of millions of missiles were mixed with 5,000 antimatter missiles, and 50,000 nuclear mine missiles poured out.

I saw that all the monsters blocking the way turned into ashes in an instant after touching the two terrifying beams.

At this time, the VI-type fortress-level combined beast also sensed the strong attack, and its ferocious eyeballs turned to look at the attack from the sky, and then quickly strengthened the barrier of the position.

Instant celestial cannon and meteorite cannon beams bombarded the stand barrier!

The light splashed in all directions, and although the entire stand barrier shook violently, it was still firm.

But in the next second, missiles bombarded the VI-type fortress-level combined beast stand barrier.


Countless **** of light rose up and exploded like a supernova explosion.

The starry sky in the entire area collapsed in an instant!

In an instant, the barrier of the Type VI Fortress-level Combined Beast disintegrated, its whole body was enveloped in the center of the explosion, and its bloated and ugly body was melted crazily.

A huge shock wave swept away, and all the wandering monsters around were wiped out.

Even the legendary Star Destroyer Immortal Blade that launched the attack was sent flying.

In the cab, Tilo and the others were a little unsteady, and the strength of the Immortal Shield was also crazy.

At this time, everyone on the battlefield was also frightened by the sudden terrorist explosion.


"what's the situation."


Xia Weiya, Bagh and others who were fighting at this time were also shocked by this scene, and they all stopped fighting and looked over.

In the City of Glory, artificial intelligence, light and shadow will show the image of the sudden explosion.

Ge Li and the others were stunned, completely confused about what happened.


It took several minutes for the Legendary Star Destroyer Immortal Blade to stabilize.

Su Mo and others looked up at the distant starry sky.

It turned out that the entire area it attacked was completely emptied, and even the Type VI Fortress-level Combined Beast was completely disintegrated and killed.

Artificial Intelligence·Dark Spirit Opening Report. UU reading

"Confirm that the target is dead!"

Hearing the dark spirit's report, Su Mo couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Phew~ I'm finally dead!"

The Creator Devourer who returned to Su Mo's body said coldly.

"You used so many antimatter missiles and nuclear mines, it's no wonder you didn't die!"


After thinking about it, Su Mo seems to be right, but having said that, this is really extravagant!


And at this time, everyone in the entire battlefield was stunned, and they couldn't believe it. The Type VI Fortress-level Combined Beast was killed just like that?

You must know that they have tried countless methods, but they have never succeeded.

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