Plug-in Player

Chapter 1355: teammate

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Su Mo was stunned when he heard Cavisher's voice.

"Isn't he dead?"

"Not dead, the previous one may be his clone."

The Creator Devourer explained in a low voice.

"Oh I got it!"

Su Mo suddenly realized.

At this time, Caviser didn't talk nonsense, and directly controlled the vi-generation biological mecha, the blood-red demon god, to wave the bat-shaped wings, and his figure disappeared in a flash.

After Su Mo lost track of the other party, his nerves tensed immediately, and the sixteen eyeballs on the head of Crazy-eyed Reinhawk kept turning, looking around.

At this moment, a blood-red figure emerged from behind, and the scarlet spear struck like a poisonous snake.

At this moment, Crazy-Eyed Ryan Hawk seemed to have eyes on his back, and at the same time, he turned his mech and raised his dark golden spear to block!


The two spears collided together, and the entire starry sky shattered like a mirror in an instant, and a terrifying shock wave swept away.

Caviser strongly suppressed Su Mo, and crazily strengthened his power output, which made Reinhawk keep backing away. He said with a wicked smile on his face.

"What benefit does Ikaloya give you, as for working so hard for her?"

"Hmph, you're mistaken. I'm not fighting for her, but for myself."

Su Mo replied coldly.

"Hmph, interesting, I want to see how long you can last."

Caviser couldn't help but increase the strength in his hand.

Su Mo also gritted his teeth and held on.

At this time, the voices of Mansi and others sounded in the communication channel.

"Master Su Mo, we are here to help you!"

"No, you guard the Immortal Blade and act as its eyes. I don't need your participation here."


When Mansi and the others saw what Su Mo said, they could only agree.

At this moment, Su Mo raised his head abruptly, his eyes turned deep blood red, revealing a hint of violence.

Crazy-eyed Ryan Hawk raised his head to the sky and let out a roar, he raised his blocking dark gold spear with a shock, and forcibly let go of the suppressed Caviser.

The power of the particle light wing behind it is fully activated, and it breaks away instantly.

"Oh? Want to run?"

Cavisher just readjusted his mech posture in a split second, and rushed forward with the momentum of thunder.


Su Mo said something in a low voice.

In an instant, the whole body of Crazy-Eye Reinhawk was covered with a layer of red light, and countless red eyeballs emerged, all locked on the blood-red demon god, and thousands of dazzling rays of light shot out.

Caviser controlled the mecha and evaded at high speed, but was still hit by several beams and was instantly covered by explosions.

It's a pity that in the next second, a blood glow pierced through the explosion and rushed towards Crazy-Eyed Reinhawk. The scarlet spear in its hand buzzed and emitted an evil red light.

"Death! Annihilation of Blood!"

At this moment, Crazy-Eyed Rainhawk's body quickly changed color, and the surface of his entire body turned blue.

In the next second, the scarlet spear pierced through the body of Crazy-Eye Reinhawk in an instant, and countless red lights splashed in all directions.

However, Cavisher's expression sank slightly.

The phantom of Crazy-Eye Rainhawk was instantly torn apart.

Suddenly, there was a wave in the space behind Caviser. Cavisher controlled the mecha, turned around in an instant, and swept across with a shot. The whole process was clean and neat.

The Crazy-Eyed Reinhawk that had just emerged was directly swept in two by the waist, and then the truncated body twisted and shattered, turning into spots of light all over the sky.

At this moment, phantoms began to appear all around with Cavisher at the center.

One, two, three...

Countless figures of Crazy-eyed Rainhawk emerged, completely surrounding Cavisher.

Cavisher controlled the blood-red demon god, turned his head around and looked around, every figure was exactly the same, even the mixed biological reactions emitted were the same, he couldn't help but said in a cold voice.

"Hmph, it's just a split body."

At this time, countless pairs of blue eyes opened on the body of Crazy-Eyes Rainhawk, all locked on Cavisher, and tens of thousands of rays of light blasted towards the vi-generation biological mecha, the blood-red demon god.

"At position barrier, open!"

Cavisher frowned slightly, feeling a little troublesome.

For a moment, the AT position barrier unfolded without any dead ends, and then Cavisher was submerged by the beams of light that filled the sky.


The terrifying explosion continued to spread.

At this moment, a stream of light rushed out from the explosion and penetrated towards an empty starry sky.


I saw the body of Crazy-Eye Reinhawk emerged, raised his spear to block, the whole mecha shook violently, and all the phantoms in the sky disappeared in an instant, leaving only blue spores behind.

Su Mo was also taken aback in the cab of Crazy Eye Rainhawk.

"It was actually seen through."

Yi Leisi immediately responded: "It should be judged from the angle of the attack. After all, the attacks of other afterimages simulated by the fission spore clothing are not harmful."

"Is this the amount of patience?"

Cavisher made a harsh teasing sound.

Immediately, Cavisher exploded completely, and the eyes of the whole Vi-generation blood-red demon **** completely lit up, the biological reaction soared, and the scarlet spear turned into a storm-like afterimage and swept towards Su Mo.

Su Mo can only dodge constantly, and if he can't dodge, he can only block with the dark gold spear in his hand!

clang clang~

The violent collision continuously produced terrifying shock waves, and the starry sky in the entire area was violently distorted.

At this moment, Su Mo, who was controlling Crazy-Eyed Rainhawk, was shaking all over his bones, and every time he received a blow, his internal organs would tremble.

In the end, Cavisher controlled the blood-red demon **** to strike hard.


Crazy-eyed Rainhawk flew straight upside down, and Su Mo made a dull sound in the cab, and blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, Cavisher seized this opportunity and suddenly accelerated to catch up, preparing to give Su Mo a fatal blow.

At this time, Su Mo controlled Crazy-Eyes Rain Hawk to raise his head, and the sixteen eyeballs on his head shot out beams of Heros particle light, which bombarded Cavisher's body and exploded.

It's a pity that all of them were blocked by the AT stand coat on his body, and he still attacked like a broken bamboo. The scarlet spear pierced through the head of Crazy-eyed Rainhawk like a poisonous snake.

And at this moment, Su Mo suddenly manipulated the crazy-eyed Rainhawk to shift to the left, passing the scarlet spear.

Cavisher frowned suddenly.

After Su Mo dodged the attack, he immediately controlled Crazy-Eyed Rehawk to swing the white dragon claw in his left hand, tearing it at close range.


The sharp forest white dragon claws directly clawed at the body of the dark red gorefiend, and the stance coat covered by it was almost torn apart.

Caviser was startled, and immediately manipulated the mecha to retreat.

But how could Su Mo just let him go, and then he swept the spear in his hand like thunder.

"Thunder strike!"

Caviser had no choice but to back away, dodging the sweeping attack.

However, Su Mo missed a hit, but controlled the mecha to turn his body violently, and the sharp blade and scale tail pierced through.

Caviser's heart trembled, and he quickly deployed the AT position barrier!


The blade and scales pierced through the AT position barrier, and the entire AT position barrier was sunken, but it was a pity that it was still blocked.

In the end, Su Mo and Cavisher still distanced themselves, and the two confronted each other in the starry sky.

Su Mo panted slightly, and said in a low voice, "What the hell, didn't you say that this mecha is not as powerful as the Blade of the Night? Why is it so hard to fight?"

"Isn't this normal? After all, it's also a sixth-generation machine, so how bad could it be? Moreover, the previous Caviser was a clone, and he couldn't use his full strength at all."

The Creator Devourer explained in a low voice.

"Stop talking so much, the other party is attacking."

Yi Leisi issued an early warning, and saw Caviser's strong attack, Su Mo had no choice but to bite the bullet and go forward.


On the other side, the situation of the Legendary Star Destroyer Immortal Blade was not much better.

Although there are Mansi and others and a large number of detection devices as eyes, they are still in an extremely passive state, and it is impossible to find the Nashen at all.

At this time, the Nashen controlled by Bai Li was like a poisonous snake. Even if the main gun was about to be full, she was not in a hurry to launch an attack.

It is to follow from afar, constantly creating a suffocating sense of oppression for the Immortal Blade.

The subordinate standing next to Bai Li asked suspiciously.

"Master Bai Li, we are clearly ready to launch an attack, why haven't we started yet?"

"What's the rush? For a cunning prey, the more anxious you are, the harder it is to catch. We need to torture their nerves a little bit."

Bai Li showed a very playful smile.


The subordinates next to him didn't dare to say anything.

In the command room of the Immortal Blade, Longke said to Tilo with sweat on his forehead: "Sister Tilo, do you feel something is wrong, it's too quiet! It stands to reason that the Nashen could launch an attack long ago, but the other party came There is no movement now, so it must be abandoning us, right?"

"Don't be careless, the other party can't give up attacking us."

Tilo's nerves were tense, not daring to relax at all.


Long Ke quickly responded.

Time passed little by little, just when Tilo and the others were tense to the extreme.

Suddenly in charge of the external security No. 1721 Night Guard Mecha, suddenly issued an early warning.

"There is an abnormality in the p8 area space."

Upon hearing this, Tilo immediately manipulated the ship to make a corresponding deflection.

As a result, the Immortal Blade did not receive the expected attack.

"what happened?"

Long Ke asked suspiciously.

Tilo also frowned, a little puzzled, she felt a little abnormal.

At this moment, the artificial intelligence Dark Spirit suddenly issued an early warning: "Warning, a high-energy reaction was detected in the scan of the p9 starry sky area."

"Oops, bait!"

Tilo's expression changed suddenly, and she realized that the other party must have used some special device to deliberately arouse the detection of the peripheral security mechas.

In the next second, a beam of bright light broke through the air and struck.

Tilo's heart trembled, and she suddenly pulled the control lever, forcibly raising the bow of the ship, with full power!

In this way, the legendary Star Destroyer did not completely dodge the attack of Nashen's Light, and was hit by a brush.


The entire Legendary Star Destroyer Immortal Blade shook violently, and a hole was blown out of the hit flank.

"Warning that the outer armor of the ship's n8 area is damaged."

"Warning for internal imbalance in the n8 area of ​​the ship."


Tilo immediately issued an order: "Close all the gates in the n8 area."


"Successfully closed!"

Artificial Intelligence·Dark Spirit reported back.

At this time, the hull of the Immortal Blade gradually stabilized, and Tiro immediately asked again.

"Lock Nashen."

"Unable to lock, the target enters the stealth state again."

Artificial Intelligence·Dark Spirit reported back.


Tilo punched the console hard, and now she felt extremely powerless and aggrieved. From the moment she was attacked, she lost the initiative and had no way to fight back forcefully.

"Eldest sister, what should we do now? If this continues, we will be finished. Now the damage to the ship has reached 23%. If it is hit again by its main gun, it will really be over in all likelihood. .”

Long Ke is not alarmist, the current situation of Immortal Blade is really terrible.

"Continue to sail irregularly, let Mansi and the others strengthen their vigilance. Don't be afraid to give an early warning just because of a mistake, and give an early warning as you want, and don't get confused."

Tilo quickly regained her senses and calmly gave orders.


Long Ke quickly responded.


In the starry sky, Su Mo controls Crazy-Eyed Rain Hawk and the vi-generation biological mecha, the blood-red demon, to fight fiercely.

The two sides turned into two beams of light, constantly crisscrossing in the starry sky, and every blow from the long spear in their hands hit the opponent's vitals directly.

Every time he holds the momentum of killing the opponent.

Caviser's eyes became more gloomy, and he felt more and more troublesome. Obviously, the ant in front of him was not as powerful as himself, and the performance of the mech was not good.

But just like Xiaoqiang, he couldn't be killed no matter what.

Cavisher slowly opened his mouth, speaking like a cold-blooded beast.

"The farce is over."

In an instant, the fragments of negative spirit embedded in Caviser's forehead erupted with bright light, his entire face became more and more distorted, dense stains of polluted blood emerged, and his eyes were completely dyed scarlet.

Terrifying negative energy emerged.

The Vi-generation biological mecha, the blood-red demon god, suddenly raised its head and let out a roar, all the internal biological tissues swelled up. The entire mech was abruptly raised, countless red stripes emerged, and a terrifying force burst out, directly rushing Su Mo away.

In the next second, I saw horrible blood-red bone spurs protruding from the body of the vi-generation biological mecha, the Blood-red Demon God.

Immediately afterwards, Cavisher raised his left hand and waved it, and in an instant, blood-red bone spurs shot out, turning into streaks of red streamer, carrying extremely terrifying energy, penetrating towards Su Mo from different directions, at a speed as fast as extreme.

Su Mo controlled the mech to keep dodging left and right, and at the same time swung the dark gold spear to sweep away the blood-red bone spurs that could not be avoided.

However, because those red bone spurs are too dense, it is impossible to block them all.

"Mixed position barrier!"

Su Mo really had no choice but to suddenly construct a mixed stance barrier to block in all directions.

As a result, a series of red lights bombarded the mixed-stance barrier, and the entire mixed-stance barrier shattered.

Su Mo spat out a mouthful of blood.

At this time, Caviser also seized this opportunity, controlling the Vi-generation biological mecha, the blood-red demon god, and the scarlet spear in his hand pierced through it.

"Death Shot!"

Su Mo's reaction speed was also extremely fast. He raised the black dragon claw of his left hand and grabbed the scarlet spear that pierced through it. It's a pity that Cavisher was too powerful.

The scarlet spear abruptly pierced out of the dragon's claw, pierced through the coat of Mad-Eye Reinhawk's stand, and pierced his chest, breaking through the bone armor, and part of the spear's head sank into it.

Viscous blood spattered out.

Su Mo felt the pain in his heart. He gritted his teeth and raised his head, staring at Cavisher with fierce eyes. The biological reaction of Crazy-Eye Reinhawk soared, he opened his mouth wide open, and accumulated a terrifying mixed beam of light, which bombarded Cavisher's body fiercely at close range!


The rays of light splashed in all directions, Cavisher's entire mecha was blasted out by the light beam, and the spear was also pulled out.

At this time, Yi Leisi was struggling to activate Qijuzi's regeneration ability.

The injured biological tissue inside the chest healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this time, the Creator Devourer also regained its strength, and the mixed stance coat was rebuilt, and the entire Mad-Eyes Rainhawk returned to its state in an instant.

Of course, Su Mo knew best whether he had fully recovered or not. Now he felt a dull ache all over his body.

Cavisor stared at Su Mo with gloomy eyes, his patience had reached its limit.

He has been blocked by Su Mo for too long.

So Cavisor controlled the mecha like a shell, and rushed towards Su Mo again, at such a high speed that he couldn't see clearly.

Su Mo also controlled Crazy-Eyed Ryan Hawk to raise the dark gold spear to block.


In an instant, Cavisher suppressed Su Mo and turned into a stream of light, which slammed into the meteorite floating in the starry sky.


Seeing that his life was threatened, Su Mo's suppressed emotions also broke out at this moment. With a low growl, anger, hatred, bloodthirsty and various emotions kept pouring into his head, and the negative energy in his body kept soaring, and endless power kept pouring out.

The entire Crazy-Eyes Reinhawk forcibly stabilized his body and stopped retreating.

At this time, the restraining ring on Su Mo's body was also shaking constantly, and it was faintly turned to the third gear.

The Creator Devourer and Eles issued a sharp warning to Su Mo at the same time.

"Restrain your emotions, don't over-activate negative energy, you are almost in third gear."

At this time, Su Mo, whose brain was filled with negative energy, suddenly woke up, and immediately replied: "I see."

However, with waking up, the negative energy also stopped pouring out infinitely.

Caviser then manipulated the mech to open its mouth, and a terrifying red beam blasted past.

Su Mo manipulated Crazy-Eyed Ryan Hawk to raise his left paw to block, and was immediately blasted away, and finally hit a huge meteorite, and then the entire meteorite exploded.

However, Caviser would not give Su Mo time to breathe. He frantically controlled the mecha and chased him, shouting with excitement on his face.

"go to hell!"

At this time, Su Mo raised his head with difficulty, gasped wildly, and slowly took a defensive posture.

However, at this moment, in the starry sky that was suddenly calm, a phantom suddenly appeared out of thin air, and then a long spear flashing with terrifying thunder light struck, instantly hitting the chest of the vi-generation biological mecha, the blood-red demon god.

In an instant, the coat of his position was torn open, and blood spattered out.

The attack of the entire vi-generation biological mecha, the blood-red demon god, was directly interrupted and turned aside.

Su Mo looked over in a daze for a moment, only to see Xia Weiya appearing driving the future envoy. One of the speed-of-light raids is not only extremely fast, but also extremely accurate.


"Little handsome guy, you can't do this, you've stolen the limelight. Catch it!"

Xia Weiya controlled the future envoy to retreat, and threw the Thunder God Spear in her hand to Su Mo.

Su Mo quickly caught Thor's Spear, looking at the Thunder God's Spear in his hand, he was overjoyed!

Isn't it easy to break his defense with this weapon?

"Hmph, spoil my good deed!"

After being knocked out, Caviser said angrily with scarlet eyes, and then just when he was about to control the mecha and prepare to fight back.

A hideous phantom appeared behind him.

I saw a height of more than 70 meters, a strange-shaped skeleton, covered with layers of thick blood-red armor, two pairs of dragonfly-like wings on the back, protruding biological tissues all over the body, and holding a giant hammer. The pinnacle armor appeared.

This mecha is none other than the v-generation biological mecha Bloodthirsty piloted by Barger.

He controlled the mecha to raise the sledgehammer, and slammed it on the Vi-generation biological mecha, the blood-red demon god.

Smash it hard and fly out.

Caviser felt a sharp pain, he turned his head and said gloomyly.


Just as Caviser was about to turn the body around to go mad, he saw streaks of streamers appearing around Cavisher in an instant.

It was none other than the Twelve Knights of the Royal Order Elu, the Twelve Knights of the Royal Order Moloch, the Twelve Knights of the Royal Order Lulio, and the Twelve Knights of the Royal Order Loren.

In an instant, Cavisher was directly surrounded by seven twelve knights of the Royal Order.

Su Mo's eyes lit up immediately, and he was full of confidence. It was really a turn of events.

Caviser turned his head and kept looking at each of his former companions, his face became more and more gloomy, and he laughed angrily.

"Okay, okay, since you want to die, I will fulfill you."

"Md is not sure who will die, I have already disliked you! You are a traitor!"

Barger replied domineeringly, and then controlled the V-generation biological mecha Bloodthirsty to explode. With a roar, the entire mecha rushed to Cavisher head-on and smashed it down with a hammer.

At this time, Ailu controlled the peak V-generation biological mech like a sapphire, the Azurite Apostle, and appeared on the left side of Caviser in a flash, and the ice-blue spear swept over fiercely.

At the same time, Lulio is controlling a V with gray armor covering his entire body, two gray particle light blades in his hands, a scorpion-like tail at the end, three gray eyeballs on his ugly head, and three pairs of mechanical wings on his back. The first-generation peak mecha-Sly Killer appeared on the right side of Caviser.

And Loren controls a forty-five-meter-tall armored armor that looks like an oil painting, holding a pair of black sharp blades, the peak V-generation biological mech Twister, and appears behind Caviser.

Moloch didn't stay idle either. He controlled an inconspicuous peak V-generation biological mech Shadow Killer holding a black blade, which appeared above Caviser's head.

Seeing this, Caviser's face suddenly changed, and he suddenly forcibly deployed the AT position barrier to block!


In an instant, the five Baggies erupted with an extremely terrifying aura, and their terrifying attacks hit their AT barrier fiercely, and each of their blows was not inferior to the attack of the fake 6th generation mecha.


In an instant, the entire stand barrier shattered like a mirror.

At this time, Su Mo and Xia Weiya moved at the same time. Xia Weiya controlled the future messenger to strike at the speed of light, and appeared in front of Cavisher in an instant, with the silver spear piercing the blood-red demon god.

Caviser immediately raised his left paw to block!

In the next second, Su Mo controlled Crazy-Eyed Rainhawk to appear out of thin air, and the Thunder God Spear in his hand flashed with dazzling thunder, and shot through it.

"Death attack!"


The entire Thor's Spear pierced through the blood-red apostle's coat and pierced into his chest.

Caviser wailed in pain, angrily controlled the blood-red demon god, and swept across like crazy.

However, Su Mo and the others immediately controlled the mecha, easily retreated, and all avoided the attack, nothing happened.

On the contrary, Cavisher was severely injured in one round.

In fact, all the members of the Twelve Knights of the Royal did not have a single opponent who was Caviser's opponent, and the mecha was not as good as him.

But everyone who can serve as the Twelve Knights of the Royal Order can at least fight vi-type monsters and enemies. Usually with the cooperation of two to three people, it can completely reach a vi-type enemy.

Caviser was besieged by seven people, and it was only a matter of time before he fell.

"Do you want to catch someone alive?"

Loren looked at Cavisher's mouth in a state of embarrassment, and asked relaxedly.

"Catch something, as a former teammate, send him on the road with dignity."

Xia Weiya said decisively, without any mercy.

When Su Mo heard this, the corners of his mouth kept twitching, but he also agreed.


ps: I'm sorry, I'm not in a good state today, my head hurts a bit, I'll add more tomorrow.

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