Plug-in Player

Chapter 1394: happy

The latest website: "No wonder the technology is so strong. The ruins of the Protoss are good things. The first conceived countries can be so strong. In addition to the support of the city of Star Ring, they also dig the ruins of the Protoss."

Tilo understood immediately.

"And this thing, how come I haven't encountered such a good thing, and I haven't dug it!"

Su Mo smiled wryly.

“Things like this are unavoidable.”

Tilo raised her head and replied with a smile.

"Well, I don't want that anymore."

Su Mo nodded slightly and said.


At the edge of the Red Mountain Range, Lan Xi and the others spread out and searched all around.

They have been searching for a few days, not to mention seeing the flowers of the magic moon, they haven't even seen a weed, and there is only endless silence.

Lan Xi was so tired that she couldn't stand still.

"Dr. Lan Xi, take a break."

Seeing this, Haimo said in a deep voice.

"No, I can handle it."

Lan Xi shook her head, her tone was tired but determined.

Haimo was silent for a few seconds before persuading Lan Xi.

"Or, let's go back and join the others, maybe they will find something."


Lan Xi hesitated, but finally agreed.

Seeing this, Haimo manipulated the mech to squat down, opened the cockpit, and Lanxi climbed up.

Seeing Lan Xi coming up, Haimo controlled the mecha and walked slowly towards the meeting point.

Lan Xi squatted next to the driver's seat, leaning her head against the driver's seat, and fell asleep in an instant.

Haimo glanced at the sleeping Lan Xi, and slowed down the speed.

When Lan Xi woke up, she was already at the meeting point, and everyone came back.

Lan Xi hurriedly asked immediately, "Did you find anything?"

"No, not at all, not at all."

Fenty shook her head and replied somewhat disappointed.

"Nor do we."

Everyone else sighed in response.

Fenty said to Lan Xi worriedly: "Lan Xi, could it be that the magic moon flower is the only survivor?"

Lan Xi shook her head and replied with certainty: "No, since I can find one, I can definitely find it."

"Since Dr. Lanxi is so sure, let's stay here for a while and search carefully. Even if we search the whole area, we must find it."

Wall is very supportive and said that no one is more eager than him to hope that Lan Xi can succeed.

You must know that the reason why Wall and the others wear collars around their necks is because the negative energy pollution in their bodies is extremely high, and there is a possibility of degeneration and mutation at any time.

"Lanxi, I know that you are eager to find more magic moon flowers, but you have to be prepared to be disappointed. Although the mecha is disturbed and cannot scan a large area, we have observed it in the sky. There is no grass growing in the continuous mountains, and it is already a miracle to find one."

Haimo said that he was not very optimistic.

Lan Xi became more silent when she heard Hai Mo's words.

Fenty sighed, she really wanted to comfort Lan Xi, but the reality is very skinny and cruel, what Haimo said is absolutely right.

But Lan Xi raised her head at this time and said firmly. ....

"I won't give up. Since we can't find it nearby, let's look forward. I believe we will find it. As long as we find a few plants, we can take them back and try to grow them ourselves."


Fenty and others said with encouragement.

"It's not too late, let's go."

Lan Xi said energetically.


Haimo and the others were also deeply infected by Lan Xi's persistence and drive.

So the crowd set out again, and he

They began to search along the edge of the mountain range and across the mountains.

Time passed little by little.

When Lan Xi and the others climbed up a mountain, they saw a huge rift across the mountain range. The rift was extremely deep, and there was gray gas at the bottom, and the end could not be seen with the naked eye.

Howling Hurricane rages through the Rift.

Lan Xi was a little unsteady at this moment, Hai Mo controlled the mecha to block Lan Xi, and said to him.

"Dr. Lan Xi, don't get too close to the rift. I took a look just now. The rift is super deep. I don't know if there is any monster hidden in it."


Lan Xi panted and nodded.

"Let's leave here and continue exploring."

Fenty also felt that it was not very safe here, especially when looking down the rift valley, he always felt that the huge rift valley looked like a beast with its **** mouth wide open.


Suddenly, Lan Xi's expression became tense, and she kept looking at the rift valley and the distant mountain peaks.

When everyone was puzzled, Lan Xi quickly groped around and took out a rubbing paper drawing.

She hastily opened the piece of paper, only to see that it was a rough map.

Lan Xi kept comparing the scene in front of her with the picture of the model lake on the map.

She said with a look of excitement on her slightly pale face: "The terrain here is a bit imaginative from this map rubbed from the protoss ruins. Maybe this is what we are looking for."

Fenty and others came over and took a closer look, and it seemed that they were indeed quite similar.

"It seems to be a bit like it."

"So is it possible that the reason why we can't find the magic moon flower is because the magic moon flower is not on the surface, but in the rift valley?"

Lan Xi said excitedly.

"It's too risky. Ceres' rift can't just go down casually. No one can guarantee that there will be monsters living under the rift. And you just saw how strong the hurricane is raging in that rift. It is impossible for plants to survive. "

Haifo couldn't help retorting.

"I want to give it a try. I know it's dangerous, but if I don't try it because of the danger and miss it, then I will be guilty for the rest of my life. Too many of our companions are suffering because of negative energy. If we can't solve it Negative energy pollution is not just our companions, even we will die sooner or later.”

Lan Xi said very firmly, there was no trace of timidity in her eyes, after such a long study of negative energy, she clearly realized one thing.

Although the current situation of the vast majority of people infected with negative energy pollution is stable, it is only because of the negative energy pollution suppressed by the genetic medicine and strength, but this does not mean that they have nothing to do.

Negative energy pollution is like tarsal gangrene, it always exists in the body, and one day it will erupt like a volcano. In other words, degeneration and mutation will happen sooner or later, no matter who it is.

" I'll take you down personally."

Haimo was finally persuaded by Lanxi.

"We'll go down with you."

Wall and Rocky echoed at the same time.

"In that case, let's go down and help explore."

Fenty and others also expressed their views.

"Thank you everyone."

Lan Xi bowed to Hai Mo and the others, and saluted.

"No, it should be us thanking you, because you let us see hope. To put it bluntly, in these years on Ceres, I have seen too many companions who died due to pollution. The sense of despair is what I linger on. A nightmare not to go."

Haimo was silent for a few seconds, then spoke slowly. .

false royal court

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