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Chapter 1398: hope

The latest website: Soon everyone moved quickly, and their hearts were filled with incomparable fear.

The accident happened so suddenly, it was heaven in one second and **** in the next.


On the other side, in a dark and oppressive crypt.

A group of figures leaned against the dirt wall.

Through the halo emitted by the dim fluorescent stone, one can clearly see the figure huddled here, including survivors of the Federation and people from major countries.

These people are none other than those who survived the Dark Twilight base.

However, at this time, they did not have much joy in the rest of their lives. Most of them had expressions of pain, numbness, fear, and despair on their faces.

At this point some distressed sounds can be heard, these sounds are those made by those who were injured.

Due to the lack of treatment, many wounded were lying on the ground, lost in lakes and lakes, life and death uncertain.

However, the companions beside him are powerless to change. Because they couldn't protect themselves, the vast majority of people here had chapped lips that were bleeding, their complexions were withered and yellow, and their spirits were a little lax.

The Dark Twilight Base fell earlier than other bases, and everyone was forced to flee, without carrying too many survival supplies in a hurry.

And hiding here is not necessarily safe, monsters appear almost every day in the passage extending from the crypt. There will always be people who die tragically, and no one can guarantee whether they will be discovered by high-level monsters in the next second. The shadow of death has always enveloped everyone.


In a corner, an exhausted non-commissioned officer said in despair.

"Lord Lin Ming, do we still have hope?"

"Hold on, we will definitely be able to wait for rescue."

Lin Ming said in a low voice.

"I feel like I can't take it anymore."

"Don't talk nonsense, trust me, I will definitely take you out alive.


Lin Ming gritted his teeth and said.


On the other side of the crypt, a commotion rose.

Dozens of people in third-generation mechanical armor were beaten and fell to the ground.

"Let go."

A burly man wearing a fourth-generation mechanical armor dragged a medical box and roared angrily.

"No, never, it's me..."

A thin and frail man hugged tightly, but did not let go.

"court death!"

The strong man kicked him and sent him flying.

"Brother Affis, are you alright?"

A companion beside him quickly got up and rushed towards the man who was kicked out.

Afes shook his head, climbed up with difficulty, stared angrily at the big man who snatched his things, and said.

"Give it back to us, it's the only supplies we have left, and our companions are still waiting to save their lives."

"Who can prove that this is your thing? This is clearly us."

The strong man in front of him said unreasonably.

"Fart, everyone can see clearly, Jakul, your actions are simply discrediting the Mech Empire."

Alfess yelled angrily.

"Who saw it?"

Jakul turned his head and glanced at the crowd watching.

The people watching nearby turned their heads away one after another. It is very common for the weak to prey on the strong, especially in this environment.

Coupled with the fact that the Skeleton Empire itself is strong and domineering, who would want to raise eyebrows.

Maybe I will suffer myself too.


Afeisi's eyes were bloodshot, and he said through gritted teeth.

"If you talk nonsense, I'll kill you all!"

Jakul said viciously, if it wasn't for fear of arousing the anger of the crowd, he would have thought about killing Afeis and telling him to shut up!

"Forget it, Brother Afes."

At this time, Afeisi's companions stepped forward to pull him.

Lin Ming in the corner looked at the scene in front of him, his brows were also furrowed.

At this time Li Cheng came over, he took out a nutrition bar, handed it to Lin Ming and said, "Brother, eat some, don't worry about those things. It's not like the two happened together, but fortunately, those guys are still restrained. No lives were lost."

"I'm not hungry, leave it to the brothers below,"

Lin Ming waved his hand and refused, and he did not refute Li Cheng's words. Although he couldn't understand this kind of thing very much, the situation of the brothers who followed him was also very bad. He would not put his brothers in danger for the sake of unrelated people.

You must know that among the surviving personnel here, the personnel from the Skeleton Empire and its allies are the strongest.

"Brother Lin Ming, just eat, you haven't eaten for a long time."

Li Cheng couldn't help persuading.

At this moment, there was a sudden abnormal movement from the external passage.

The person who had been guarding the passage immediately waved his hand and shouted in a low voice: "There is a situation!"

In an instant, everyone in the entire crypt drew their portable weapons one after another, nervously preparing to fight.

Lin Ming and some masters in the crypt rushed to the mechas on the side one after another, ready to activate the mechas to fight at any time.

At this moment, the movement became louder and louder, and the dull sound continued to come.

Everyone's nerves were tense, and they couldn't help swallowing.

Many people prayed silently, don't come here.

Suddenly, a pair of scarlet eyes emerged from the dark passage.

In an instant, everyone launched an attack one after another, and beams of light shot over.

As a result, those light beams were all blocked by the stand barrier, and the light splashed in all directions.

This one is like a praying mantis, covered with a special patterned carapace, with a ferocious head protruding from the top of the head, the whole mouth is full of sharp fangs, two blades shining with cold light, and a slender tail vertebrae. Appeared, his body exudes a terrifying aura.

"It's over! It's a V-shaped heroic alien!"

Someone in the crypt recognized it and shouted in despair.

Immediately, everyone felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy, but Lin Ming couldn't help frowning and froze in place.

At this moment, an abrupt voice sounded from behind the alien.

"Get out of the way, what are you doing in front?"

Su Mo said very displeased.

Then the terrifying alien hurried out of the way, and then Su Mo appeared in front of everyone.

For a moment, the scene became extremely silent, and everyone was stunned speechless.

Su Mo looked at the crowd in front of him, let out a long breath, and smiled.

"Finally found you."

"Su Mo!"

Everyone in the Federation was the first to burst into ecstatic shouts.

At this time, other survivors at the also showed surprise expressions, as if they had found support.

Lin Ming opened the cockpit at this time, jumped out of the mecha, and hugged Su Mo excitedly.

"Su Mo, why are you here?"

"It's not just me, the support troops are here, but it's really hard to find you guys hiding here!"

Su Mo said with a smile.

As soon as the voice fell, there was a movement from the passage behind Su Mo, and search and rescue personnel from various countries followed.

Among them were Lin Yaotian and others.

"Lin Ming!"

Lin Yaotian shouted happily.


When Lin Ming saw Lin Yaotian, his eyes immediately became moist.

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