Plug-in Player

Chapter 163: sneak attack

"It's not that I have to give up, but there is no choice. The enemy is not monsters without IQ. It is too easy for them to destroy the defensive barriers. If they continue to hold on, they will be double-attacked and eventually destroyed. Sometimes retreating does not mean Instead of giving up, they are looking for a new fighting space."



After a while, the defending players on the barrier began to retreat in a very orderly manner after receiving the order.

They didn't panic at all, and even when they were retreating, they didn't forget to turn their heads and fire at some chasing monsters.

Some heavy firepower points directly gave up the evacuation and covered the team to leave.

On the other hand, players in each production area received the evacuation order, and immediately began to evacuate in an orderly manner with the most important portable supplies.

They have no fear and fear, and there is no disorder in the order, which is completely different from other players.

"Quick, quick!"

Zhao Ding shouted to his companions while driving the green shield mecha, while shooting at distant monsters.

"Captain Zhao Ding, no, the production players haven't completely withdrawn, those monsters are keeping up too fast!"

At this time, a team member drove a green shield mecha and rushed over to report.

"Order the sixth mecha brigade and the third elite combat squadron to suspend their retreat. To block the incoming monsters, order them to block for half an hour!"



In the distance on the sea, Kawakami looked through the telescope and looked at the fallen fortress defense line.

There was a very proud look on his face.

"But so! (Translation

"Kawakami-sama, what should we do now? The opponent's defense has been defeated. But it is still stubbornly resisting, and it is estimated that it will not be destroyed so easily. (Translation

"Don't worry, let those monsters kill each other with them, and we will harvest them later! (Translation

"Master Kawakami is wise!"


At this moment, on the periphery of the Kawakami fleet, the Helan, whose hull was still braving Mars, appeared.

In the control room, Qianchengxue, Su Mo and others gathered together.

They looked very serious, and they were about to arrive at Sea Breeze Island. The problem was that there were a large number of ships on the periphery of Sea Breeze Island scanned by the radar.

Through the optical viewing device, Ziqing and the others captured each other's images and flags.

Now it is clear that the super large ship is not a companion at all, it should be the Amaterasu Guild, and its purpose is very clear to compete for Haifeng Island.

"With so many building groups, how do we fight? It's not easy to fight during a complete victory period."

Lin Zino said with a headache.

"Then what should I do, I can't watch them fight Sea Breeze Island there."

Sun Li was also helpless.

"The problem is that if we go up to fight like this, we will die."

Lin Zinuo replied with a sigh.

At this time, Zhang Wenjing opened his mouth to report: "Sister Xue, Ye Wei and the others sent a message asking why we stopped and whether there was an enemy attack."

"Tell them that there is no enemy attack, and rest in place."

Qianchengxue answered lightly.


Zhang Wenjing nodded in response.

"What do you do now?"

Everyone present said with a headache.

At this moment, Su Mo suddenly said: "It's not completely impossible, in fact, if we are willing to fight, we will definitely win, it depends on whether we are willing to give up."


Everyone present looked at Su Mo in astonishment.

Qianchengxue turned to look at Su Mo.

"you say."

"You may have forgotten that there is a hole card on the Helan, the Deep Blue Messenger Type 07 strategic nuclear torpedo (10w ton equivalent). The opponent's fleet is highly concentrated, and it can be done in one pot. The nuclear torpedo explosion can destroy all the ships in the center. Even if the other ships are not destroyed, the huge shock wave is enough to set off a small tsunami, overturn all their ships, and shock everyone inside."

Su Mo explained.

Hearing this, Zi Qing and others fell silent.

It's not that they haven't thought about this plan, but the price is too high. This is their trump card, so no one dares to mention this to Qian Chengxue.

Everyone looked at Qianchengxue.

Qianchengxue was silent for a few seconds, then raised her head and said with a firm look.

"Just do it, kill them."

Hearing Qianchengxue's words, Ziqing and the others immediately became excited.


"It's our turn to stab their ass."

This is simply the best chance for revenge!

As soon as she said it, Ziqing began to quickly enter complex instructions!

I saw a prompt popped up on the operation screen: "Whether to lift the maximum weapon restriction!"


"Please re-verify your password...."


"Deep Blue Messenger Type 07 Strategic Nuclear Torpedo Safety Device Released!"

"Hint: Deep Blue Messenger Type 07 strategic nuclear torpedo is in place..."


Ziqing nervously checked the launch coordinates. The dark blue messenger 07 strategic nuclear torpedo has a super long range, so there is no need for the Helan to be used close to it.

And the dark blue messenger 07 type strategic nuclear torpedo is made of special stealth nanomaterials, which is extremely concealed!

So basically unlikely to be found.

Soon Ziqing finished adjusting everything.

A prompt box pops up.


Zi Qing and the others stepped aside and left the final operation to Qian Chengxue.

Qianchengxue didn't hesitate, she went straight up, and simply pressed the launch button neatly!


In the deep sea, an inconspicuous blue torpedo shot out and moved towards the fleet of Kawakami.

Lin Zinuo said excitedly to Ziqing.

"Ziqing, bring the optical image closer, let's see this exciting scene! Those **** are going to have bad luck."


Ziqing is also looking forward to it.

She zoomed in on the optical image, and thanks to the fact that Kawakami's fleet was almost still, it was very easy to capture.

Everyone excitedly looked at the radar, which showed the green dot that was launched, and the green dot was getting closer and closer to the red dots.

Finally, in the expectation of everyone, the green dot arrived at the center of the red dot.

The next second to capture the optical image screen, a huge water mushroom rose from the sea and instantly turned into a vast expanse of white, super dazzling!




In addition to being shocked, Lin Zinuo and others shouted excitedly.

On the outskirts of Haifeng Island in the distance, a huge mushroom cloud rose from the sea!

Instantly devoured Kawakami's fleet.


On Haifeng Island, Zhao Ding and others, who were organizing a retreat, were also taken aback by this sudden change. They stared at the mushroom cloud rising from the sea in the distance, speechless for a long time.

Immediately afterwards, a tsunami and shock hit, but due to the sea water and distance, the power has become very weak, and it just makes everyone turn their backs.


"Quick~ Avoid!"

The water cup placed in the center of the Sea Breeze Island Center Base room vibrated violently.

At the same time, there was a huge explosion sound.

"What happened."

Xiao Wen asked with a heavy heart.

The adjutant next to him was also a little confused, and he quickly replied.

"I don't know, I'll go and ask."

"Go quickly..."


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