Plug-in Player

Chapter 325: absorb

"Plug-level player(

"Who is sleeping, I'm not thinking of any way to throw the nuclear mine in."

Su Mo complained angrily.

"Then have you figured it out?"

"You are my god. If you think about it, think about it. The defense of the high mountain fortress is so strict, you can't get close to it, and you can't pass the sky. What can you do?"

Su Mo complained angrily.

"Haha, there are times when you are in trouble. Okay, don't make trouble with you, don't embarrass yourself, attacking the high mountain fortress city is a last resort, and it is impossible to succeed."

"Not necessarily, it's up to people."

"Come on, stop dreaming, with our strength and no weapons, it's very difficult to even get close. It's unrealistic to fly over from the sky. I've seen it all. You and Sister Xue drove the third-generation mecha and slammed down as soon as they took off. Now, is it possible that you can still drill through the ground?"

Lin Zinuo comforted Su Mo with a smile. She has been observing him all day, and this guy has been thinking hard about it.

Su Mo was stunned when he heard Lin Zinuo's words.

Drill through the ground?

"Hello? Why didn't you speak?"

Lin Zinuo stretched out his hand and shook it in Su Mo's eyes.

Su Mo grabbed Lin Zinuo's hand with one hand, with a hint of excitement on his face: "Thank you."

Lin Zinuo's pale cheeks suddenly rose to two blushes, and she was a little overwhelmed for a while.

"What nonsense are you talking about, thank me for nothing."

"Let's talk to you later."

Su Mo stood up and walked towards the command car.

Soon he came to the command car and saw Lin Yue standing alone in front of the car door, probably letting out the wind.

"Mr. Su Mo, why are you here?"

"I'm here to find Commander Xiaowen."


"What's the matter, what happened?"

"Commander Xiao Wen and General Chen Shan are persuading Qian Chengxue to evacuate."


Su Mo was also slightly surprised.

"I don't want you to sacrifice in vain, there is really no chance of winning, why don't you go in and have a look."

Lin Yue hesitated and told Su Mo the truth.

Su Mo pushed open the car door and walked in.

I saw that the atmosphere in the temporary command room was extremely heavy.

It could be seen that the conversation between the three was not going well, Qian Chengxue still insisted on her own opinion and was unwilling to evacuate alone.

Chen Shan also smiled bitterly while standing aside.

At this time, when they saw Su Mo coming in, they turned to look at him.

Su Mo coughed and said, "I figured out a way."

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Wen and the three asked in surprise.

"any solution."

"The earth method, dig tunnels, and send the nuclear mine into the high mountain fortress city to detonate."

Su Mo didn't hide it and say it directly.

After listening to Su Mo's words, Xiao Wen quickly measured and thought, and his eyes lit up.


"Oh! As expected of Brother Su Mo, you are too smart."

Chen Shan's mouth couldn't close.

"But it still needs to be improved."

Xiaowen continued.

"how to do."

Qianchengxue asked Xiao Wen curiously.

"Just dig tunnels, the other side is easy to detect, so my idea is very simple, the troops are divided into two groups, all the way to dig from the front of the city of high mountain fortresses, which is the direction we hit before, the fortresses and mines along the way in that direction, basically It is almost destroyed on the top. Then we continue to attack from the side to fight the opponent, which has two advantages. On the one hand, it attracts the attention of the opponent, and on the other hand, it makes noise, so that the digging hole will not be found. Also Yes, during this period, you should also pay special attention to the other party's drone reconnaissance, and once you find it, you must shoot it down as soon as possible."

Xiao Wen speaks his mind.

"Okay, just do it."

Qianchengxue agreed and replied.

"I'll leave the digging to Chen Shan. Su Mo and Qianchengxue must appear on the battlefield. If you don't see a trace, the old fox on the opposite side will definitely be suspicious."

Xiao Wen began to arrange.

"no problem."

Su Mo and several others responded.


In the Alpine Fortress City, Fizart was drinking wine leisurely, and he was in a good mood.

Because he easily let those guys go back, no matter how powerful opponents are, they have to retreat in front of him.

Just then, there was a roaring explosion in the distance.

Fizart frowned and shouted.


The door was pushed open and Adjutant Vardy walked in.


"The gang started attacking again?"

"Yes, they attacked from the other side, but the attack was not very strong, and the speed was slowed down."

Wadi respectful reporting.

"Keep an eye on them, and notify me as soon as there is anything unusual."


Vardy was about to leave after speaking.

Suddenly, Fizart suddenly shouted: "Wait a minute, have those two third-generation mechas participated in the battle?"

"When we entered the war, we just focused on those two mechas. If anyone has the most hope of sending nuclear mines into the city, it must be the two third-generation mechas. And one of them has been equipped with nuclear mines. already."

Vardy was slightly startled, and then immediately replied.

"Well done, a group of bereaved dogs, they only have one or two methods at their disposal. As long as we pay attention, they have absolutely nothing to do with us."

Fizart replied with extreme confidence.

Seven days later, Su Mo and Qianchengxue drove the mecha and bombarded the steel bunker in the suburbs from a distance.

After a lot of effort, they successfully blasted it into slag.

The soldiers who followed Su Mo and the others were also at a very long distance and kept shooting at the enemy. The firepower is fierce and fierce, not fierce but not bad.

On the observation deck in the city of Alpine Fortress, Fizat has been watching the battle in the suburbs with an optical telescope.

He frowned.

"How many days has it been?"

"It's the seventh day."

Vardy replied immediately.

"What are these people trying to do? Attacking for seven days in a row, and they don't have to go all out."

Fizart also had a suspicious look on his face.

"General, it is estimated that the other party wants to constantly challenge our patience, so that we can't help but go out to clean them up. If the hardness is not enough, we want to attack our hearts."

Vardy quickly explained.

"Hmph, thought this little trick would work for me? Is there anything in return from the drone and the reconnaissance team?"

Fizart did not forget to ask one more question.

"Not yet. The other party is very vigilant and it is difficult to get close."

"Then send more points out to investigate!"


"By the way, tell the brothers below to be 12 points of energy, just spend it with them like this, send as many people as you lose, no more or less, see who can consume more!"



At this time, in the dark underground, Chen Shan took a group of captains wearing mechanical individual armors and tools temporarily assembled by the mechanic to dig the tunnel frantically.

They basically work 24/7 never stop.

"Come on! Don't stop!"

Chen Shan buried his head in digging and kept cheering for his companions.

"Yes, General!"

The subordinates beside them gathered their strength, digging hard, and reinforcing them along the way.

Soon a cart of dirt was transported out, and of course the dirt was professionally disposed of by the logistics staff.

At the back of the battlefield, Xiao Wen kept his hands behind his back and kept an eye on the conflict to prevent any sudden changes.

After all, it has come to an extraordinary time.

Lin Yue walked to Xiao Wen's side at this time and whispered: "Chen Shan and the others have dug near the city wall of the high mountain fortress, and almost three-quarters of the progress has been completed."

After Xiao Wen finished listening, he picked up the communicator and told Su Mo and Qian Chengxue.

"Push the battlefield forward a little, don't be too abrupt."

"Rest assured, we know what to do."

Su Mo replied seriously.

"Good! Thank you for your hard work."

Sean sincerely thanked Su Mo and Qian Chengxue for staring at him during this time. Especially Su Mo, he played the longest time, Qianchengxue played relatively less time, it is said that her mecha has great side effects.


Su Mo responded to play, and then increased the speed of the operation, and the offensive power of the Killing Blade gradually became stronger.

Soon one by one, the fixed-point fortresses began to be pulled down.

Troops start moving forward!

On the observation deck in the center of the high mountain fortress, Wadi Hui reported: "General Fizat, the other side has accelerated."

"I saw that the speed of advancement is still not fast. What are these guys trying to do? Is it possible that they are waiting for reinforcements?"

Thinking of this, Fizart shook his head, the idea was ridiculous. This is their hinterland. There are reinforcements, and it is also his own reinforcements, but he always feels that something is wrong.

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